Dear Ann


Lindsey’s POV.

Bridget and I arrive at the police station in the town where she lives just after about five in the evening. When we go inside we meet a nice cop who tells us that the lady I spoke to on the phone, a Officer Stephens from New York had rang and explained everything. We also got told that Officer Freddie and some other people would be coming down here to collect me, but they wouldn’t be there until late tonight. So because of that one of the officers leads me to a room where she says I can get some rest until Gerard arrives.

I don’t feel particularly tired but I lay down intending to rest a while. I must have been more tired than I realise because next thing I know is someone is shaking me awake.

“Lindsey, wake up honey.” comes a voice.

“Ten more minutes mom.” I groan back

“Honey, its me. Gerard.”

Hearing this I sit bolt upright and bang my head into something.

“Owwww.” I mumble holding my head.

“You always were an idiot when you were tired.” comes the voice that claims to be my husband.

“Shut up! My head hurts.” I grumble in the direction of the voice.

“Awww, I’m sorry baby.” It says. Okay its definatly Gerard. It just sounds like him.

I jump up off of the crappy bed thing I had been laying on and wrap my arms around Gerard.

“Gee.” I mumble putting my face against his shoulder and trying in vain to hold back tears.

“Its okay Lindsey, I’m here now.” He says rubbing my back with his free hand. “Your okay.”

“It was horrible, so horrible.” I say.

“Shhh, baby, your okay.”

He takes me out to some other officers office where theres about a dozen people. Some I know like the cops from this station. And Bridget. And others I don’t. They’re all sitting apparently waiting for me because when I come into the room they all stop what they’re doing and look at me. Then one cop, (a shortish girl with dull red hair and brownie hazel eyes. ) gets up and says that they need a statement and some other stuff.

For maybe three hours I sit giving statements and answering questions. Then eventually the shortish cop, who introduced her self as Freddie Stephens says that they’ve done enough for that night. We have to stay in this town for one night so that they can arrest Kyle or something tomorrow so Freddie had booked us all into some hotel about fifteen minutes from the police station. Everyone gets up out of the chairs they’re in and walks towards the exit of the police station.

Finally things are going well. Kyle’s about to be arrested. I have Gerard back with me. And I’m happy.

We get to the exit and go outside. Gerard brings me over towards a big jeep parked on the other side of the street. They couldn’t get parking on this side apparently. Half way across the street someone calls us, from back in the direction of the police station.

“Lindsey, Gerard!” calls Freddie, “You left something in the station.”

“Okay.” I say and walk back towards her.

Halfway between her and Gerard it happens.

bang, bang

Suddenly I’m being rugby tackled to the ground by one of the big cops.

“Ow.” comes a voice from behind me. Then a dull thud.

“Whats going on?” I yell at the guard laying half on top of me.

He doesn’t say anything, just gets up off of me and pulls out his gun and looks around.

I lift my head up off the ground to try see whats going on. Everybody is standing holding guns. But I cant see Gerard. I turn around.

“No!” I yell.

Laying in a slightly bloody mess about five feet away from where I’m laying on the ground. Gerard.

Standing up I run over to him ignoring all the warnings from the police around me.

Theres blood everywhere.

“Gee,” I whisper to him. “Wake up baby. Please?”


“HELP!!!!” I shout. “Gerard’s hit.”

Someone runs over, the cop that tackled me and drags me off of Gerard before checking something. Someone else I hear yelling for someone to get an ambulance. Its all a blur. Noone tells me anything, not even if my husbands okay.

They just leave my sitting in the middle of the street covered in my husbands blood….

The End.
♠ ♠ ♠
11694 words total. Excluding titles weird little notes and authors notes.

Im sorry.
So enjoy.
Most likely will be another sequel in the future. But not for a while.

xo Katie.