Dear Ann


Next Week Sometime

Today is the day Kyle and I meet up. We have been talking online still but I havent told him I’m engaged yet. Im saving that for today. We’re meeting in the zoo. Central Park Zoo for those who didn’t know. Yes okay I know there aren’t many zoo’s in New York city but still. Anyway time to go.

At The Zoo

Right I walked into like the Zoo and there he was, standing looking exactly the same as the last time I saw him, just yano a few years older. His hair exactly the same, his face exactly the same. I ran over to him, he hadnt seen me yet so I snook up behind him and hugged him from behind. When I did he almost screamed.

He turned around with this pissed off look on his face which instantly turned to a happy, actually very happy look as soon as he say me.

“Lindseeeyyyyy” he squealed and grabbed me into a hug. God I had forgotton how strong he was.

“Cant. Breath” I managed to choke out. He let go instantly.

“Gosh you’ve changed Linds” he said. This felt weird him saying this, all that had changed about me since we last saw each other was my boobs grew abit my hair is longer than then and I’m engaged. But he doesn’t know about that yet.

“Thanks” I said, I think I was blushing. “You havent changed abiit. Except you grew a teensy bit”

He smiled.

We started walking around talking about everything that had happened over the past three years. Except the engagement. I wasn’t quite ready to tell him that. When we were done in the Zoo we just walked around the park for a while. Eventually it started to rain so we went into this coffee shop(-cough- star bucks -cough-). I decided that when we had our coffee I would tell him.

“So Kyle I have some news.” I said while he took a sip of his coffee.

“What is it Linds?” he asked.

“Well I’m getting married, Gerard proposed last week.” I said.

I was not prepared for what happened next, Kyle got up, stormed out of the shop and threw his coffee cup at some poor person who happened to walk past this Starbucks. Then every single person in the place stared at ME, like I had done something wrong.

“I just told him I was getting married” I said as I stood up and ran out of the Starbucks.
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Im so sorry, I really am.
I was goign to update on Monday but I was banned off the computer for not going to school. Then yesterday was my birthday so I was to busy trying to pretend it wasnt to update. So I've finally updated. Guys Im so sorry for the wait, I really am.

More tomorrow I promise.
