Dear Ann



Its been a couple of weeks since the whole Kyle sending the email thing. It really freaked me out when he sent that email. It explains a lot though, why he was acing so strange and stuff and it explains why he got so upset when I told him I was getting married. I havent heard from him since, so either hes just gone away or hes waiting for something. It freaks me out to think hes like out there obsessing over me. On another note me and Gee have started planning our wedding. Its like June now and we decided to wait until like October for the wedding cause well we both like October, and its not gunna be like a huge fancy wedding cause that would just cost bazillions and well I never really wanted a typical wedding, crap gotta go now, my boss is getting annoyed that I’m sitting around not working.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry sorry sorry,
I really am I meant to update last night but first QI was on and then the computer f*cked up so I watched Friday Night with Johnathon Ross(only cause Stephen Fry was on) and then I forgot about it.

There wont be another update until tomorrow cause I'm well staying in a hotel with my aunt for my birthday(even though it was on Tuesday).

