Dear Ann


Three Hours Later

“Hair, check. Makeup, check. Dress, check.”

Eliza was running through a last minute checklist of stuff we needed done before we left for the church in a half hour.

“I think we have everything” said Alicia coming out of the bathroom with her dress on.

“Have you got your something old, new, borrowed and blue?” asked Eliza.

“Yep, Ive got my old bra on, my lucky one. Well yano the one I wore first time me and Gee…actually never mind I wont go into it. I have my new dress on. My something borrowed is these shoes, since I couldn’t find my converse this morning” I had Eliza’s bright blue converse on because I couldn’t find mine earlier and I wasn’t wearing heels cause I cant walk in them. “The shoes and dress also count as my something blue”

“Alright so were set, lets go”

Five minutes till showtijme

I was pacing around the room where I was waiting before the music started. Almost everyone was in their seats, except my uncles Ben and Jerry. Finally everyone was sitting down. I could see Gee and Frank and Mikey and Ray up on the alter. Bob wasn’t there because he had agreed to walk me up the aisle since my mom and dad hadnt been able to make it.

Two more minutes

Bob had come in and me and my bridesmaids(Alicia, Eliza and Kitty) were getting into formations yano. Like bridesmaid, then another bridesmaid then another bridesmaid and then me and Bob. I was getting nervous.

One minute

One more minute, I felt like I could throw up.


The music started. Alicia went first, followed three seconds later by Eliza and then by Kitty. A few seconds later it was mine and Bob’s turn. Step by step we walked up the aisle, I was just trying not to throw up so badly I didn’t notice anything going on around me. Eventually, after what seemed an eternity but was probably only half a minute we got to the alter.

Thank fuck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here ye go. Dedicated to Emzy who got me in the mood to write by her inspiring MCR fan fic. Lol I fucked Mikey the story not really obviously!
