Crawling Back To You

I'm Yours

Nick’s POV

“Alright, we’re going to take another fan question,” Dan, the interviewer for Radio Disney said. It took all my will power not to roll my eyes. I love the fans, I really, truly do, but sometimes, the things they ask are a little ridiculous.

“Becky on line four, you are on with the Jonas Brothers!”

“Hey guys! I love you guys so much! You are the best musicians ever,” the girl screamed.

“I wouldn’t say that, but thanks for the compliment,” Joe honestly answered.

I smiled at Joe before looking over at Kevin on the other side of me. His fingers were moving rapidly, sending glances down every now and then as he typed a text. Focusing my eyes a little harder, I tried to read the name of the recipient. Expecting to see Lexie’s name, I was surprised to see a D, followed by an –ina. Kevin’s texting Dina?

“So my question is for Kevin. In Camp Rock 2, are you going to get a birdhouse?” Becky asked. Well, my point is proven.

“I do not have an answer to that question yet, but I hope I do,” Kevin replied.

“Yes, we all hope you do. We’re going to take a quick commercial break. When we get back, more with the Jonas Brothers,” Dan announced. He pushed a button or two and gave us the thumbs up, signaling we were off the air.

“Kevin, I have a question. How do you deal with the birdhouse questions? They annoy me, and I don’t even have to answer them,” Joe said, shooting a disgusted look Kevin’s way.

“The birdhouse question is way overused. It was funny the first couple times but now, not so much,” Kevin answered.

“Kevin, I have a question. Who are you texting?” I asked. He snapped his head in my direction.

“What’s it to ya?” His sarcastic tone made the corners of my mouth turn up.

“Okay, let me rephrase. Why are you texting her?”

“She’s my friend? Am I not allowed to text her?”

“No! That’s not what I meant! I think it’s great you can be friends after everything that’s happened. I’m just surprised.”


“Yeah. I don’t know. Just make sure you know what you’re doing, okay?”

“I’m a big boy, Nick. I know what I’m doing, but thanks for the concern.” Kevin lowered his tone before continuing. “And last night she told me to text her when I got bored. And, well…”

“Say no more. I feel the same way,” I whispered. Kevin and I laughed as he looked back down to continue to type and I looked in Joe’s direction. He was completely spaced out and I was not surprised at all.

“Hey guys, the commercial break is almost over. Are you ready?” Dan asked.

“Yes,” Kevin and I replied in unison. We both remained silent, waiting for the third Jonas.

“Joe?” Kevin asked.


“Ha, nothing.”

“And we’re back with the Jonas Brothers!” Dan spoke into the microphone.

I slyly pulled my phone out of my pocket without the others noticing. My eyes stayed on Dan as my fingers went from button to button under the table. This particular action was like clockwork for me. Multitasking, I spoke on the radio while pressing the appropriate buttons. When I finished, I quickly glanced down before pressing send. As the interview went on, so did my conversation.

1 Sent Text Message: Megan Gibson
9:21 am- Guess what Kevin just did…
1 Received Text Message: Megan Gibson
9:23 am- An interview, like you’re supposed to be? :)
1 Sent Text Message: Megan Gibson
9:28 am- I’m multitasking, duh. More importantly, Kevin just texted Dina!
1 Received Text Message: Megan Gibson
9:31 am- Woah. I guess they really are going to be friends! That’s good, right? Go do your interview! Call me when you get home. Lovee you!
1 Sent Text Message: Megan Gibson
9:36 am- Haha okay. Love you too, Meg.

Kevin’s POV

9:16 am. That’s when I sent the message to Dina. Now, sitting behind the wheel of my car, nearing my destination, I couldn’t help but think about how confused Dina is already making me. It’s day one of our friendship and things are already weird. She asked me to text her when I got bored, so I did. She was expecting the text, yet she didn’t respond to it. Is she having second thoughts about our friendship? Here I am, nearly nine hours later, still wondering, still yearning to know what is going on with her, where she is, what she’s doing.

Sighing loudly, I parked my car and ventured down the path. Every time I tried to rid the thoughts of Dina from my mind, I couldn’t. The uneasiness stayed in me as my feet continued to move. When I stopped, I pushed the doorbell in front of me. I looked down at the pavement, running my hand through my curls. The most stressful thought of them all came back. Is she okay? Is she safe?

“Hey.” I directed my attention straight ahead. Instantly, all the negative thoughts drained out of my head, just at the simple sight of her.

“Well hello there,” I replied. Pulling her close to me, I felt relieved. “You look very nice.”

Blushing, she replied, “Why, thank you. Same goes to you.”

“Are you ready to go?” I asked, extending my hand. She smiled at me before placing her fingers between mine.

