Status: complete

As Bizarre as It Gets

Whispering a Wordless Prayer

Headache. A splitting headache. That was my first thought when I'd woken up, even before I opened my eyes. I rolled over and burried my face in the pillow. All I wanted was to sleep off the horrible headache and make sure it was nothing but a bad dream. The bed was so soft and comfortable. The pillow had the pleasant scent of hairspray. Wait a second. I don't use hairspray! My eyes shot open to see I was facing a wall covered with posters. It was too dark to recognize any faces on them but I never put any posters up in my room anyway. I sat up and looked around, scared out of my mind. Where the hell was I?

''You're awake,'' a quiet voice came from somewhere in the room.

My eyes still scanned the darkness in panic. I heard shuffling and then a dim light spilled through the room.

''Oh, it's you. Thank gods,'' I said and put a hand over my face.

''It's good to see you're awake. You got us a little worried, you know,'' Kiro said and sat down on a chair that was next to the bed. He was wearing a band t-shirt and boxer shorts.

As I was sitting there, I felt cold. It gave me goosebumps so I pulled my knees up and the covers closer to my bare shoulders. And why was I wearing my strapless bra?

''We got you out of that corset,'' he said like he could read my mind.

''Us girls don't mind suffering to look good'' I explained, ''You're cold, aren't you?''

Before he could answer, I scooted closer to the wall and lifted the cover to invite him into his own bed. He lay next to me, some five inches away. We were just staring at the ceiling for a minute or so.

''I'm sorry for this inconvenience. What happened, anyway?'' I asked.

''You fainted at the club. Shin called me on the cell phone and said you fainted in the booth and weren't waking up. We carried you outside, hoping the fresh air would snap you back, but it didn't. Soon it got colder and it started to rain. Luminor went home and the rest of us got into my car. We went all the way to the suburbs to drop Shin off and then we came here. Strify, Yu and I live here. By the way, we arrived, like, only an hour ago. Lumi called and asked if you woke up. As I said, you gave us a little scare.''

''Fuck! My aunt must be worried out of her mind,'' I said and sat up.

''Relax. We called and explained you fell asleep in the car but we didn't drive you all the way home because the streets are slippery from the rain. She knows where you are,'' he said and pulled me back down by the shoulder.

''I don't know how to thank you. Any other group of guys would either call me a cab or just leave me there.''

''Well, we're not just any guys.''

Another light illuminated the ceiling, accompanied by a humming sound. He picked up his cell phone that was on the floor and started reading a message. Light from the display blinded us both.

''It's Shin. He wants to know if you're awake. Poor guy. He's never had a girl faint in his arms before. He thought you were dying or something. First all of us had to explain to him that you don't need to have your stomach pumped out. Then it took us a few minutes to get him out of the car when we got to his house.''

''Shit. I scared him to death.''

''Yeah. He was constantly checking if you were breathing, the entire ride from the club.''

''I feel so horrible about this. But it's funny in a way.''

''It is,'' he said and laughed quietly.

''I didn't drink that much but I forgot to have dinner. Now, there's a lesson learned.''

''Strify says we shoud call you Miss Vodka from now on.''

''Please, don't.''

''Don't take it personally. He's got about ten different nicknames for me.''

''You're not gonna let me forget this.''

''Exactly, Miss Vodka.''

''Shut up,'' I said and slapped his arm playfully.

''You shut up,'' he said and slapped my arm in return.

''No, you shut up,'' I said and propped myself on one elbow, threatening to slap him on his face (I wasn't really gonna do it).

''Oh, you wanna play rough, do you?'' he asked and lifted a stuffed toy from the floor. He threw it in my face. I didn't see that one coming so I screamed.

''Be quiet, you'll wake the guys up,'' he whispered quickly.

''You have no business throwing this... monkey at me,'' I defended myself and threw the toy back at him.

He caught it before it hit him and said: ''You have no business slapping me.''

''I wasn't really gonna slap you.''

''How would I know that? As far as I know, this is what's going on: You faint, I help you out, you want to beat me up. Crazy woman.''

I stared at him speechless. He started laughing at the angry expression on my face.

''That's it, I'm turning my back on you,'' I said, pretending I really was pissed off, and turned towards the wall.

Now, when it wasn't dark anymore, I could see the posters on the wall. There were many with some Japanese guys who looked like punk rockers. Some looked more dark and gothy. 'That must be how Asians do black and death metal,' I explained to myself. There was a movie poster of The Ring. I loved The Ring. A couple of pretty cool drawings. I wondered if Kiro drew those himself. And there was one t.A.T.u poster right if front of my face. It sort of didn't fit with the other things.

''Oh, and just so you know, I wouldn't have fainted if YOU hadn't made me drink that vodka,'' I whispered.

This time I didn't get a smart comeback. I turned around slowly. He was asleep. All night I watched him being hyper so this was strange. His eyes were closed and he was completely relaxed. I asked myself if he wandered off into a soothing dream.

The dawn was breaking outside, gloomy blue light was coming in through the window, making his face look almost unreal. He looked like a doll. I snuggled a little closer to him and I could smell that hairspray again, along with a perfume I couldn't recognize. It was sweet and refreshing at the same time, and suddenly my heart was beating so loud I could hardly hear thunder coming from outside. The rain started pouring again, drumming quietly against the window. It cradled me back to sleep.


When I woke up, I was alone in bed and Sun was high up, letting me know it was probably about ten thirty. I so didn't feel like getting up and facing all three of them. The bedroom door slowly opened and Strify looked at me curiously.

