Crawling Back To You

I'm All About You

Two Months Later

Megan’s POV

“Megan!” a voice from inside the dark black SUV yelled at me as soon as I opened the door.

“Dina!” I yelled back, climbing in as Marc, a member of the Jonas security team, placed my suitcase in the trunk.

“Ugh, it’s been too long!” she said, giving me a tight hug.

“I know, right?! I’m so glad we planned to come on the same weekend. We’re geniuses!” I laughed.

Marc got into the car and merged into the traffic surrounding the Columbus airport. “Well, welcome to Ohio girls. How were your flights?” he asked from the front seat.

“Long,” I responded. “I tried to sleep but I was too antsy.”

“Well there’s no surprise. Today isn’t one of the biggest days of your life or anything!” Dina said so excitedly she nearly squealed.

“Nick’s been talking about August 26th since August started,” Marc added.

“Well August 26th is a pretty important day,” I grinned.

“Can you believe you have been with Nick for an entire year?” Dina asked.

“Yes and no. It feels like I’ve known Nick forever but this past year flew by.”

“It really did. I definitely agree with you there.”

“So how excited are you to see Kevin?”

“Thrilled! I’ve missed him so much.”

“Dee, I can honestly say I know exactly how you feel.”

“How many times total have you seen Nick while they started this tour?”

“Well he flew from Boston to L.A. for my birthday. Because of the time differences and five hour flights back and forth, we were together from like 4 am to 11 am.”

“I remember that one! Kevin said he was a walking zombie that night from no sleep.”

“Yeah, I told him he didn’t have to come out but he said there was no way he’d miss my birthday.”

“Gosh, that boy is too cute.”

“Tell me about it! And then earlier this month they were in L.A. for three nights so we were together then too.”

“It’s almost over! You’ve almost made it!”

“You and I both have almost made it, but maybe we shouldn’t talk until they come back from Europe,” I laughed, soon joined by Dina’s laughter.

“Here we are girls, the Nationwide Arena,” Marc informed us.

I leaned over, looking out the window at the arena we were quickly approaching. At the front of the arena hung a huge sign with the faces of my three favorite boys. A wave of excitement quickly took over me as I realized that the blown up faces on the poster were inside the building I was about to walk into.

Before we got out of the car, Marc called Big Rob to make sure the coast was clear. When we were informed that the boys had just gone on stage, Dina and I made a run for the backstage area, trying to not miss too much of the performance. The Jonas team greeted us with a mixture of waves and smiles. When we got to the actual Jonas family, the greetings were a little more personal.

As we approached an intersection of hallways, a familiar blur sped past us in the perpendicular hallway. “Frankie!” I yelled. Five seconds later, the once blur reappeared more slowly.

“Megan! Dina!” Frankie cheered, dropping his scooter. Frankie jumped into my arms as the metal scooter hit the hard floor. After giving Dina a huge hug, Frankie stood in between us and took our hands to lead us to his parents.

“Oh girls, it’s so wonderful to see you!” Denise greeted us with hugs and kisses on the cheek.

“All the boys are so happy you’re coming, well the boys that know of course,” Paul added.

“Well we’re so excited to be here,” I informed them. Paul walked away to take care of something as Denise pulled me in for another hug.

“Congratulations on one year, Megan. It’s such a relief that you’re here. Nick’s been feeling down all day. As his mother, it was awful to see. I wanted to hug him and tell him you’d be here but I know I couldn’t do that. Thinking he wouldn’t be able to see you on this special day just killed him inside.”

“I wouldn’t miss this day for the world.”

“My son truly loves you. I see it in him, even when you’re not around.”

“Well, I truly love your son,” I responded with a smile.

“He’s right over there. Go take a look.”

I nodded, following Denise’s directions. Standing next to Dina, we peaked around the corner, staying carefully out of the boy’s sight in case they looked over. I immediately felt at ease with just the sight of him. Nick—not a picture, not a voice, the real Nick—right in front of my eyes made me feel comfortable, safe.

The show was going perfectly. The fast paced energy was contagious and undeniable. But as the boys slowed things down for a few songs, I was a little confused when Nick began playing chords on the piano that I did not recognize.

