Dear Ann


Later That Night

Dear Emily,

OH MY GOD! Okay so Gee got home from work and he was all fancied up, like new jeans and a clean shirt which was weird cause he never wears shirts. By then I was wondering where he got the jeans because he looked amazing and uhmm, actually never mind. So he said to get up and come on cause we were going somewhere, he wouldn’t say where though. So we went downstairs and kept going to the car park place. We hardly use the car since we live in the middle of New York and traffic is impossible so we only use the car going somewhere far away ish. So we got in the car and he drove us to some Italian place near the park. It was called Puttanesca Italian Restaurant. We went in and it was amazing everything. We ordered dinner and talked and stuff yano like anyone does when they go for dinner. We were nearly finished eating and then Gee’s phone rang, he took it out and talked to someone for about a half a minute and then hung up again. We finished eating and then Gee paid for the bill. We left the restraunt and went back to the car and started driving home. When we got home I ran upstairs cause it was cold and my trousers were too light. I opened the door and walked in and there was like thirty people in the apartment shouting surprise to me. Gee had planned a surprise 21st for me. That’s not the best bit though. Around 11pm everything was like nice and well hectic to be honest. Gee like kneeled down on one knee and was all , “Linds we’ve been going out three years and well if I loved you anymore I would explode. Will you marry me?” and he pulls out this amazing ring. Not like a typical engagement one it was so much nicer. The rest of the night was lots of congratulations. Now I’m laying in bed next to my fiancé who is sleeping and I’m scribbling in here. Must go now.

♠ ♠ ♠
As promised.
Lindsey's Ring
