Trashed and Scattered Again

Matt's Secret

Three months in Huntington Beach now.

"How did I end up here?" I asked Matt while laughing at Zacky who was blowing bubbles.

"My parents went out of town." Yeah so, Matt's parents were out of town and he was having a party.

"Are you sure you don't want one?" Matt asked grabbing himself another beer.

"Yeah. I um have never tried one."

"Will you at least try a sip?"


"Your mom never drinks?"

"A margarita now and then. I've tried that." He laughed as we stood in his kitchen watching the guys be complete idiots. I think Matt had stayed sober mainly because of me. I have been here two hours and he had only had two beers, compared to the guys' countless ones. He opened it and handed it to me. I reluctantly took it.

"I don't know about this." I admitted

"It's a taste, if you like it you can have one."

"You're gonna get me into trouble."

"No I'm not!"


"Ai, I promise."

"Fine" I took a small drink. "It's not that bad."

"Do you want one?"

"No" He sighed in defeat before he picked me up and sat my on the counter.

"Wanna see something funny?" He asked

"Sure" I said wondering what was about to take place.

Matt put his hands around him mouth. "It’s the cops! We have the place surrounded!" He yelled in a different voice. All the guys fell to the floor saying "Crap, or shit". Matt and I both laughed and Brian fell off the couch, again.

"Guys, I'm kidding." Matt told them. They all came out.

"That was funny."

"I know"

"I should go home. You aren't having a good time with me here."

"Sure I am"


"Ai please don't go."


"Because it's no fun without you. I mean look at them." I looked at the guys.

"So you'll get just as drunk and join them. You should have just asked my sister to come."

He sighed. Matt had asked Tess to a dance, and since then she acted like they were so into each other. And I was left on the sidelines. Just like with every other crush that I have had.

"Ai, it was one time. Do you really want to know what I think of Tess?"

"Yeah" I said that I did, but did I?

"I don't like her in that way. At all."


"Ai I don't. I only like one person now, and it's not Tess."


"Will you stay?"

"Yeah" He smiled at this. "I'm gonna go see if Zacky will share the bubbles though." I hopped down and Matt laughed and followed me. Zacky did share. I noticed that Matt was just standing back watching.

"Ai, can I talk to you alone?" He asked.

"Yeah" He headed up stairs to his room, so I followed him. He turned on the light. I stayed standing.

"You can sit down you."

"Okay" I told him as I stayed standing.

"Thanks for coming tonight."

"I'm having fun." He smiled. Damn him and that smile!”

“There is something I have been needing to tell you for a long time."

"Okay shoot!" He moved closer.

"I only asked Tess to that dance because she kind of looks like you."

I laughed. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't like her."

"You've made that clear."

"Because I like you" My jaw dropped.

"You're kidding right?"


"Well shut up and kiss me then damn it!" He smiled and kissed me.

"Oh come on, you call that a kiss?" I

"No I suppose not." His lips pressed against mine. A months' passion came through in that one kiss. Probly making it the best kiss I'd even gotten from anyone. Matt was first to break the lip lock. "Tomorrow night, dinner, movie, you, me, 7?"

"I'll have to see if my other dates are planning anything." He laughed and shook his head.

"I'm kidding. Duh"

"Sweet." He said sitting down. I laughed at the expression on his face. He gently pulled me down. I laughed after the first shock of it, and his arms wrapped around my waist. I let my arms wrap around him. He drew me into another one of those amazing kisses. This time the lip lock was broke when we heard "Holy shit" From Matt's now open door.

We looked over to see Zacky, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny standing there. "Out" Matt told them. They all went downstairs again.

"We should wait." I stated.


"You'll have tomorrow to kiss me all you want." He smiled and finally let me up. Down stairs Johnny had passed out, Brian was trying to figure out how to work the remote control for the t.v., Jimmy was laughing at nothing, and Zacky was looking in to the now empty bottle of bubble mixture.

"Outta bubble's there Zacky?" Matt asked with a laugh.


"Here." I took the bottle. In the kitchen I mixed some soap and water.

"Here you go." I said handing it to Zacky. He continued on his mission of making the whole room fill with bubbles. I followed Matt into the kitchen again.

"You sure you don't want one?" He asked grabbing another beer.

"I'm sure. Maybe next time."

"Okay" 5 minutes later we discovered that Jimmy, Brian, and Zacky had all passed out along with Johnny. We both laughed. But then I noticed the time.

"I better go. If my mom worries..."

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow at 7."

"See you" I told him before giving him a quick kiss. At my house I snuck in through the back door, and made my way to my room. Tess and her friends were still awake.

"Ai! Come on! We are giving each other makeovers!" She said in her new found annoying perkyness.

"No thanks. Night" I responded hurrying into my room. Was I finally going to get the guy I liked before Tess??