“So,” Nick spoke into the microphone, playing the same keys in the same pattern over and over. “Today is quite a special day for me. Would you like to know why?” The crowd erupted as I watched Nick send a smile out in their direction. “Today is my one year anniversary with the most amazing girl I have ever met.”

The crowd screamed again, which made me smile. Respect from Nick’s fans isn’t easy to earn, but to know that we had and they supported us was an overwhelming feeling. “So right now, I’m feeling like this is one of the best and one of the worst days I’ve had in a while. It marks one year, which is amazing. But it makes me feel pretty terrible that I can’t be with her today.”

This time, the crowd let out an “aww” as I felt tears stinging my eyes. I wanted to run on stage and yell, ‘I’m right here, Nick. I’m here!,’ but I couldn’t. I wanted to know where Nick was going with this.

“So we’re going to play this song that we learned. A little Aaron Carter never hurt anyone, right?” he laughed. “I’m sending this song out tonight to the girl I love, my girl of one year.” Nick started the chords on the piano over again, and this time added lyrics.

“There's somethin' that I've got to say.
You're always with me even though you're far away.
Talkin’ to you on my cell,
Just the sound of your voice makes my heart melt.
Oh girl, well it's true.

I'm all about you, I'm all about us.
No, baby, you never have to question my love.
And every night there's a new crowd.
But it's always you that I'm singing about.
There is only one these words are going out to.
Oh girl, I'm all about you.

I know you worry sometimes,
Some other girl will make me forget you're mine.
There's not a doubt in this world,
That anyone could take the place of my number one girl.
It's true.

I'm all about you, I'm all about us.
No, baby, you never have to question my love.
And every night there's a new crowd.
But it's always you that I'm singing about.
There is only one these words are going out to.
Oh girl, I'm all about you.

When I close my eyes I can see you.
It's like your right here.
And this feeling's only gettin' stronger.
You're with me everywhere.

I'm all about you, I'm all about us.
No, baby, you never have to question my love.

And every night, there's a new crowd.
But it's always you that I'm singing about.
There is only one these words are goin' out to.
Oh girl, I'm all about you.
I'm all about you.
I'm all about you.
I'm all about you.
I'm all about you....”

The crowd went crazy as I wiped the tears off my cheeks. If that wasn’t the most truthful and more appropriate song about our relationship, I don’t know what was. I watched Nick as he stood up at the piano, took a slight bow, and turned his back to the crowd as he walked towards his guitar. He brought his hand up to his face and wiped away what looked like, to me, a few tears. It was at that exact moment that I fell in deeper in love with Nick, deeper than I ever thought I could.

At the end of the show, I hid in a hallway I knew Nick wouldn’t walk through. My excitement was barely containable as I paced back and forth, cell phone in hand, waiting for his call. The boys’ dressing room was just around the corner from me. Joe and Kevin were in on the plan and would leave the door open as they left the room when Nick called me.

When my phone began to vibrate, I let it ring for a little as I calmed down, trying to not sound suspicious. “Hey baby,” I answered.

“Hey love. How are you?”

“Eh, doing alright. I miss you. How was the show?”

“It was okay. It was so hard to focus.”


“Because it’s our one year anniversary and I’m not spending it with you. What kind of boyfriend am I?”

“The best kind. I love you, Nick. No matter what.”

“I love you too, Meg. I played a really special song tonight and I dedicated it to only to you.”

“I know. It was beautiful and perfect.”


“My favorite line was the one about there being a new crowd every night.”

“Wait, what?”

“Who knew Aaron Carter lyrics could be so appropriate?”

“Megan, I’m confused. How’d you know I played that song for you tonight?”

“I heard it,” I said as I found myself in the doorway of the dressing room. Nick was standing with his back to me with a hand resting on the top of his confused head.

“Did my mom call you or something?”

“Turn around, smart guy,” I quickly said before hanging up and sliding my phone in my pocket.

Nick’s head shot up as his arm holding the phone up to his ear slowly dropped to his side. A grin spread across my face as Nick turned his body to face mine. Watching the facial expressions on Nick’s face change was priceless. His face started out confused and quickly moved to shocked as his jaw dropped open, before moving into its final state of excitement with a huge smile.

