Trashed and Scattered Again

Meeting Matt and Zacky

I had been in Huntington Beach California for two long months now. What have I done you may ask? Nothing. Since we arrived here 2 months ago I have eaten three meals a day, with an apple for a snack, slept, cleaned, read, and that's really about it. Tomorrow I start high school, at Huntington High.

"So are either of you excited about your first day of high school here?" My mom asked

"I am. Maybe I'll meet some now people!" Tess replied, her over-happiness annoying me.

"No. I'd rather lock myself in a coffin." My unhappiness openly came through.

"Ai, why won't you give it a chance?" My mom asked as a sigh escaped her mouth.

"Because I'm not going to. The minute I'm 18 I moving back to Denver!" She sighed. I finished eating in silence.

"When do you want to go clothes shopping?" Her questioned wasn’t at all pleasing to my ears. Clothes shopping meant one thing. The sign of permanency here, or at least for the school year.

"I'll let you know" I fished my food and went up stairs. I hadn't smiled since we got here, and I wasn't showing any sighs of doing so any time soon either.

"Have a good day at school girls! Make some new friends!!" My mom said with a hopeful tone in her voice.

"I'll try mom" Tess responded

"Whatever" I said getting out.

"Come on Ai! look there is a group of people over there! Let's go talk to them!!" Tess’s voice was a little too cheerful about the situation. Which added to my already annoyed mood with her.

"Who said I was hanging out with you? You'll be making new friends all day. I'll see you at lunch. Flagpole." I told her as I walked the other way. I checked in at the office, and they gave me a sheet of paper with what classes, what time they were, and what room they were in.

Those were the classes I got. I also received a lock and a number to my locker. I walked through the full hall ways. I did not fit in here! I found my locker and opened it. I put my stuff inside and stopped to look at what classes I had. "Language room 205" I read aloud.

"I have that class too." A voice said

"Me three." Another voice added. I looked over and saw two guys opening their lockers. One was tall with amazingly beautiful hazel eyes which made me want to stare at them. He was definitely gorgeous, and was fairly muscular already. My guess is he had to be around my age. He was also tall.

The second guy was shorter, more around my height. He had an amazing shade of green eyes. They looked totally different though which told me they probably weren’t related to one another. I didn't say anything. "Oh I see how it is. You must be popular or something and don't want to talk to losers like us huh?" The tall one asked. I couldn't stand being compared to the popular kids.
"I'm not like them!" I snapped anger detectable in my voice.

"She speaks!" The shorter one said. I let out a giggle. Whoa, I had actually smiled.

"I'm Matt, that's Zacky." The tall introduced them.


"You don't hear that every day." Matt commented

"No. It doesn't fit though, or so I've been told." I thought of Cody’s words again.

"Why what does it mean?" Zacky asked

"It's not important."

"Yeah it is." He told me. The warning bell rang.

"You're new here right?" Matt asked

"Yeah. i just moved here from Denver." I answered the question.

"Well why don't you walk with us to class. If not, you'll get lost."

"Okay" I agreed grabbing the stuff I'd need.

"Let me see what classes you have." Matt said. I handed him the paper.

"Other than Math, Gym, and French, we have all the same classes at the same times. And Zacky has Math and French at the same time. We'll show you around." He handed the paper back to me. We were now walking along the grass and this is when a guy came up. Matt gave him a death glare, and the guy returned it.

"Who's this?" The guy asked.

"Go away" Matt snarled. Matt clenched his fist, and the guy turned and left without a word. I wasn’t sure what to think.

"What just happened?" I asked

"Our group fights a lot. We aren't very nice to that many people." Zacky replied

"Oh I see."

"So you just moved here from Denver?" Matt asked, obviously trying to change the subject. But it made me wish that it wasn’t changing to this subject.


"Why?" Zacky asked

"My mom decided we needed to start over."

"Why?" Matt asked looking at me.

"My dad passed away 2 months ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Matt and Zacky said at the same time.