The Single Semi-Adventurous Adventure of Silver and Fangs

Apple Bootie

I walked into my room. But there was something different about it now. There was something hanging on my wall.

What the hell? I thought to myself.

I got closer and saw that it had a note attached to it. I took it into my hands and read aloud:

Dear Fangs,

If you looked around and are reading this.Then you have found that I have placed a mirror in your room. Why? Because I have cursed you. Be forewarned. If you look into the mirror, then and only then will you be trapped. That is my only warning to you. This is no ordinary mirror. It is a cursed mirror. Like I said earlier, it will trap you in. I have cursed you to forever remain in that mirror. You will remain trapped unless you can find a way to save yourself from your horrible fate. DO NOT LOOK INTO THE MIRROR!

Sincerely, Apple Bootie

I stared at the letter. Confused by all of this. So I decided that it was probably just a joke. I was tired and I wanted to go to bed. But it meant passing by the mirror and resisting the temptation to look in the mirror.

I sighed and walked straight towards my bed. My eyes did not dare stray to the mirror. So I crawled under the covers and allowed my now highly medicated mind, to fall asleep.

I awoke early in the morning, I had forgotten all about the mirror. Sleep did that to me. I can't remember anything I did about twenty minutes before I fall asleep.

I did remember that Silver and I had a movie in about an hour. Oh, yeah. It's about one PM now. I have an internal clock. Weird huh? The movie starts in about an hour.

I ran to my closet and pulled out a pair of black jeans and a white tee. And the unmentionables.
I ran to my bathroom and took a shower. When I got out I spiked my hair. I loved the new way I had my hair. I had it spiked before but due to....erm...people I had to rid myself of them. Now, I didn't have to. By now, I knew that I had a max of five minutes to be at Silver's house. I sighed hurriedly as I ran to go grab my cellphone and MP3 player. Which was being held together with electrical tape.

I sighed and realized that I hadn't put my face on.

I grabbed the item off of my desk and ran to the bathroom. Only, to my horror, to find it occupied. Where was I supposed to find a mirror? My watch told me that I had two minutes.

I looked around, wildly. I saw it. The hint of light reflecting off the thing that I was looking for. But, wait, when did I get a mirror in my room?

Uhhh, who cares? It's a mirror!

I ran to it without another thought. I took my eyeliner and began to apply it. I smiled when I was done and stuck it in my pocket in case I needed it later. After I was done I took a long look at myself.

Then I realized. I couldn't move. Well, much that is. My eyes were drawn to something lying on the floor. A note. The note.


I looked up at myself once again. How do I get myself into these things?


"Rebekka! Your friends are here!" My mom shouted. I cringed at the use of my birth name.

And as if on cue, two guys walked in. David and Silver. Or Silver's birth name which is Jack.

"Hey Fangs. What are you doing? You won't get prettier by just standing there!" Silver shouted.

"Shut up! Don't ruin her hopes and dreams!" David managed through his laughter.

"Shut up you assholes! I'm stuck!" I muttered quite bitterly.

"What do you mean you're stuck?" Jack questioned.

I nodded towards the note as best as I could. David got the hint and walked to it and read aloud from the floor.

"Dear Fangs,If you looked around and are reading this.Then you have found that I have placed a mirror in your room. Why? Because I have cursed you. Be forewarned. If you look into the mirror, then and only then will you be trapped. That is my only warning to you. This is no ordinary mirror. It is a cursed mirror. Like I said earlier, it will trap you in the mirror. I have cursed you to forever remain in that mirror. You will remain trapped unless you can find a way to save yourself from your horrible fate. DO NOT LOOK INTO THE MIRROR! Sincerely, Apple Bootie"

I rolled my eyes. "So could you possibly find a way to get me unstuck?" I practically yelled at the two idiots just standing there staring at me.

David nodded and went over to my dresser and pulled a knife out of my 'sharp things' drawer. He walked over to the mirror and tried to pull it off. He succeeded but I followed it to the ground and laid on top of it.

"Damn it David!"

He then picked it back up and placed it back on the wall. Of course I followed.

He then popped open the knife and attempted to pry out the glass. He was doing pretty well until his hand slipped and he stabbed himself in the face. A disgusting crunching sound could be heard coming from his head.

That can't be good. I thought. Just then, David slumped forward, dead.

"Oh my god! You killed David! You bitch!" I yelled pointing to the mirror me. I then looked back down to find that David's blood would forever stain my carpet.

"Oh my god! David! You bastard! You ruined my carpet!" I yelled walking right over to him and kicking him in the nuts. Then I walked back and stood in front of the mirror.

"Want to go catch a movie seeing as you missed the last one?" Silver questioned. I nodded and walked to him, linking elbows. We walked out and to the movie theater.

And I never had another problem with that mirror ever again.
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Well, you see, I was bored...and I wrote this like two years ago.