“Oh my god,” Nick whispered before lunging towards me.

Immediate comfort took over me as Nick wrapped his arms around my back. Nick continuously gripped me tighter, almost as if to make sure I was actually there. Pulling his head back, he looked into my eyes for just a few seconds before attacking my lips with this own.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, slightly out of breath.

“Well I knew you couldn’t come see me, so I had to come here. Because honestly, we both knew there was no way we could spend this day apart.”

“I love you.”

“And I love you. Great show by the way. Your stage pants fit you better than I remember,” I winked as Nick smiled towards the ground. Grabbing my hand, Nick led me over to the couch. He sat first, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me down into his lap.

“I need to sit, I’m tired,” Nick said.

“Yes, let’s have you relax,” I laughed

“Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked.

“Coming to Ohio.”

“Don’t thank me. It was my pleasure. The last place I want to be right now is at home without you.”

“Hey Meg?”

“Yeah, Nick?”

“Happy one year. It’s been the best year of my life and I basically owe it all to you.”

“Happy one year to you. I couldn’t agree with you more.”

“Can you believe it’s been an entire year already?”

“This day last year we were at the zoo!” I recalled.

“Yeah, after that day we were convinced Joe belonged in one of the cages there,” Nick laughed.

“Good times,” I said.

“We’ve had a lot of those. My surprise birthday party, the Lakers Game, watching the sunset over the Hollywood Sign!” Nick shared.

“The beach trips, all the times you’ve serenaded me, the prom you made me!” I followed with.

“Prom was the best. That was awesome.”

“I’m glad we focus on the good times and not all the drama we faced,” I said.

“Most of it wasn’t even our drama, like all the Kevin and Dina nonsense, Lexie the insane, Colin and that fake chick that played him,” Nick rebutted.

“But we had our fair share—the countless Miley stuff, New Year’s Eve, the cheating accusations.”

“Okay, okay. That’s enough. I remember it all. But it doesn’t matter. We’re too strong for stuff like that to break us apart.”

“I agree.”

“Remember when we first came out to the public on Jay Leno? And that guy with the weird animals was there and Joe screamed like a girl when he held the snake?” Nick laughed.

“That was hysterical! That was definitely a memorable day,” I laughed too.

“Wow. An entire year.”

“It went by fast,” I commented.

“I know what you mean.”

“I want to be this happy on this day next year.”

“I want to be this happy on this day every year,” Nick boldly stated. “Not that I’m trying to freak you out or anything, but I love you that much.”

“I’m not freaked out. I love you that much, too,” I replied before pressing my lips against Nick’s.

After everything was cleared, the Jonas camp packed up everything and got ready to leave for the hotel. At this point, it was well after midnight and everybody was tired. I watched Nick as he collected his bags from the dressing room. When he was all situated, he looked at me with a smile.

“Ready, babe?”

“Ready,” I said, holding my hand out for him to grab.

“Hey, it’s August 27th and I just want to say that I very much look forward to this year,” Nick smiled, kissing my forehead.

“I am too,” I smiled back.

“Good, then let’s get out of here.”

Nick and I walked out the door, hand in hand. In the hallway, we met up with Kevin and Dina, also walking hand in hand. Joe joined us shortly after ending a phone call with Heather. We talked and laughed as we navigated our way through the arena towards the parking lot. I smiled, looking around at the people I was with and the place I was in.

This is perfect. This is how everything is supposed to be. This is how I want everything to be for the rest of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
So that's it. The Megan/Nick saga is over. It's really hard to believe!

These two have been really fun to write about. And I want to seriously thank all you readers for following me for this long! It was your comments that made me want to write even more and eventually led me into a third story. So honestly. Thank you.

Maybe I'll be back with these two every once in a while with a random chapter?! Who knows. But for now, I am putting them to rest. Again, thank you to all the readers who stuck with me!

Love you all! xoxo

Title/Song Credit: "I'm All About You"--Aaron Carter (it's a great song, I promise. hahah)