Saving Anezmae

Chapter 7

“Oh, joy..” I mumbled.
Several weeks passed as we continued to move ever so slowly across Anezmae, ceaselessly training during the day, and traveling by night. Alaeya wasn’t much of a talker as I had come to learn. She spoke only when she absolutely had to, like during physical, and magical training. I, on the other hand, was quite different. Even though I don’t talk as much as I once did, I still enjoyed speaking my mind. This prompted one of Alaeya’s rare talks. “Melody, you realize that speaking your mind isn’t always wise, especially in battle.” Just like that, she had said it in the complete blue, “And talking out loud randomly is scary…especially when it comes from you.” she gave me a quick glare, for interrupting her, completely dismissing what I said. “You need to know what is the appropriate time for speaking out, and when it’s better to keep your thoughts shrouded in secrecy.” I nodded, understanding her concern. “When should I speak then?” she thought to herself for a moment. “When you are spoken to, when you need to lead an army of men, elves, dwarves, or any other ally you have, when talking to your advisors, those types of things.”
“I don’t like to be pushed around, or stepped on..” she looked at me, and arched a perfect eyebrow. “knowing when to speak, and when you should not, does not make you seem vulnerable, you can secrete power with silence, often more than with words.” I didn’t say anything, “Besides that, you are a very headstrong girl, it would be difficult for one, even with immense strength, to overpower you. I’m afraid you’re too stubborn.” she added with a smile. I smiled warmly back to her, when she abruptly stopped. “Stay close behind me, Melody.” she whispered, slight nervousness making her voice waver, ever so slightly. Remembering what I had learned from training, I used my mind’s eye to look at the forest around me in a three hundred sixty degree view. I heard Alaeya muttered a quick spell, and at that same time I felt a pressure in my skull. Bracing myself for a mental attack of some kind, I attempted to push it back. “It’s me,” Alaeya whispered. I instantly let her infiltrate my mind. “We will communicate this way until I say not to, do you understand?” I did a quick nod. Feeling my inner fear, she said, “Think of this as another lesson, remember what I’ve taught you, to get out of this, we’ll need to work together.” I muttered a spell Alaeya had taught me to further disguise ourselves, in English it would be called, “the Vanishing of Threads.” it’s an intermediate type spell, (my magic ability had increased quite a bit.) it made you invisible to the eye, concealing all shadows, and traces of the one wielding the spell. I instantly felt a pinch of energy drained from me. Remembering what Alaeya had warned me of, made me unconsciously shiver..
~5 weeks ago~
“Have you ever heard of alchemy?”
“If you don’t have the power to carry out an alchemists spell, the magic itself will rob you of something of equal value in exchange. I’ve seen magicians’, loose a limb, or two, because of this, more often though, I’ve seen creatures of magic loose their lives, in the most unpleasant of ways.”
“What do you mean by unpleasant?”
“Their eyes will glaze over and open wide, seemingly seeing beyond anything on this world, they all have terror stricken faces, their mouths twisted and hand gnarled in fear. Cold sweat will spring up on their faces, and their knuckles will turn creamy white. Body will be board stiff, and then the screams-” she shook her head, “the terrible screams…one of the worst things to witness…”
“Compose yourself, Melody!” she screamed my head, the words bouncing around in my head.
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sorry for the lack of updates, luckily this week is spring break, so maybe I'll be able to get out a couple more chapters.