Trashed and Scattered Again

Day Two

"So you are riding home with Matt and Zacky?" My mom asked as she parked in front of the school.

"Yeah." I answered as the two of them appeared.

"Hi" My mom greeted them

"Hi." Matt asked Zacky responded.

"So don't wait for me." I added.

"And we are probably going to the mall for about 2 hours." Matt chipped in.

"See mom, I'll be home about 2 and 1/2 hours after school!"

"Okay" She laughed. She seemed relieved that I was making friends.

"Hi Matt." Tess came up.

"Uh, hi.ā€ He responded, sounding surprised.

"Okay Tess, I'll see you at home!" I said trying to get away.

"Bye". Today at my locker was a lot better than the day before.

"Ai how long have you lived here?" Matt asked
"Two months" I answered with a shrug.

"Holy crap! What did you do for those two months?" Zacky asked

"Sat in my room, read, ate, and slept."

"That's why we never saw you around." Matt calmly stated.


"Wow" was all Zacky had to say.

"Until yesterday and you two came along I hadn't even smiled in 2 months."

"Is there something wrong with you?" Zacky asked in a joking tone.

"No. It's just Denver was my home for 16 years."

"I would probably be the same way. I wouldn't want to move." Matt agreed about the whole home thing.. The bell rang.

"Crap" I said. Matt, Zacky, and I began to make our way towards stupid English.

After History

"So this is really random, but what's in store for you after high school?" Matt asked as we walked through the crowed hallway.

"I'm moving again." I answered as thought about my plan in my head again.

"Where to this time?"

"Back to Denver"

"What are you gonna do there?"

"Go to college, get a job, that kinda stuff."


"How about you?"

"Be a rock star." He said. I laughed at his answer, thinking he was kidding.. "I'm not kidding."

"You're in a band?"

"Avenged Sevenfold."

"That is so cool."

"Which reminds me, we are practicing at my house tomorrow after school. Do you wanna come?"


"Cool" We finally reached our lockers, and Zacky and I headed off for math. After class we walked down the hallways back towards our lockers. When we got there Matt was already waiting.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" I opened my locker and got out my lunch. Matt and Zacky did the same.

"Are you eating with Barbie?" Matt asked


"Cool, then are you coming with us?"



After school
Matt, Zacky, and I walked across the grass towards the parking lot.

"Ai!" Tess yelled running towards us.


"I'll see you at home."

"Bye" I followed the guys to a black truck.

"I call shot gun!" Zacky said

"Nope, you get the back." Matt told him.

"So Ai can sit in the front."

"It doesn't matter to me." I chipped in.

"Where is who sitting?" The guy I knew as Brian asked coming up.

"You and Zacky get the back." Matt informed him.

"Okay." Brian said getting in. The mall was huge! We spent about two hours there. I was the last person Matt dropped off.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." Matt offered.

"It's fine. I'll ride with my mom and Tess. I don't wanna cause you any problems."

"It's not. I drive through here everyday anyway"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay fine."

"I'll see you at 7:45 tomorrow morning."

"See ya. Thanks again Matt."

"Yup" Inside my mom was already cooking dinner.

"Hey mom" I said grabbing an apple.

"How was the mall?" She asked eager to get information about my day.

"For the first time since we got here I actually had fun!"

"See I told you things will get better once you make some new friends."

"I'm riding to school with Matt tomorrow"

"Okay. You got a letter today."


"Yeah" I found it and ripped it open. It was from Maggie. I'd write her a letter back later on. Dinner was finally done and we all sat around the table talking. "So are either of you going to the dance?" my mom asked us. It was the question that Iā€™d been waiting for.

"I am" Tess responded happily.

"I'm not" .I had just finished eating when the phone rang. Tess was putting her plate in the sink.

"I'll get it. Hello?" I heard.

"Yeah hang on. Ai! Telephone!!" She yelled. I ran and got it from her.

"Hello?" .

"Hey" A deep laid back voice drifted into my ear.




"Who else would I be?"

"Well I didn't know. I didn't expect the phone to be for me."