Crawling Back To You

It Was Time That We Moved On


Kevin’s POV

The more I thought about the fact that Lexie was outside, wanting to be alone, the more I realized how bad the situation looked. She must be confused, maybe even upset. Lexie doesn’t know much about my past with Dina, but after the scene at the door, she must still think I really care. Right now, I need to explain myself, and Lexie needs to listen.

I raced passed Joe and made my way through the people in the kitchen as quickly as I could. People were calling my name from all different directions, wanting me to stop and chat with them. I smiled and waved, but I didn’t stop. I had something I needed to do, and I needed to do it now. However, there was one person that I did stop for.

“Kevin!” Megan called out. I spun around and found myself face to face with her.

“Meg, where’s Lexie?”

“Outside. She told me she wanted to be alone. Kevin, what just happened?”

“Dina kept telling me that she regretted the whole thing, that she needs me in her life. She asked me if we could go back to the way things were before she left.”

“She did?” Megan was stunned. I could hear it in her voice. “Wow.”

“Did she tell you she was coming?” I asked.

“Of course not, Kev. If I knew something big like that, I would have told you.”

“That’s what I figured. I was just making sure. Do you think Lexie is mad at me?”

“I don’t think she’s mad. I think she’s overwhelmed. I mean, do you blame her?”

“I guess not. I need to do some major damage control.” I turned around to walk away. However, I didn’t get very far. Megan wrapped her hand around my wrist before she pulled me back.

“Paul Kevin Jonas, are you not going to tell me what you said to Dina?”

“Megan Rose Gibson, I’m sorry. My mind is a little preoccupied. I told her I couldn’t do it and I told her that it was time that we moved on, or at least we needed to try to. I want to give it a try with Lexie, but you keeping me here is lessening my chance!”

Megan gave me an encouraging smile and dropped my arm from her grip. I returned her the smile before b-lining for the door. I slowly slid the door, as quietly as I could. The cool air hit my face as I stepped outside. I could still feel the dampness and smell the rain. It was getting dark, yet that yellow dress stood out, bringing my eyes directly to her.

Walking as quietly as I could, I carefully took steps towards her. She didn’t know I was there; she hadn’t heard me come out. As I got closer to her, I could see her shaking. The air had gotten significantly colder and her sleeveless dress wasn’t helping her at all. I quietly took off my jacket behind her and placed it on her shoulders. Her body flinched before turning around.

“God Kevin, you scared me.”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized.

“What are you doing out here?” she questioned me.

“Following you.”


“Why?” I repeated. Her eyes were staring me down, trying to read my emotions. “Because, Lexie, I like you.”

“But you love Dina. I get it, Kevin. I’m happy for you. She’s really pretty. So I uh, I’m going to go get Madison. It’s getting close to her bedtime. Thanks for the invite and tell your parents I said thank you for having us.”

As she began to walk away, I didn’t let her get very far. I took one step towards her and grabbed her arm. Spinning her around, my hands rested on her hips as I pulled her close to me. Closing the gap, I placed my lips onto hers. I could feel the startle in her body, but it disappeared as she began to kiss back and the tension in her body released.

“You, Kevin Jonas,” Lexie said as she pulled her face away from mine, “are one messed up guy.”

“Excuse me?” I laughed.

“Taking your ex back and kissing a new girl all in the same night. You’re crazy.”

“You’re crazy for making assumptions. Yeah, it’s true. Dina asked to get back together. I was put on the spot to make a decision. It was either bring back the old or in with the new.”

“And you chose,” Lexie started.

“The new,” I finished.

“You chose me?”

“Why are you making it sound like that’s so hard to believe?” I asked her, slightly laughing.

“I’m sorry,” she responded, as she let out her embarrassment in an adorable giggle. “I’m just, really happy right now. Thank you,” Lexie said.

“Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you.”

“How about we just thank each other and move on?”

“Move on to what?” I asked, wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

“Oh, I can think of something.” Lexie placed her face to mine, leading us into another kiss.

Megan’s POV

“Oh my God, they’re kissing!” Joe exclaimed.

“Joe, we’re all watching. You don’t have to yell!” Nick yelled back.

When Kevin shut the door behind him after stepping outside, Nick, Joe, Pamela and I bolted up the stairs and ran into Frankie’s room, the room that overlooks the back deck. Nick and I were posted at one window, Joe and Pamela at the other. We watched the whole event play out before us as we peeked through the blinds. Kevin put his jacket on Lexie, Lexie looked startled, Lexie began to walk away, Kevin pulled her back and he was now kissing her. It was beyond adorable. We continued to watch the flirting until Joe stepped away from the window and broke the silence.


“What?” Pamela spoke, representing Nick and I as well.

“We have to stop. Do you realize that we are being ultimate creepers right now?”

“Joe’s right. We definitely need to stop this,” Nick agreed.

“Well, everyone just make sure you’re surprised when Kevin tells you,” I said, cracking a smile.

Our laughter mixed together as we walked out of Frankie’s room. With the intentions of going downstairs, I followed Joe and Pamela as they made their way to the stairs. However, Nick, following suit, had other plans. As I walked passed Nick’s room, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room. Nick shut the door and pushed me back against it. The room was dark, but I could still make out the features of his face—the almond shaped eyes, perfect nose, and thin but welcoming lips.

“Do you hear that?” he whispered.

“I don’t hear anything,” I copied his tone.

“Exactly. Silence means we’re alone.” Nick smiled, placing his hands flat on the door on both sides of my head.

He wasted no time leaning into me, picking up right where we left off in the kitchen a mere four hours before. Nick was the first to pull away, his eyes resting on mine. Grabbing my hands, he began stepping backwards. I followed, knowing exactly what his next move would be. Smiling on the inside because of Nick’s predictability, I allowed him to slowly place my back on his bed.