“Yes I am, Kevin.”

“Let’s go then, Lexie.”

Thirty minutes later, I opened the passenger side door, offering my hand to my date. Lexie happily took it and climbed out of the car. Once she was out, we dropped hands and walked silently towards the restaurant, both of us taking in the surrounding environment. The starlit sky, the bright moon reflecting off the light waves hitting the sand—it was the definition of romantic. I knew it, and by the smile on Lexie’s face, I could tell she knew it too.

After opening the door to the little restaurant I chose, I followed Lexie inside and approached the hostess. She was looking down, unaware of my presence.

“Hi,” I said, trying not to startle her. When she looked up, her eyes caught mine as they filled up with shock. “I have a reservation for—”

“Jonas?” she asked, cutting me off.

“That would be it,” I laughed.

The hostess picked up a menu and eyed Lexie before picking up another one. Smiling, she motioned for us to follow her. Placing my hand on Lexie’s lower back, I used body language to tell her to follow the hostess with me safely behind her.

I smiled as we approached the secluded table on the back deck that I requested. It was on the corner of the deck, not visible from any windows and not near any other tables. The candles were lit and the table looked great.

Pulling Lexie’s chair out for her, she graciously took her seat, shooting a huge grin my way. I returned the grin before sitting myself down. The hostess placed the menus in front of us and informed us that our waiter would be around soon.

“Did you set this all up before hand?” Lexie questioned me.


“You did, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Kevin, take credit for this! This is so amazing—the table arrangement, the location, everything—it’s all beautiful.”

“Well I did it for you, so I’m glad you like it.” Lexie smiled at me before looking down to begin the decision making process with the menu.

After two delicious meals and a shared slice of apple pie with ice cream on top, Lexie and I sat leaning on the table towards each other. My arms were folded, resting on the table. Her hands where resting under her chin, her elbows planted on the table. Conversation was flowing easily, and being in Lexie’s company brought a smile to my face.

“Hey Kev, can I ask you something?” I held my hand out on the table, waiting for hers to join mine. She looked at my hand and watched her own lace together with mine.

“You can ask me anything.”

“Okay. I’ve been kind of thinking about this, and I was just wondering...well, what are we?”

“What?” I repeated. I fully understood her question and what she asked, but I asked what she meant simply to by myself more time. Her question was bold, to say the least. I was not expecting this for at least another few dates.

“Are we official? You know, like exclusive? I really like you and I have no desire to see anyone but you so that’s why I was wondering.”

I hadn’t thought about being exclusive with Lexie yet. I don’t think I have interest in seeing anyone else besides her, but isn’t this all a little sudden? I felt trapped. I felt like Lexie backed me into a corner and I had no way to go except tell her what she wanted to hear. A vibration in my pocket brought me back from my thoughts to the situation. Nerves had taken over Lexie’s face. It looked as if she regretted asking her question and wished she hadn’t.

“Honesty is very important to me, so I’ll be honest with you right now. I hadn’t really thought about the whole being official thing just yet, but, since you brought it up, I don’t think there’s a problem with it.”

“So, you’re my boyfriend?”

“Officially,” I smiled. Lexie leaned over the table and placed a sweet kiss onto my lips.

“I’m going to run to the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.” Lexie stood up and excused herself from the table. Since she was gone, I slid my phone out of my pocket to see what the message was without being rude.

1 Received Text Message: Dina Cordon
9:03 pm- Hey Kev! I’m so sorry I’m getting back to you so late! I had a late night so I slept in, and then my phone was off for my whole flight. I’m back in New York—it’s so cold!

Finally, the message I had been anticipating for almost twelve hours had arrived. I felt like the world was lifted off my shoulders. Knowing she was safe was such a relief for me. I was going to respond, but Lexie came back much quicker than I expected.

“Who are you talking to?” she asked, taking a seat.

“Dina just texted me to tell me she got back to New York safely.”

“Oh,” Lexie said, her eyes losing connection with mine. Her face fell, and it made my heart drop a little.

“Hey, look at me.” I placed two fingers under her chin, directing her attention back towards my stare. “Every time her name is mentioned, you can’t get like that. I’m your boyfriend,” I paused, watching the smile light up her face, “Not hers.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry again for the wait! You can blame school and Dina! haha <3

Comment!--let me know what you think of chapter three!

And a general FYI: I'm basically going into hibernation for the next 2 weeks--you can thank school and midterms for that. But I promise to work on an update anytime I can. Don't expect anything, so that way, if by some crazy way I get something out, you're all surprised and happy!

love you guys! you're the best! xoxo

Title Credit: "I'm Yours"-Jason Mraz