Dear Ann



Its been forever since I wrote in you, I’m sorry. Its just that everything’s been hectic trying to plan a wedding. Man it seemed so far away last May and June but now its only TWO weeks. It doesn’t seem like anything is done there so much stillto do, arrrrg. Technically that’s not true, nearly everything is done but still it seems like nothings done. Ya get me? I havent heard from Kyle at all since yano the “incident”, though I still think he’s planning something. Oh god I hope he doesn’t crash the wedding. I decided after months of thinking that I will change my name to Way. Why? Well I’m not sure. Anyways I gotta go wake up Gee he has work today and he needs to get up.

♠ ♠ ♠
Here ye go, its crap but meh, I'm hardly awake.
Now onto more pressing stuff,
New story, its called Crush Crush Crush
Take a look and comment it?