Soon after, Nick’s body was above mine. Although we were barely touching, I could feel his body heat. Losing self control, Nick initiated the kiss, showing no mercy. As the intensity increased, our air intake decreased. Again, Nick was the first to pull away. He sat up, reached for the hem of his shirt, and swiftly pulled it over his head. I perched myself up on my elbows, staring at his toned chest.

Nick smiled as he noticed my eyes running up and down his body. It’s not like I haven’t seen it before, but there was something about this moment that made it look more irresistible than usual. Satisfied with what I saw, I raised my eyes until I caught his gaze. Written across the smirk on Nick’s face was pleasure, pleasure in the fact that I liked what I saw.

I felt Nick place his hand on my stomach as I watched his face come closer to mine. He held his face above mine, waiting to play off of my next move. Unable to deal with the close proximity and lack of touch, I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him in. As he deepened the kiss, his other hand slowly undid the buttons of my shirt. After the last button, a slight chill took over my body as the air hit my newly exposed stomach.

Nick’s hands continued to roam. My actions ran ahead of my thoughts as I turned my head, putting my mouth out of Nick’s reach. Confusion took over Nick’s eyes.

“I’m saying it’s okay, Megan. Please.” Nick’s voice trailed off as his lips attached themselves to my neck.

“Your entire family is downstairs, Nick, and my phone is ringing.”

Sighing loudly, he moved to the other side of the bed. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket as Nick pinned his head between the mattress and a pillow. I squinted towards the caller id to make sure I was seeing the name I thought I was seeing.

“Hello?” I hesitantly asked. How is this conversation going to go?

“Hey Meg.”

“Hey Dina, what’s up?”

Nick removed the pillow from the top of his head as his ears perked up. He scooted closer to me, resting his head on my shoulder to hear what she was saying.

“I just wanted to apologize for popping over like that, unexpectedly. I just wanted to make sure we were okay and didn’t feel betrayed or anything that I didn’t tell you.”

“Oh, no, not at all! It was totally fine, Dina. I'm not surprised you didn't tell me. It seemed pretty spur of the moment!”

“Spur of the moment is the perfect way to describe it, that’s for sure. I wanted to apologize for not being able to talk to you more. I would have if things went differently but, I had no right to be there, so I had to leave quickly.”

“Again, seriously, don’t apologize! You don’t owe me that.”

“Okay, I just wanted to make sure.” Silence took over both ends of the phone. I didn’t know what to say. For the first time, I felt awkward talking to Dina. “So I guess you’ve heard.”

“Well I got like, a one sentence wrap up.”

“I guess that one sentence was something along the lines of, ‘Dina asked me to get back together and I said no way.’”

“Of course not, Dee. He didn’t say it like that.”

“He might as well have. I mean, he was nicer about it to my face because that’s how he is. But it doesn’t matter how you say it. It still hurts the same, you know?”


“I’m nervous.”

“For what?” I asked her.

“For the future. I want us to be friends but, I don’t know. It’s going to be weird. I think it’s going to be easier said than done—for me at least.”

“Did you tell him you want to be friends with him?”


“And you don’t think it’ll work?”

“I’m not saying that. I mean, it’ll be hard to treat him like how I treat Joe and Nick, because all those feelings are still there. I don’t know. I just want these feelings for him to go away.”

I didn’t like the way this conversation was going. The things Dina was saying kept putting me in a rut. It was difficult to find the right words that would prevent more hurt, yet provide comfort and show interest.

“You’re going to move on. You’ll be okay. You’re a great girl. Everyone that meets you can see it,” was my best attempt.

“Thanks, Meg. It’s really hard to go from having someone love you for everything you are and everything you do, and then go to being all alone. Imagine breaking up with Nick. Imagine feeling all alone.” Nick’s eyes grew wide as he shook his head.

“I’d rather not think about that hypothetical situation.” I laughed, trying to ease the mood.

“True story,” Dina laughed too. “Um, hey Meg. I felt really awkward asking Kevin this, so I didn’t. That blonde girl that you were with, are her and Kevin really serious? She was at a family party, which is kind of a big deal, in my opinion at least.”

“Well it is kind of a big deal, but he told me he didn’t realize it was a big deal until he was waiting for her to get here.”

“Do you think they’re going to get serious?” I looked at Nick, who was already looking back at me.

“I think they already did,” Nick barely whispered.

Deciding against telling Dina the kiss we witnessed, I answered, “I’m not sure. I don’t want to lie to you, Dee, but I think there is potential.”

There was a long pause before Dina said, “I appreciate the honesty, Meg. Thank you, for being there for me and for helping me with my plans tonight.”

“What?” I asked.

“If Kevin can move on, so can I. I’m gonna go get ready!”

“Ready for what?”

“Clubbing, of course. I’m officially on hottie look out. Bye Megs!”

The dial tone came next, and it caught me off guard. The concern on Nick’s face matched the worry on mine. I hung up the phone and threw it on bed. Nick’s head was still laying dormant on my shoulder. His curls tickled my cheek as I rested my head on his. As I let out a sigh, Nick placed his arm over my stomach.

“She’ll be fine,” Nick reiterated.

“I guess,” I said, completely unsure.

“What’s up, babe?”

“I don’t know. That just seemed really weird, her emotion change. It’s just, not like her.”

“We both know how Dina is. She marches to her own drum. She moves at her own pace. She just needs some time. She’ll be fine.”

“Yeah,” I finally surrendered. “You’re probably right. She’ll be fine...”
♠ ♠ ♠
Banner by Christine! (reach for the stars.).
thanks girl :)

so there's chapter two! sorry for the wait.

comments are lovely :)

Title Credit: "Crawling Back To You"-Backstreet Boys