Dear Ann


Two Days after Kyle Incident

Sitting in work, writing Dear Ann answers for the next days issue. I was confused about why Kyle had done what he did. I don’t get it. Near the bottom of the pile was another letter from Mr. Kay, I had a weird way of feeling connected to this guy so I had to answer his letter. It said,


Its Mr. Kay again. Thankyou for the other advice. We actually met up a couple of days ago. Everything was going perfect until we went into a shop to get coffee. While we were drinking she tells me that shes engaged. What about me, I’ve told her I love her so many times and she still goes and gets engaged to her prat of a boyfriend, well fiancé now. Why wont she just love me back?

Mr. Kay.

Wow that seems strangly famalier. Oh well just a coincidence I suppose, theres millions of people in New York. I read the thing through a few times and then set to work typing out my reply.

Ahh Kay,

What can I say? Life is completely and utterly unfair. Recently I got engaged and my best friend took it, well lets just say he didn’t take it well. I don’t really know what you can do, she obviously loves her boyfriend if theyre engaged now. Why is it you don’t think she should marry him? Is he abusing her or something? If he is you could report him to the police but honestly I have no clue. Maybe you should just leave her alone. That’s really all the advice I have. Sorry.


When I had that and the other questions I had decided to answer written I had an hour or so until I had to get them to Steve, so I decided to go on MSN. Its free when I’m in work so shush.

Lindsey is now Online.

You have (1) new email, from Kyle.

Since I was curious I opened it. There was a video clip of my and Kyle a few years back in Wyoming, we made it one day when we were out shopping. Then came words.


Well obviously you know its me, Kyle from Wyoming. I need to tell you something. I should have just told you from the start but I was nervous. Three years ago just before you moved back to New Jersey to be with HIM, I told you something. I doubt you remember at this stage though. I told you I bloody loved you Lindsey. You told me you didn’t like me back and then we got into that huge fight and we didn’t speak after you left. The problem was, no wait IS. I still love you Lindsey bloody Ballato and I always will. I don’t care if you marry your precious fiancé I’ll be here, waiting, biding my time.

Goodbye my love, I’ll see you soon.

I promise.


Okay is it okay for me to be freaked out now?
♠ ♠ ♠
Because I love you guys and because I promised.
Yes some sort of plot is actually starting to come about.

Enjoy dearies, more tomorrow.
