Crawling Back To You

Drive Me Crazy

Kevin’s POV

As I laid on my perfectly made bed, I let the thoughts reflecting on the past few days run through my head. It’s been a few days since Sea World with Lexie and ever since then it has felt like Lexie all day, every day. When I’m not doing business related things, I’m doing Lexie related things. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I missed the non-business family time I used to have so much of.

I haven’t talked to Dina since that night she texted me, informing me of her safety to New York. I’ve texted her a couple times, but the response I get is always the same—something along the lines of being busy and she’ll text me later. She always says it, but she never does.

Sitting up, I reached for my ringing phone sitting dormant on the nightstand. “Hello?” I answered.

“Paul Kevin Jonas, you are in trouble, young man.”

“Why hello Aunt Macie, it’s so nice to talk to you, too!” I laughed. “May I ask what I did wrong?”

“You did not inform that the lovely girl I met at your father’s party is now your official girlfriend! I understand you are a busy man, but no one is ever too busy to give such news to family.”

“I’m sorry, Aunt Macie. I was going to tell you, I promise. I’ve just been spending a lot of time with her lately and I think it’d be a little weird if I called you to talk about her in front of her.”

“Excuses, excuses. Not only did I not find out from you, but I found out from the lousy internet!” I gulped hard—the internet? Already?

“What do you mean you found out on the internet?”

“It was the leading headline on my daily email from today!”

Quickly throwing my legs over the side of my bed, I took two giant steps over to my desk. Pressing my phone between my ear and my shoulder, my free hands feverishly moved across the keyboard. When the site loaded, I clicked on the first article on the page, the article that gave up my secret not only to my aunt, but to the entire world.

The headline read, ‘Kevin Jonas has a new girlfriend!’ The picture below it quickly grabbed my attention. While at Sea World, we were taken on this behind the scenes tour of the park, keeping us away from the everyday park goers. An animal attendant had taken a sea turtle from the main tank and was allowing Frankie and Madison to pet it. Lexie and I were smiling at their glowing faces. The focus of the picture, however, remained on Lexie’s hand that was resting comfortably in mine.

“Okay, the whole point of the behind the scenes park tour was to stay away from this type of situation!” I complained.

“You’re Kevin Jonas, sweetie. They’ll always find you.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Sucks, doesn’t it?”

“Saying it sucks is an understatement, for sure,” I said letting out a small laugh.

“Well now that I know, give your favorite aunt the details!”

“That’s such a typical Aunt Macie thing to say. What do you want to know? You ask the questions and I’ll provide the answers.”

“You know, when it comes to girlfriends, you and Nick are the opposite of how you usually are. Nick is usually quiet, but if I get him started on Megan, I can’t get him to stop! You, the one who I normally can’t get to stop, are quiet when it comes to your girlfriends.”

“That’s a very interesting observation you’ve made. It’s very true.”

“So when did this whole ‘official’ business start?”

“About a week ago.”

“When did you meet her?”

“Barely two weeks ago.”

“And you’re official already? I’m not trying to criticize you, but that’s not usually like you.”

“Yeah, I know it’s not. Well we went out to dinner the night after the party and she asked me what we were. I froze. I had no idea what to do.”

“So you told her what she wanted to hear? Oh Kevin, you’re way too nice.”

“She’s pretty fragile when it comes to emotions, so if I said we were nothing, she would have broken down on the spot. I felt so trapped.”

“Well that’s never an easy question. Do you regret it? It meaning jumping into the boyfriend/girlfriend titles so soon.”

“I wouldn’t say I regret it. I mean, I think Lexie is being a little clingy. She always wants to do something. I’ve barely had a conversation with Joe or Nick over the past few days. She always makes plans, but, maybe it’s just because it’s the early stage. We’re still getting to know the little things about each other, you know? So I’m probably just overanalyzing it.”

My phone began to beep, signaling I had another call. Pulling my phone away from my ear, I saw Lexie flashing across the screen. “Do you have another call?” Aunt Macie asked.

“Yeah, it’s Lexie, but I’ll call her back later.”

“Maybe you should take some time for yourself today. What are your brothers up to?”

“I think I should, too. Joe is either out or going out with Pamela soon. Nick met Elvis Costello this morning. He should be home soon if he isn’t home already.”

The beeping started again. It felt like déjà vu as I saw Lexie’s name on the screen again. “Is that her again?” Aunt Macie placed emphasis at the end of the question.

“Yup. See what I mean?”

“Oh wow. You weren’t being overdramatic. Hey, is your mom home?”


“Alright, I’m gonna call her. You should take this call. And remember, Kevin time is very important, especially for your sanity.”

“Yeah, thanks for the advice. Talk to you soon, Aunt Macie. I love you.”

“I love you too, nephew.”

Sighing, I pressed the necessary buttons to take the incoming call. “Hey Lex.”

“Hey Kevy! How are you?”

“Good. I just got off the phone with my Aunt. How are you?”

“I’m doing okay. I just saw the article.”

“Yeah? Are you okay?” I asked.

“The questions is are you okay?” she asked back. What is that supposed to mean?

“Yeah, I’m fine. I was just surprised that they found out so quickly. I usually like to be more private about these things.”

“I guess that’s where you and Nick differ,” Lexie said. Her tone was so quiet, as if I wasn’t supposed to hear it.

“That’s how Nick and I differ? What do you mean by that?”

“Well he came straight out with his relationship, on national television nonetheless.”