''Hey there, sleeping beauty. I brought you a t-shirt so you don't have to go back into the corset,'' he said and put a neatly folded t-shirt on the bed.

''Sleeping Beauty? I thought my name was Miss Vodka,'' I joked.

''We'll call you any way you want. If you really like it, we can call you Miss Vodka. Or maybe Vodka Beauty?''

''How about just Carly?''

''Ok, 'Just Carly'. Put your clothes on and come to the kitchen. You gotta have some breakfast.''

He went out and I put my clothes on. The t-shirt he gave me had a picture of some Asian guy with bright yellow hair and white contact lenses. Next to my clothes was my purse. I felt butterflies in my stomach when I was getting my cell phone out. It said I had six unanswered calls from my aunt and uncle. Returning to their apartment suddenly felt like facing the guillotine. I shook off the feeling and bravely marched into the living room.

Strify and Kiro were sitting at the table. Strify was eating a banana. Kiro had a bowl of cereal in front of himself.

''Good morning once more, boys.''

''Good morning, Vodka Beauty,'' they said in unison.

''I think 'Beauty' is not the word we're looking for right now. Please, tell me where the bathroom is,'' I said, aware of what I probably looked like.

''Over there,'' Strify said and glanced at a door.

When I saw myself in the mirror, I almost screamed. I had a bit of smeared lipstick on my lips, and my mascara and eyeshadow made me look like a fuckin' panda bear. I looked like trash.

I splashed some cold water on my face and rinsed my mouth with a mouthwash I found on the bathroom sink. Then I started looking for makeup remover wipes. I couldn't find them.

''Are you alright in there, Carly?'' I heard Strify shout.

''I'm looking for makeup remover wipes!'' I shouted back.

Kiro walked in and and opened the only drawer in the in the bathroom I hadn't checked.

''There you go,'' he said and handed me a pack of wipes.

I took a better look at him and noticed he also had some smeared makeup on his face.

''Hold on, you've got some of it too,'' I said and put a towell on the edge of a tub.

''Have a seat,'' I added.

He sat down and I strated wiping the makeup off of his face. There turned out to be more than I had thought.

''How much foundation do you actually put on your face?'' I asked, not believing how orange the wipe in my hand got.

''I put most of it under my eyes. I'm trying not to look as sleepy as I usually am.''

''I know what you mean. You're lucky you don't have big eyes like me. When I have dark circles under the eyes, they cover most of my face and all the makeup in the world couldn't hide them.''

He laughed.

''Close your eyes,'' I said and started wiping off the leftover mascara.

When I was done, he opened his eyes and examined my face like he'd never seen it before.
''You wear a lot of foundation too,'' he commented.

At that moment I realized how close we were to each other. The moment took over me so I leaned two more inches and kissed his cheek softly.

''I-I'm sorry, Carly,'' he said and slowly pushed me away.

''No. I'm the one who should be apologizing for my behaviour. Again,'' I said and walked towards the door.

Before I touched the doorknob, I turned around and said: ''No hard feelings, right?''

He just shook his head and continued looking at the floor.

I went back to his room to take my purse and the corset. Then I went to say goodbye to Strify who was still in the kitchen. He was sitting at the table, stirring a cup of cappuccino.

''I'll be going now. Thank you so much for everything, but I can't stay for breakfast,'' I explained.

''Then sit down and I'll make you a cappuccino.''

''I'm sorry, I can't stay,'' I said and headed towards what was obviously the main door.
''But all your makeup is still on and it's pretty much everywhere,'' he said and followed me.

I opened the door and turned around to say: ''Please, understand that I have to go. I'll give you back your t-shirt, I promise.''

''Ok. I'll send you a text message so you'll have my number. You're not angry about anything, I hope? We were just joking about the nckname.''

''Of course. Bye, Strify,'' I said and walked down the hall.

''Bye, Carly. And I'll call you so you can tell me what the problem is!'' he shouted after me.

I went into the elevator and suddenly I was outside on the sidewalk. It wasn't raining anymore but the street was wet and the air was damp. I looked to the left. I looked to the right. Damn it. I didn't bring the map of the city with me. I decided I'd just go left. I was walking for only twenty seconds or so when I saw Yu walking towards me.

''Hey, Carly,'' he said and stopped walking.

I stopped too.

''Hey. How do I get home from here?''

He smiled and explained: ''Keep walking. Some seventy meters from here is a bus stop. Get on the first bus that comes along. After one or two stops you'll know where you are.''

''Are you sure?''

''Yeah. This is a well known part of town. I'm sure you've been to this neigbourhood before.''

''Alright. I'm gonna trust you on that one. See ya, '' I said and wanted to walk away.

''Carly...'' he stopped me.


''Are you alright? I mean... Last night I was carrying your lifeless body out of the club. I just want to know you're alright.''

''I'm fine. And I was very lucky to have you guys around.''

''We're gonna throw a party next Saturday. You wanna come?''

''I don't know. Next Saturday seems like it's a century away.''

''Just keep it in mind.''

''Ok. Bye.''

''Take care, Carly.''

I continued walking. So many things had happened in the last twelve hours, my mind was racing like crazy. I sat down at the bus stop and lit a cigarette. I was hungry, and thirsty, and needed a shower, and I had a horrible hangover.

'Carly, you stupid, stupid girl,' I said to myself. But I spoke too soon. At that time I didn't know it was all a long way from over.