Status: Finished

Harder Than You Know

But you won't take away my pride

Eight Months Later

I sat on the couch, eating from a jar of pickles and watching Sponge bob. Jack walked in the house, with Zach and Rian close behind.

"Thanks for knocking." I muttered, shaking my head.

"Yeah- well we knew that you.. What the fuck are you eating?" Jack asked, closing his nose as the stench of the pickles attacked his nostrils.

"Pickles." I replied cheerfully.

"She's been eating them all morning. At least you aren't living with her and having to smell them all day." Alex said, walking into the room from the kitchen. He smiled at me softly, and then kissed my hair.

"That's disgusting. Anyways, get your ass up and get dressed. We're going to go see mom and dad." He told me.

"I don't wannaaa." I cried.

"Well, you haven't seem mom in about two months, she's dying to see you." He explained, and sat on the couch across from me. I sighed, and made my way towards the bedroom. I clutched onto the railing all the way up the stairs; I did every time. I was petrified I was end up tumbling down a flight again. I finished changing when Alex came into the room.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"Are you going?"

"No, I'm helping you down the stairs. I think I'm going to stay here, remember how bad your father wanted to strangle me the last time since I got you pregnant." He chuckled, remembering the incident. It was true, my father was red and his knuckles had turned white. He was just going to have to get the fuck over it, though.

"Mom, chill the fuck out." I whined, slapping her hands away from my stomach. She was talking to the baby, and complaining about not knowing what the sex was. Me and Alex had decided to keep it unknown until the date. For that reason, everything in the nursery was purple. Besides the antique rocking chair that Alex had from his mother. He didn't really want it in there, but I demanded that it stayed.

"Sorry sorry! It's just, I haven't known someone that's been pregnant in a long time! Especially my daughter." She laughed. I shook my head, the corners of my lips pulling into a smile.

"I know, mom. It's just weird!" We sat around the table, we as in Jack, my mother and father, and me eating Chinese. I had only gone to the bathroom ten minutes ago, and I felt something wet between my legs.

"There's no way.." I whispered.

"What is it, Addison?" My father asked. The entire table was silent instantly, all eyes on me. Fuck. I scooted the chair out from under me awkwardly and stood. My mother gasped, hands covering her mouth.

"Gross, Adds. I know pregnant people piss alot, but at the table." Jack grimaced. My mom smacked the back of his head.

"Her water broke!" She screeched. She pulled me from the kitchen, towards the front door. "Paul!" She yelled to my father. "Get the keys and the baby bag!"

Jack ran ahead of us outside, pulling my fathers SUV door open. Me and my mom climbed in the back seats, and my breathing became uneasy. A pain ripped through my lower half, and I screamed out in pain. Before I could even regain myself, my father whipped the car out of the drive, almost colliding with an oncoming car.

"FUCK!" I cried. "Jack! Fucking call Alex!" I breathed, another contraction rippling through my body.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O WHAT?!?!

yeah, I did. Only cause there isn't anything interesting happening in the time frame. Just eating, barfing, more eating, pissing on herself, mood swings, weird eating habits, more eating, the whole shebang.

Plus, I just really felt like speeding it up. So, doona kill me, yeah? (:

So the weather didn't get too bad, which is a bit upsetting. I love bad whether. It makes me smile (: I've watched the Decode video a million times today, I can't get enough of it. I'm done with my ranting, for now loves. ;D

Oh, I decided to go ahead and post the first chapter of my new story:] It would be absolutely amazing if you could check it out, here.