Dear Ann


Dear Emily,

Life is well, confusing isnt it? Nothing makes sense right until its either gone, or your about to die. I mean like four years ago before I moved to Wyoming I took having Gerard around for granted, we did everything together. Then I moved away and it was only then I realised just how much he meant to me. Then I came back and I try not to take simple things for granted anymore. Now this thing with the Kyle guy is annoying the hell outta me and I just cant remember where I know him from. Oh hell I cant stand this, I’m going online. I don’t care how slow our internet connection is either.


I don’t really like using out computer to go online, its cause our internet connection isnt the fastest and it does my head in. I went onto oh Whaddya call it, uhm Facebook, yeah that. I made one years ago but hardly use it, mainly I just used it to talk to Gee when I was stuck in Wyoming. First thing when I signed in it said,

Kyle has added you as a friend, Accept or Deny.

It could have just been a humongous coincident but I added the Kyle guy. It said he was online so I like commented him, whatever you call it wrote on his wall I dunno.

Hi, I’m Lindsey. Thanks for adding me, who are you exactly????

I only had to wait about two minutes before he replied saying;

Geez Linds you forget things quick, four years and you already forgot your best friend. Add my msn dearie,

I had absolutely no idea who it was so I added them to my MSN although it probably wasn’t a good idea.

Lindsey: Okay mysterious Kyle person, who the hell are you?

Kyle: I’m hurt, we spent a half a year practically living with each other and you go and forget who I am.

Lindsey: If you don’t tell me who you are I’ll just leave, I have better things to be doing.

Kyle: Don’t worry dear sweet Lindsey, you’ll find out soon enough.

Lindsey has signed out.

Well that was odd, I thought to myself as I put the computer away. I figured I should start making dinner cause Gerard would be home soon and even though he usually cooks since I got home early I would surprise him.
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Okay an update, people please comment it makes me wanna update.

The email is made up but I dunno maybe somewhere out there it is an email, justt dont email anything to that address. Kay? Good children.

And I expect a comment off of someone other than Ger-Z. or she will have to wait another 3 days for me to update.
