Show Me The Angel I Saw In Your Eyes

Phone Call

I cried myself to sleep in Vee's bed that night. She and Frankie sat on the bed, trying to sooth me, until I finally passed out.

I rolled over, and rubbed my eyes, seeing light come through the window. I got out of Vee's bed and walked into her living room, where she had been sleeping on her couch. I sat down, and she came in from the kitchen.

"Hey." I nodded at her. "How're you feeling?" I shrugged. "Like complete shit." She sighed.

"Well, I've been thinking and... You know what I think?" "Enlighten me."

She sat down next to me. "I think you should go back home." "Like... home, home?" "Yeah. I think you should go back home to Chicago, and see your family and old friends and forget about that douche what's-his-name."

I looked at the floor. "...Jyrki." "Yeah, well, him. You need to get over him. It might take a while, but you should go home. Just the sheer space will help out a lot." "I don't know..."

"Well, I think you should. Jyrki's obviously no good for you. You can do so much better, Kivi. He's a damn bastard. You deserve better." She gave me a tight hug, "He's a bastard, Kivi, and you don't deserve bastards." I sniffled, holding back tears.

"I don't know. Let me think about it." She nodded. "Well, you can stay here for as long as you need, within reason." She laughed and I smiled. "Jussi can.. Well, I don't know. But it'll be alright."

"Thanks, Vee." I hugged her. "No problem."

The next few days passed sluggishly, yet extremely fast. I stayed with Vee and Jussi, sleeping on their couch. I could tell I was putting a strain on them, even though they denied it.

I don't think Vee ever told Jussi why I was there, but I'm sure he still knew. He didn't ask me about it, or treat me any differently though. I tried to stay out all day, finding things to do, and come back late, spending as little time as I could in their presence.

I was out with Frankie at the Modern Art Museum when I got a call. After picking it up and finding out who it was, I thanked Frankie for spending time with me, and bade her farewell.

I spent three hours, and quite a few tissues, on the phone, in a coffee shop.

"Hey, Vee?"
"Hey, what's up?"
"Not a lot, I'm at Wayne's Coffee."
She laughed, "How Finnish."
I laughed as well, "It's not my fault. They've got good coffee."
"Anyway, so how are you?"
I sighed a bit, "I'm doing better. And, well, I made my decision."
"Going home."
She hummed in interest. I kept going.
"I... I'm going to."
"What made you make up your mind?"
"Well,.. Patrick called."