Frankie Darling


"Daaarlin' daaarlin' daaaarlin'... I can't wait.. to hear you. Remembering youuur love, Is nothing.. wiiithout you... in the fleeesh."

Debrah and her band Play here, The Bianchi Bar. Nearly every Saturday.

"I couuuldn't resissst you - I'm not deaf, duuuumb, and bliiiind.."

She is quite a young spirit for what she's accomplished so far, Freshly 18.

"Watch out if I seeee youuu, 'Cause if you say heeello.."

Small, petite. Big Eyes, Doll like Lips and nose. Her Loved ones consider her Sweet, Fun, and talented. Ever since she Knew she could Speak...

"..It'll mean you wanna seeee mee... in the fleesh..."

Unable to talk, But her voice rang sweetly like a Bell.

"..Oooo waaarm and sooft, iiin the flesh."


"Hey, James!" Debrah approached her Friend with a sincere smile plastered on her Face, Lightly Glowing in sweat and breath uneven from performing so successfully that night.

"Hey, Debbie," James Pulled her off her feet in a friendly tight hug, "You were Gorgeous! Once again, Where's Louis?" Debrah Laughed at James' quick Intent on Finding their Drummer.

"Uum...," She turned to look, "Hey Alice! Where's Lou?"

"He's outside having a Smoke with some of his Friends who came Tonight." Alice Replied in Monotone, Let's just say The Only thing she actually puts effort in is Music.

Debrah turned to James, "You heard her, Jay," Hands on her sides, "That Fucker Is going to slack off on the lifting again." She sighed as She took all their Remaining Instruments out to load again.

"Deb! Meet my old High School Fuck Bud-,"

"Quit saying that shit, Mother fucker," A dark dressed young Man, Probably 3 years her Elder Interrupted, Playful venom in his Voice. He turned to Debrah and offered his Hand, "My names Gerard... This is my brother, Mikey," He Gestured to the taller, Thinner Guy next to him, Wearing a Journey T-shirt, "Nice to meet you," He smiled.

"Same," She smiled politely, Slightly unnerved because she was Still weird with meeting new People. Gerard Smiled back at her, "You're a real Good Singer, We enjoyed Watchi-uh-Listening to you very much." Debrah looked to the Brother, Who had his eyes set on Alice, Eye Glasses being pushed back up his Nose with one thin shaky finger.

Debrah giggled at Alice's obliviousness, "She's single y'know?" Mikey and Gerard Looked up at the same time, "Y'into Bassists?" Debrah gestured toward her Band Member's direction. Mikey turned a light Pink.

"Yeah, He is. and Guitarists." Answered a Snickering Louis, Much to Mikey's dismay. The poor thing started to blush uncontrollably. Laughing mockingly, James dragged Louis away to the Bar.

Debrah knew that Mikey was blushing because she plays guitar as well, for a couple of songs in their Set so she giggled, "Don't worry, Mikes."

Gerard was patting his back in silent sympathy, He knows his Brother well enough to know how shy he was around Hot Girls. He considers Debrah's looks are Great, like a Front-Woman from a Rock Magazine that they'd probably read.. (But don't tell her that, She'll Argue about it.)

"She's real silent a lot, but she's still cool."

Mikey nodded, Leaving the two of them to head over to James and Louis. He Longingly Looked at Alice as he passed, She was sorting the wire of her Bass, looking annoyed. This part of their shows bugs her so much.

"Are you Guys playing again next Week?" Asked an awkward Gerard, as he pulled his long locks behind his ears. Debrah moved to help Alice and her Keyboardist, Alex reload.

She nodded, "Yeah, We have two more weeks before we head off to Philadelphia for this... Thing."

Debrah isn't good with remembering Bars or Venues or any of that Sort. She better start, though.. Gerard offers them his Help, Which everyone Accepts and Thank him.

"Well, good. You Guys are real Awesome."

He turns back to look at his Brother, "We'll be here. I might bring a couple of Friends along, They'll love you."

Debrah smiled, "Great, The more the merrier! Hopefully new Fans," She Shrugged, "We really need as much of the support we can Get."

Once they Finished reloading their Instruments into their van, Gerard Shook her hand and moved where his brother was at the bar, Mikey was halfway Drunk.

Debrah shook her head, but grinned to herself in contentment. She loved knowing that people liked their Music. How much pride can it give her? As much as it takes to will their little Group to keep on Going.

yes, The more.. the Merrier
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Blondie-'In the Flesh'