The Creation of a Vampire

How She Came to Live In Ravenblack City

I remember the date perfectly, September 25th, 1945. The Great War was finally over, though the loss of life was great.

Life was much simpler then, than it is now. Well, that is, until he came into my life. An older man, who had seemed to catch my mother's eye. A well-bred gentleman, as my mother had once said. His name, was John Cunningham.

It seemed that my life changed drastically then. When they had met, there never was a day that went by, that roses did not fill our house. It was said by many of the local womenfolk, that the entire block smelled of the roses left by him. Not a day, where a man didn't come by, bringing gifts for my mother.

They married soon, sooner than most had expected. It wasn't a large affair, only immediate family and friends attended. This was two years before the incident, so I will not go into that.

My brother, who had been drafted into the military, never came back. This was my first taste of reality I suppose, and the first event, that lead to my changing, my rebirth.

Soon after the announcement of his death had been made, my mother followed. Some say my mother died of a broken heart, others say it was bad health. My brother's death, made it easier to hide the truth, I'd think. I know now, that John had payed many people off, to hide her murder, and the truth.

I am the only one now, that knows the truth behind it. John, had murdered my mother. I recall, looking on in horror, as he had done it. Peering out of the small space between my door and it's frame. I'm not sure what brought me to the door that night, as I had been asleep. Perhaps he had made a noise, though I can not recall this happening. Maybe it was instinct? Or maybe it had been the bond between a mother and her child. I am not even sure of that now, after the change had been made, and I am wiser now, than I had been then.

It was a knife.

His choice of weapon. I watched in horror, without making a sound, as he plunged it into her, over and over again. The blood, such a violent shade of crimson, spilled from her mouth as she gasped and gargled, and drowned.

Now that I think about it, maybe he was insane, or perhaps his anger had finally gotten out of hand. When he was sure that she was indeed, dead, he dropped the knife, and cried out in horror at what he'd done. He turned then, as though looking for a witness to his crimes, it was then that he saw me, a lone girl, watching through the crack of her door.

I suppose that I should have put out the light, I had no common sense then.

He quickly called me into the room, and I, being the obedient one that I was, went to him. I trembled in fear as I stared at him. He spoke no words, but I knew what he would do. He took up the knife, and I gave a small gasp of fear, and attempted to flee. My obedience would not force me to stay and wait for my death.

"Do not run from me," he had said to me. I had paused and turned to look at him.

"I won't hurt you," he spoke with a kindness I had never heard, something that even as a young girl, I knew not to trust. So I ran, he chased me down, and before the night was done, I lay on a distant, and deserted street corner, bleeding.

At that point, I felt the impending feeling of death, I knew it would not be long. Death was calling me.

I suppose it was the smell that brought him to me, the smell of fresh blood, luring him. He took one look at me, and picked me up. Why he didn't just finish me? I don't know. In some ways I'm glad he hadn't, and in other ways, I wish he had.

I didn't know him, and he looked frightening to me. He wore a nice suit, a black suit, and he was dressed as nothing less than a gentleman, but I had never seen him at any of the parties my mother had thrown.

Did I fail to mention that my mother was not lacking in the money department? I don't believe I mentioned it. I was spoiled. I will confess that, I had everything a girl my age could want. The finest dresses, the finest meals. People made every meal, I watched as others suffered from lack of money, though I did not gloat, or boast, or however you wish to say it.

Maybe money, maybe that's why my mother married John. My mother always loved money, and could never turn down a man with so much of what she loved. Yes, I will take that as my reason for her marrying him.

As I said before, this was not a gentleman I had seen before. He had a more, peculiar air about him. Something was different, he was different, and I couldn't place my finger on it. It was then, that he asked me, "Do you wish to live?"

I had expected something different, though what? I am not sure. Perhaps I expected a more animalistic response, such as a growl or a snarl. It would have suited him well.

Being the simple minded fool girl, that I had been then, I merely nodded. It was then, that I had noticed we were far from where we had started, far from the city. But how could this be? Were we not just in the city?

He then, lowered me to the ground. No, not lowered, it would be more appropriate if I were to say, he dropped me.

I had made a slight sound of pain and protest as I lay on the ground, with life still bleeding out. He took no notice of either, slowly, and surely, he paced. I could feel my eye lids falling slightly.

"Do not sleep, for you shall not wake," he commanded, without looking at me. He then turned, and walked without a sound, toward me. I can not quite remember what happened after that.

When I awoke, I felt, different, strange, dead, yet so completely full of life! The things around me seemed different, more real than they had ever been before. Colors were more vibrant. Shapes were far more distinct. Sounds were louder and sharper. Smells were intoxicating. Even I seemed different, my skin was by far more pale than I had ever seen it, and it seemed flawless, almost like porcelain. I stood, and then I realized what had awoken me. The sun, the bright, burning ball of orange in the sky. I took a step toward the light. The worst mistake. It burned, it burned far worse than anything I'd ever felt before. That's when I knew for sure what had happened the previous night, the tales that my brother had spun unto me, tales of beasts that drank the blood of the young, and the weak. The gentleman in black, had been a vampire. But that was not the worst of it, now I was, as well he, a vampire.

I hid away, it a place I never would have been caught dead in before. (Please excuse my poor attempt at humor.) A sewer, that's where I hid. The sewers are not the most pleasant of places, let me tell you that. Only in case of extreme emergencies, would I ever recommend it.

I tried then, to resist the urge to feed, but I soon fell victim to it, and often I could not have enough to ease my hunger. The newspapers often had headlines caused by myself, because I had no self control and often killed more than five humans in one night. The papers, with headlines of "Serial Killers", and other foolish things.

I was then introduced to another vampire, one that I accidentally stumbled upon one day. Now that I recall, I never did get to know his name. He lived among the humans, and I asked him how he could do it without being caught. He told me of another lifestyle, an alternative to the way of other vampires. To feed off animals. He told me that he often did so, it wasn't as nourishing as human blood, nor did it taste as well.

So I lived life like that, for many years, allowing my strength to grow through time, as I fed on animals. Let's just say that the population of mountain lions in California decreased. I had never trusted myself to live in cities, where the human population would be oh so tempting. I hoped though, that I could. My longing for the city life again had me convinced. And so I tried.

I found a city, the same city that we all have come to. One where most of the vampires were born. At first I found it, so difficult not to attack a passing man, or a woman. I fought myself, tooth and nail, not to. But I soon gave in, but fed only when I felt the hunger might get out of hand. I only took as much as was necessary, nothing more, nothing less.

I was a wanderer then, and I truly did wander about in the city. Never having a specific reason or direction. Just wandering, until I chanced upon another vampire, this vampire told me of a place where I could go and be accepted. That's how I came here.
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