Saving Anezmae

Chapter 8

I shuddered, “I’m okay,” I whispered in my mind.
“You don’t have any other option than to be relaxed in this situation, do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Think about it, when you are face to face with terr-” She was interrupted by a hit to her side. “I have to focus in order to win, run Melody, RUN!” She screamed in my head. Her words triggered my feet to move, at a rather swift speed. I didn’t know where to go, not really, anyway. I didn’t really care, as well. In the background I heard the clangs of metal against metal. In my mind I could see Alaeya slashing her opponent with a calm, quiet grace. That image however, was abruptly changed when I heard a high pitch scream fill the air. “Melody…” a weak voice rang in my head. “Yes?”
“Go to him.”
“Go to who, Alaeya?”
“Jared, he will further instruct you.”
“But you’re supposed to teach me!”
“Not if I’m dead.” the terror fully settled in when she said those final words. If they managed to kill her, they’d come after me…and if they could kill her, they could most definitely kill me. So I ran, and I ran. I whizzed by oak after oak, bush after bush. I flailed by every creature, they all looked at me quizzically, their dark beady eyes boring onto my back. I kept running, past exhaustion, using the instinct of survival to guide me. And even though the huffing I made, and the crunching beneath my feet was loud and clear, the screaming in my head was louder, drowning everything else out. Was she okay? Was she seriously hurt? Was she taken captive? Who was Jared? How would I find this man? Does he know who I am, somehow? Was she being tortured? More importantly is was she still alive? Sweat poured out every pore in my body, anxiousness driving me forward. I ended up pushing through a wall of thorns, where I was revealed a place of tranquility. Before me stood a waterfall, with water as clear as day. The grass was lush, and bright green. Lightning bugs hovered on the air. In the middle of it all was a lady. She had light blue hair, and silver eyes, with translucent skin. She was singing softy, while stroking her hair. After a moment she noticed me staring at her. “Why do you look at me like I’m some kind of freak? Haven’t you heard of a water nymph before?” I stood there, motionless, uttering not a single word. “Well?” she asked, impatient.
“In story books.” she blinked once, and began to laugh hysterically.
“Really, you humans are so silly.” she strolled over to me, looked me up and down, and clucked her tongue. “Well, I’d offer you my hand, but you stink, and you’re drenched in sweat. So, I believe I’ll pass. However, I will give you permission to bathe in my pool, and then join me for some food.” I tilted my head, “Um…okay?” she nodded her head once, before disappearing. Not wanting to be rude, I peeled of my clothes, and laid them beside the edge of the small pond, and walked right in. I was instantly surprised by the warmth of the water. Attempting to forget my troubles, even for a moment, I tried to relax. Closing my eyes I smelled the faint smell of soap to my right. Thanking the water nymph I reached over, brushing my hands against someone else’s. only these hands weren’t small, like hers or, delicate like I imagined them to be. I opened my eyes, screamed, and ducked further into the water. I looked into the ocean colored eyes of a boy, not much older than I. “You idiot! What makes you think you can walk in on me, and while I’m bathing for goodness sake! Are you mentally challenged r something?! Can’t you tell I’m kind of NAKED?!” I sat there ducked in the water, huffing and puffing. “Melody is it?” he asked, totally unaffected by my little speech. “Hello smarty! Didn’t you hear me?! Go away!” He started to laugh, and not one of those quiet little laughs, but a full on “HERE ME WORLD!” laugh. And on top of that he was smirking! “First of all, I haven’t seen you naked, I’ve seen you in the water, and secondly, you wouldn’t be the first naked body I’ve seen.” my face turned bright red in frustration, “GO! LIKE NOW!” he smirked at me again, and walked off. I grabbed my soap and vigorously scrubbed at my skin, trying to ease my frustration and anxiety. When I came out I found a fresh pair of brown >ugly< trousers, and a plain white >also ugly< long sleeved shirt. When I had finally put it on I felt like Frodo, with my pants a little too short, and small, and my shirt being overly baggy. In truth though, I didn’t really care. Not today, at least. Not when my mentor struggled with her life…if she had one at all by now. I shuddered, and walked over to the small clearing where a fire sat. giving an evil glare to that BOY, and a small, tight smile to the water nymph I took my seat. “Nice to meet you! My name is Adora, the Water Nymph, I will be teaching you your magic's from now on, and this is-”
“Jared, my name is Jared, and I will continue to advance you in your knowledge of fi-”
“Fighting.” he said, ignoring my little scene.
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sorry for the lack of updates. :] I haven't forgotten about the story.