“I would never do that. I’m not comfortable with it.”

Pausing slightly, Lexie changed the subject, obviously feeling defeated. “So what do you want to do tonight?”

“Um, I actually can’t hang out tonight. I’m gonna spend some time with Nick,” I lied.

“Oh, okay.” Her disappointed voice trailed off. I did kind of feel bad about lying, but Aunt Macie was right—I just need some Kevin time tonight. “What are you going to do?” she asked.

“I’m not sure yet. He had a really big day today, so I’m sure we’ll talk a lot about it. Then maybe watch a movie or something. I don’t know, brotherly type stuff.”

“Well, that seems fun. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Is she trying to make me feel bad?

There was a quiet knock on my door. I walked over to it, wondering who it would be. Opening the door revealed Megan, who I haven’t seen in at least two days, which was weird for us. Smiling, I motioned for her to come in. She took a seat at my desk, taking interest in the article that was still up on the computer screen.

“Hey Lex, I gotta go. I think Nick just got home.”

“Okay, will you text me later?”

“I’ll definitely try.”

“Oh. Okay. Goodbye.”

She hung up annoyed—I could tell—but really? She had no reason to be annoyed. Megan was looking at me with a confused look on her face.

“Nick has been home for like fifteen minutes,” was the first thing she said, as a giggle escaped her lips.

“Really? I’ve been up here. I was on the phone with Aunt Macie, but then Lexie kept calling so then I talked to her.”

“Are you guys hanging out tonight?”

“No. I’ve been with her every night for the past few. I just need some Kevin time tonight.” Megan nodded, clearly in agreement. I saw her phone light up as it vibrated in her hands.

“Um, Kevin. Lexie just asked me if I was hanging out with Nick tonight.”

My head shot up before I replied, “Are you kidding?”

“No. Do you know why?”

“I told her I couldn’t hang out tonight because I am hanging out with Nick.”

“Woah, she is SO trying to call your bluff! If I say yes, she’s going to say you’re lying. I’ll just tell her that he’s busy with you tonight.”

“Wow,” was all I could mutter. I was never a very good liar. Maybe she could hear it in my voice.But that’s beyond the point. Texting my brother’s girlfriend to try and catch me in a potential lie? Why would she do that?

When I directed my attention back towards Megan, she was staring at her feet. Her thumbs twiddled with one another in her lap. Her face seemed saddened by something. Seeing that I haven’t seen, or even had a real conversation with Megan in days, for the first time, I had no idea what was going on with her.

“Hey Meg, I know that look on your face. It’s the ‘I want to talk about something’ look.”

“Well there is something. I don’t want to sound like a cheesy sap or anything but, I haven’t seen, let alone talked, to you in a while. You’re like my big brother, Kevin, you know that. I guess I just miss you.”

It was after those words that the phrase, ‘the truth hurts,’ really affected me. Megan was right. The pain in her tone and her eyes made my entire body ache. She looks to me as a big brother figure, and recently, I’ve been the farthest thing from that. She comes to me when she needs to talk, just as I go to her.

“Come here, little sis,” I said, patting my hand on the spot next to me. A small smile found its way to her lips as she stood up and walked to me. Sitting down, I placed my arm around her neck and pulled her into my embrace. She hugged back and sighed, happy with her decision to throw her emotions out in the open.

“Megan, I am so sorry. Lexie has been occupying all of my attention, sometimes against my will. She’s kind of demanding when it comes to spending time together. I know that I can’t use her as an excuse for my wrong doing, but I really am sorry. I know I haven’t been around lately and I’ve missed you and my entire family.”

“It’s alright. I understand it’s a new relationship that’s trying to grow.”

“But thank you for coming to me. You can always come to me.”

“I know. Thank you for that.”

“Of course. So where is Nick now?”

“In the shower.”

“I bet he’s on cloud nine, right? Anyone who meets their long-time idol would be.”

“Oh yeah! You’ll see for yourself. Nothing can bring him down today,” Megan laughed. “Dina called me before and we talked about him meeting Elvis Costello. She asked if Nick did that silly little giggle he does when he’s nervous. Nick told me he couldn’t stop with the giggle! It just kept coming out.”

“You talked to Dina today? How is she?”

“She’s doing well. She said she’s rather busy.”

“That’s what she tells me every time I try to talk to her.”

“She’s still getting used to New York, Kevin. It’s much different than out here. We’re both from Jersey. L.A. and N.Y.C. are like day and night.”

“You and your analogies. They are so lame.”

“You enjoy them. They spice up conversation and you know it.”

“Alright, I admit it. I do enjoy them.”

“That’s what I thought!” Megan concluded, a fake attitude filling her voice, sending us both into a fit of laughter. “Well,” she continued, “Pretty Boy should be out of the shower by now. Nick and I were just gonna hang out here tonight. You are more than welcome to join us, or if you want your Kevin time, that’s cool too.”

“I’ll definitely join you guys for a little bit. Plus I want to hear more about Nick’s giggle fit in front of the one and only Elvis Costello.”

“Let’s go then,” Megan said, getting up and heading towards the door. I quickly got up and followed behind. A grin came over my face as I thought about the relaxing night ahead of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
The title of this chapter is a dedication to Dina and her favorite movie--thanks for all your help, girl :) ((Title Credit: "Drive Me Crazy"-Britney Spears))

So there's a lot going on in this one!
Let me know what you think! <3