Dear Ann


“Lindsey, put down Emily and c’mon the movie starts at half nine so we need to have eaten by then and its already eight o clock” said Gerard as he walked into out bedroom in out little New York city apartment.

“I’m coming baby, I’m coming” I said leaving Emily(my diary) down on the bedside locker and putting on my jacket.

“Hurry” he shouted from somewhere else in the apartment.

“Alright I’m ready, how close is this place, its cold out and I’m wearing a mini skirt?”

“Its less than five minutes away babe” he said pecking me on the lips and then walking out the front door. I followed after him, locking the door as soon as I was out.

We walked quickly as it was cold outside and as Gee had said the restaurant was less than five minutes away. It was some Italian place called Per l'amore di Formaggio! I wish I could read Italian better, then I would know what it means. We went in and we were seated by the waiter guy, his name was Kyle. He had nice hair, and it reminded me of someone but I wasn’t sure who. We ordered from this Kyle fellow, me getting something to do with pasta and Gerard like a mini pizza thing. We ate our dinner talking about everything and nothing really.

“Gee, you know the waiter guy, does he remind you of anyone. I’m positive I’ve seen his face before I just don’t remember where.” I said.

“Linds, New York is huge. You could have seen him anywhere. But now you mention it he does seem familiar” said Gerard between bites of his pizza.

“Meh, I’ll ask him if he comes back over.

We ate the rest of our dinner then headed to the cinema to see some new Will Smith move. I couldn’t for the live of me remember what it was called though. We got thee bought the tickets and our candy and then headed into the theatre. We sat watching the previews and then the movie happily munching on our popcorn and m n m’s. It was a good movie but I wasn’t paying much attention to it, I was too busy trying to remember where I had seen that Kyle guy before. It was annoying me, a lot! I got so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t notice the movie finish.

“Linds, the movies over time to leave baby” said Gerard

“Oh uh what?” I said, “Sorry I was thinking”

“Okay baby, c’mon lets get home its freezing out” said Gerard.

We left the cinema and walked home. When we got there we plonked down on the couch and watched TV for a while until bed.
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Enjoy my dears.
