Dear Ann


I was laying in bed at about 3am scribbling in Emily because its what I do when I feel stressed. Gee was asleep so thankfully I wasn’t keeping him awake.


Jesus Christ, I’m doing my head in trying to remember where I saw that Kyle guy before. I know I know him, I just dunno from when, or from where. It’s quite frustrating really. Eeee its almost my birthday yay. I’ve been looking foreword to it for no other reason than I’ma be 21 and like officially allowed to drink. Ha, me and Gerard have been drinking since we were 12, but yano not much. To be honest we drank about one bottle of vodka between us between when we were 12 and 15, then the proper like drinking way to fucking much started. Anyway that doesn’t matter, actually forget that bit about the drinking. Grrr this is doing my head in. Oh shit I’ve just remembered that I need to have something written for work tomorrow. I had better start that.


I started working on what I had to have done for work the next day, I work for a newspaper doing one of those Dear Ann things, yano people write their problems to me and I answer them. That kinda thing, it doesn’t pay great but I like doing it so I keep at it. People have asked me the strangest things, from how to give a blow job to how to tie my shoes. It makes me giggle like a twelve year old sometimes. I usually answer two or three out of the letters I get. I picked up the next in the pile and it said;

Dear Ann,

I just moved here to New York a couple months ago and well this place scares the shit outta me. I moved here to find this girl, I knew her a few years ago cause we went to school together but she moved back here and we haven’t spoken since. I really love her but have no idea where to find her. What do I do Ann? I need to tell her I love her even if she is with someone else.

Mr. Kay.

I was just about to start my reply when Gee woke up and said, “Lindsey Ann Ballato, turn out the goddamned light and get some sleep”

“Okay Gee” I said pecking his cheek before switching out the light and settling down to a night full of strange dreams.
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Here ish an update specially for Ger-Z. because I'm in that sorta mood.

