Saving Anezmae

Chapter 2

My mom looked me up and down, “I was going to ask you why it took you so long…but now I see why.” I gave her my truest “fake” smile, and like everyone else she fell head first for it. I jabbed my thumb towards our wash room. She waved me off, “Go right ahead, you look like you need it.” I smiled a weak smile, that completely gave me away, I just hoped she didn’t notice anything was amiss. I walked to the I returned to the house, with enough wood to last a year. My mother looked bathroom, filled the wooden, bowl shaped tub with warm, steaming water, peeled off my clothes, and slowly got in. as I lay in the tub I began to recollect all the memories I had. The good, the days when my mom and dad loved each other, and we were one big happy family; the bad, when my father left us stranded, to fend for ourselves; and the all famous ugly, the present…hungry, poor, secluded, and miserable. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to be alive, to breathe, to run, to read and write. I’m so thankful that I have a loving mother, I’m grateful for all the things I have, I’m just sad because, well…this is my last night with her, for what I know will be long while. So I ducked my head under the water, and concentrated on the small bubbles the rose from my nose, and that popped at the surface.
About thirty minutes passed before I was dressed in my pajama’s, and standing outside the washroom opening. My mom was waiting there for me. “Is there something you’d like to tell me?” she asked with probing eyes.
“No,” I squeaked out, in a voice an octave above my usual one.
“Oh really?” worry written across her pretty face. I nodded in response, afraid that my voice may further give me away. She arched her right eyebrow, “Okay then, how about this for a question; Why are you lying to me?” I darted my eyes down to my twiddling fingers. “Mom, I just really don’t want to talk about it. I’m really sorry I lied, I just don’t want you to worry about something unimportant.”
“Now you know that when you lie that makes me worry more. Makes me think you’re hiding something from me for some reason, or another. And in this case you are. Now what could possibly be bothering you so badly, that you think you can’t speak to your own mother about it?”
“Nothing, it’s stupid. I just really don’t want to talk about it, okay? I’ll tell you eventually, just not right now…” I trailed off, she looked at me quizzically, and pursed her lips together, before giving me a tight nod and saying, “Ok, I guess I can wait. You will tell me soon, though?”
“Don’t I always tell you everything?”
“Yes, but-”
“Then I promise that I am.” I smiled at her now, a true one, for her sake, and mine. She smiled back, and shrugged, “Dinner’s ready kid, so come on lets eat!” I let out a small laugh, and followed her to the kitchen to eat. The night came around pretty quickly, and soon I was off to bed, to feign my sleeping. After I heard the pitter patter of her feet pass my bedroom, I grabbed a pen and piece of paper. I promised I’d tell her soon, and besides, it’s only fair. I started writing my letter to her, it went like this: “Dear mom,
I want you to know that I’m not running away. I’ll be back soon. I love you, I hope you know that with the deepest fibers of your heart. I’m not leaving because I want to, only because as crazy as this sounds, I have to save Anezmae. I know, insane right? I mean ME of all people. I don’t even know how I’m going to do it. You’re probably wondering how I know why I am…well remember awhile back, when I told you about the mysterious lady with shocking eyes in my dream? Well, the dream kept recurring, and I met her for the first time today, while I was gathering wood. I know you probably will kill me when you see me next time, especially since I’m choosing to run away with some complete stranger. Heck, I’d kill me too.” tears started to run from my eyes, down to the tip of my nose, and drip on the paper, with a deep shuddering breath, I continued, “I love you mom, so much. I’m going to miss waking up to the smell of your delicious breakfasts every morning, and well, everything. I’m going to miss everything about you and our home. Thank you for everything. I have to go now, I can feel it. Bye mom…
With love always,
I grabbed a bag filled it with the few raggedy clothes I owned, threw it over my shoulder, and jumped out my bedroom window. I ran with as much force as I could with my short legs, straight into the abyss that was the night, into the forest. And so my journey has begun.
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two updates!