Dear Ann


Lindsey’s POV

Kyle went to the store. How do I know? Because he went to the store for me. Ahem, to buy tampons. That words always made me giggle like a child. I’m sitting on my camp bed. Trying to think of a way to get out of this place. I have no idea where this place is exactly. From the one or two times I’ve been out of the basement and into the rooms upstairs this place looks like its on the edge of a town or something. Theres some houses close to this. After that I don’t know. We could still be in Jersey or we could be on the other side of America. Or maybe he brought me to Canada or Mexico. Who knows.

Kyle hasn’t been gone more than ten minutes. I heard the front door slam. And anytime he leaves he usually takes over an hour to get back, god only knows why.

I get off of the camp bed and pace round the room. For five or so minutes I pace, mumbling to myself. Trying to formulate a plan to get away from Kyle. Its not going well. I cant think of a way to get out of this room even if I manage to overpower him. He always locks the door. Even when hes in here.

Halfway through pacing I hear a sound. A long creak. When I look around to find the origin of the sound I find the door of the basement wide open.

“What the hell?” I murmur to myself and walk to the door. “There’s no way he’s home yet.”

Quickly but quietly I walk up the stairs outside the door to the room above.

“Maybe he decided to let me up into the house while hes gone?” I said to myself. “But why?”

I walk cautiously through the rooms of he house to where the front door is. Noone is home. I try the door. Its unlocked. I almost scream in joy. Quick as I can I run back to the basement and grab some of my things. The few tampons I still have. A warmer top and trousers and my jacket. Quickly I pull on my shoes. I don’t bother wear them most of the time. I never go outside and this room has weird under the floor heating. I stuff my things into a small backpack I found down here a while back and run back upstairs. Back to the door.

I open it and stick my head outside. No cars coming in either direction. I run outside and run to the nearest house. They’re further off than I thought. It took me five minutes. Maybe I’m just out of shape. I run to the door and bang on it. A woman opens it.

“Yes?” she asks.

“Can I use your phone?” I cry, “It’s important.”

“Of course dear, come in. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?” she asks ushering me into her house.

“Uhm coffee please.” I say.

“Okay, the phone is just through there.” the woman says pointing to a doorway.

“Thankyou so much.” I feel as if I could kiss her.

The woman goes to the kitchen to make us coffee and I go into the room to make the call. I havent a clue who to ring so I call Gee. He answers straight away.

“Hello?” he sounds like he hasn’t slept well in days. Weeks maybe.

“Gee?” I say quietly.

“Lindsey?” he almost shouts.

We talk for a few minutes and I explain to him what happened. He tells me to hold on. That hes with someone I can tell, a police officer. After a minute or two a woman says hello. I tell her everything. She says that she wants to speak with the woman who owns the house. To explain. Just as the officer says that the woman comes in with the coffee. I hand her the phone. She listens for a few minutes. Then I figure the officer asked her where we are because she says Pittsgrove, New Jersey. She listens a few more minutes and then hangs up the phone.

“Okay, the officer said it would be best if I bring you to the nearest police station, so as soon as you finish your coffee we can you, I’m Bridget by the way.”

I finish my coffee and then we go. All I can think on the way to the station is. Im going to see my husband again soon.
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Hey guys. Update time. Hope you like it. Comment yes?

Also on a related note I have this new one shot and would greatly appreciate it if you would at least give it a read. Its called Loud.

Enjoy and such.