Dear Ann


Gerard’s POV.

Sitting on the couch, the two policemen hadnt arrived yet. I felt numb. I couldn’t believe what had happened. Lindsey, my beautiful Lindsey. Taken. By that ignorant pig Kyle. I would kill him if it were the last thing I did.


The buzzer meaning someone wanted in the building rang. I stood up and walked to it. Pressing the button.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hi, is this a Mr. Gerard Way?” came a female voice.

“Yes, this is.” I said sighing.

“It’s the police sir,” came another voice, male this time. “Were here because you rang 911 saying you wife had been kidnapped.”

“Okay lemme buzz you up.” I said.

I pressed the button that worked the door down front. The apartment door was still open from when I had gotton home. I walked back to the couch and sat back down. A minute or so after the voices had came through the buzzer there was a knock on the door.

“If you’re the cops, come in. If your not go away.” I said.

“It’s the cops Mr. Way” said the female voice as the two people came through the door.

“Im Detective James and this is Detective Stephens.” said the male cop, first pointing to himself and then to the female cop.

“But you came call me Freddie.” said the girl. “It’s a long story why but you can call me Freddie.”

“Freddie Stephens.” I mumbled to myself. She was pretty. About 5’ 5”. Her hair was like a dull reddish color and her eyes looked brownie. Kinda hazel. There was a ring on her wedding ring finger.

Her husband is lucky. I thought to myself.

“Oh actually my girlfriend.” she said blushing.

“Oh crap, sorry did I say that out loud?” I said realising what Id done.

“Its okay Mr. Way.” she said. Her cheeks bright red.

“Enough or the Mr. Way,” I said suddenly smiling. “Its Gerard. And don’t worry, I’m not a homophobe. My brother is gay.”

It was then I noticed that the other cop, James was not in the room.

“Oh if your wondering where Mac is, hes taking a look round the place. For clues. He does that and I look after the person,” smiled Freddie.

“I know who took her.” I said. “It was this guy Kyle. She met him years ago when she moved to Wyoming cause of her dads work. He has this obsessive crush on her since then and got overly possessive when he found out we were getting married. He kinda disappeared for a few months but it was him that took her.” I explained.

“How can you be sure Gerard?” asked Freddie,

I explained about what was written on the wall of the closet and then shower Freddie when she asked to see it. We went back into the sitting room and now found Mac(the guy cop.) there. He and Freddie talked for a minute and then he scribbled something in a notepad.

Freddie came back over to me.

“Gerard, a forensics team will have to come in here tonight so do you have a friends house you could stay at?” she asked.

“I could see if my friend Ray is home.” I said. “After that I’d have to go to Jersey or stay in a hotel.”

“Will you try your friend Ray?” she asked.. “And if you cant stay with him rather than carting you off to Jersey or a hotel you can come stay with my girlfriend and I. We have a spare bed.”

I rang Ray and as it turned out he was away for the week with his girlfriend. They had gone to some European country or something. Then I told Freddie and she told me to grab some spare clothes because it would be a few days before I got back here. Before we left though she made a list of what I was bringing with me. Then we left leaving Mac to wait for the forensics team.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is for everyone, thats ever looked at this stroy read even a single word, commented or subscribed. I love all you guys. You people make me want to write.

Thankyou for being amazing.

As you probably could guess the character Freddie the cop is based on my girlfriend, just abit taller and older and living in New York rather than Kansas.

Enjoy and such.

xo Katie.