Dear Ann


The Next Day

I got home from work and since I had nothing better to do and because I was just abbit curious, well okay a lot curious, I switched on the laptop to see what Kyle had said today. As usual I logged into MSN and there was three or four messages waiting for me. The same kind as usual. Except for the very last one, it said.

Kyle: Okay either my clues are too hard or you just don’t remember me, so Ima make it simpler for you. If this doesn’t get you to remember nothing will.

I clicked on the link and suddenly everything made sense again. All the clues about practically living together and four years ago. It was Kyle, sweet little Kyle from Wyoming. He looked the exact same. His hair was almost exactly the same as when I last saw him, black and messy as ever. He still wore makeup and he still had his lip pierced. Now I couldn’t wait for him to be online next. I hadnt really thought about him much since I moved back home because he told me he loved me just before I left and we had a huge fight.

Kyle is now online.

Lindsey: Kyleeeeee, I remember who you are.

Kyle: really???

Lindsey: Yep, it all came back to me as soon as I saw your picture, you’ve hardly changed over the last couple years. Do you still live over in Wyoming?

Kyle: No I moved to New York about six months ago to like work, yano.

Lindsey: Ohh where you working?

Kyle: Some Italian resteraunt called Per l'amore di Formaggio! The oay sucks but until I can get a job doing what I want I gotta stick with it.

Lindsey: Hey by any chance did two pale skinned black haired people go there a couple weeks ago?

Kyle: Uhmm yea I think so. Why?

Lindsey: Because it just so happened to be yours truly and her boyfriend Gerard.

Kyle: That was you then? I wanted to ask the whole time you were there, but I was too nervous.

Lindsey: Sorry hun I gotta go, Gee just finished making dinner.

Kyle: Bye, Linds. Talk soon.

Lindsey: Yea

Lindsey is now offline.

Kyle: I love you…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay the person in the link is menna be what Kyle looks like. I found it on the internet so if that person reads this and sees themself sorry but yours was the best pic I could find for how I wanted him to look.

Enjoy, AND COMMENT!!!!!!!
