Dear Ann


Lindsey’s POV.

Black, everything was black, probably cause my eyes were shut. There was a funny almost metallic taste in my mouth, probably because of what Kyle had injected me with. My head hurt too. Like a hangover but worse. After laying around for a few minutes I opened my eyes. It all seemed less black then.

I was laying on a bed. Fully dressed. It was too bright when I opened my eyes so I quickly shut them again. I lay on the bed for a while longer while the funny taste and headache faded away. Then I sat back up, this time it didn’t seem so bright when I opened my eyes. I looked around. I was in a small bedroom somewhere in New Jersey. How did I know you ask? Because I could see the backside of the statue of liberty, meaning I was somewhere on the other side of the river, in Jersey.

Why on earth would he leave it so I could see out of the window? I wondered.

I got up off the bed and walked round. There was a bookshelf on one wall. Filled with books. Classics like To Kill A Mockingbird. There was Enid Blyton books, Kyle always had had a thing for the famous five. Then there was all of the Harry Potter books, the three released Eragon books. Not a sign of Twilight. I was mildly proud of Kyle for that one. For about a second.

Apart from the book shelf there was a desk and chair there was a small chest of drawers which after further examination I found to be full of clothes in my size. Some were rather nice I’ll admit. There was posters on the walls and CD’s on a shelf. If I hadnt been held in that room against my will I would have quite liked it.

It didn’t occur to me to try the door until after I had sat down to read one of the Enid Blyton books.

I put down the book and walked to the door. It didn’t open. But that didn’t surprise me.

“Kyle!” I yelled hitting my fist off the door. “Let me out of here!”

Nothing. I hadnt expected anything. I kept banging on the door and shouting for ten more minutes. Nothing at all. Feeling abit defeated I sat back down and went back to reading the Enid Blyton book.
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For Charlie because I wish I could say her name in an Austraulian accent.(I also wish I could spell Austraulian properly)

I told you Id update today or tomorrow. Boredom is a wonderful thing.

xo Katie.