Dear Ann


“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to marry Gerard Way and Lindsey Ballato.”

I heard about that much of the priests sermon thing because after that I was really nervous. I had to use most of my willpower to keep myself for passing out. Slowly as the thing went on I became less and less nervous until I started hearing snippets and gradually began hearing everything again. Finally it got to the bit with the I do’s.

“Please repeat after me Lindsey” said the Priest. “I Lindsey.”

“I Lindsey.”

“Take you, Gerard”

“Take you, Gerard” I repeated.

“For my lawful wedded husband,”

“For my lawful wedded husband,” me, again.

“To have and to hold, from this day forward” said Priesty, god these vows took abit.

“To have and to hold, from this day forward”

“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health,” the priest said.

“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health,”

“Until death do us part."

“Until death do us part." I finished.

Then the priest did the same to Gee, except substituting Lindsey for Gerard and vice versa. When Gerard did that we did the rings bit and then the priest who at this stage I had taken to calling Terrii said;

“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss; each other”

Gerard smushed his lips against mine. Well not smushed but you get the idea. I licked my tongue over his lips, he didn’t open them. Probably a good idea though, We were standing in front of about a hundred of our best friends and family. After another half minute we pulled away from each other.

“Bloody hell,” whispered Gee, “We’re married.”

“I know, finally” I whispered back.

We turned and faced all the people sitting in the pews(I think that’s what theyre called) and then walked along the aisle towards the door. It was time to get our party on!

Later that night, hotel room.

Gerard was in the shower and before any perverts jump to that conclusion, NO. Lindsey was sitting on their bed scribbling in


Everyone left the church after us and went in the general direction of the hotel where we were having our reception. We would have been one of the first there but I insisted on going home so I could change into comfier clothes and sneak you to the reception.. My god it was amazing. There was vodka and dancing. An amazing combination if you ask me. First off we had like food, it was amazing food. I remember pasta, that’s really all. By then I had had a lot of vodka. Yes, classy. I know. Haha. Then there was speeches. I remember bits and pieces. Someone seemed to mention vodka a lot but it may have been me asking for more…Im not quite sure. After speeches it was all mingling with friends and dancing. Oh so much dancing, it was a flurry of light! Ohh the showers off. Must go now Em, I have plans with my HUSBAND! Gosh I love saying that.

Lindsey Ann WAY.
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Sorry for it being ages. Enjoy though.
More soon.