Trashed and Scattered Again

The First Date

I woke up the next morning to the sound of someone beating on my door. Which was not the way that I wanted to be woke up. But then again I didn’t want to be woken up at all. It was a Saturday and I wanted to sleep. "Who is it?!" I yelled grumpily.

"Me!" Tess called back through my door.

"What the hell do you want?" I pulled the covers over my head in a failed attempt to block out the world and go back to sleep.

"Mom said it's time to get up. We are going to the mall to get school clothes. Finally."

"I don't wanna" Wait, I had a date with Matt tonight. A new pair of jeans and a new tee shirt couldn't hurt. So I got out of bed and got dressed then went downstairs.


"Someone's happy" My mom looked up with a smirk on her face at my happy mood.


"Something happened last night."

"Matt asked me out." Tess and her friends were sitting at the table, so I waited for the fireworks to start.

"For when?"

"Tonight, 7, dinner and a movie."



"You're first date in almost 5 months."

"Matt asked you out?" Tess almost shouted, stressing the “you”.

"Yes he asked me out."

"Who could pick you over me?! He was so into me!"

"News flash, he doesn't like you."

"What did he do with you?"

"Well he told me he didn't like you. Asked me out, and then he kissed me! Twice!"

She squeaked. "But I'm the one he asked to the dance! I'm the one who has a crush on him! I'm the one who acts like a girl! What do you have that I don't?"

"A bigger bra size" I thought in my head. It was the one thing that I did have that she didn't. And she always hated that. I didn't really care, but it made her mad.

"I don't know. A personality that he can relate to?"

"Like that actually matters! We were so into each other! You screwed that up! What did you do to make him ask you out?" .

"Nothing. I was myself."

"I'm always the one who the guys ask out!"

"Well maybe if you weren't suck a stuck up bitch Matt would like you. But oh wait you are, and he doesn't."

"How dare you"

"Matt like me, not you. And tonight I will be sitting by him at the movies, not you. And tonight he will kiss me, not you. And I've always liked him a lot more than you have. Get over it!" I said taking my plate from my mom and sitting down at the dinning room table.

"Isn't there like some kind of sister code that says if your sister likes a guy, he is off limits to her sister?" Anna asked.

"Well Tess didn't know that rule. She has done this to me about a thousand and one times." I almost snarled.

"What ever. Tess would never do anything that mean to you." Bell’s voice chipped in.

"Catty bitches." I mumbled under my breath. So much for a good mood in the morning.

"Tess, Ai, knock it off." My mom told us. Tess just kept moving her food around.

"Get over it." I told her.

"No." She started faking tears.

"Tess you can have any freakin guy you want! You are popular! The one guy you can't have and you throw this huge freakin fit! And you remind me about all of that every freakin day!"

"I really liked this one."

"You don't even know him!" I said standing up. I put my plate in the sink. "I'll be out back mom. Call me when it's time to go." I walked outside and sat down on a chair. I laughed to myself thinking of the priceless look on Tess's face when she learned that Matt had asked me out. Pay back. A few minutes later my mom said we were leaving.


"Like oh my gosh this is like so cute!" Tess said holding up a skirt. I rolled my eyes.

"That is cute." My mom agreed.

"And it's my size!"

"Do you want one Ai?" My mom turned to me.

"Nope" I turned and walked towards the jeans. In Hot Topic Tess didn't get anything, but I ended up with a crap load of band tees. At home I got ready. Anna and Bell finally left. At 7 I heard the door bell and Tess run for the door. I walked down the stairs.

"Yeah, she's sick. She's not going, but I'm free!" Tess told Matt.

"Bullcrap." I snarled walking into the living room.

"Wow, um you ready?" Matt asked.


"Okay cool."

"Bye Tess" I stuck my tongue out at her. She looked so pissed off as I closed the door.

"You look really nice." Matt told me.

"Thanks" After pizza we headed for the movies. We were there early so there was going to be a long wait.

"How did Zack take the fact that he wasn't invited tonight?" I asked.

"Really good actually." Matt started laughing.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing really."

"Sure. This is Zacky. He always has something to say!"

Matt laughed more.

"Well it's the truth."

"Yeah I know. It's a long story. You wouldn't want to hear it."

"We've got 30 minutes. Once again it is Zacky. It's can't be that long."

Matt's p.o.v
Ai laughed after I laughed. "What did he say?" She asked.

"He said sweet, behave yourself, and have fun!"
"Let me guess he cheered first?" She asked "Yeah, a lot."

Normal p.o.v.
Finally the move started. Matt stretched and put his arm around me. "You know you can just do that. You don't have to stretch for that."

“I’ll remember that next time.”

"Tess hates me."


"Because I get to kiss you tonight."

"Well we haven't tonight." I kissed him


"Matt I need to go in now." I said laughing later that night as we stood in front of my door.

"Do you have to?"

"My mom is going to catch us."

"Would you rather go in there with Tess, or stay out here with me?"

"Out here. But I don't really want to have to explain why it took us 15 minutes to say goodnight."

"Oh it's not like we are kissing that much!" This caused me to laugh again.



"What about me?"

"Matt I need to go inside now."

"Not yet" He pouted, holding on to me.

"What do you want from me?" We had been doing this for about 14 minutes now. I leaned in and kissed Matt. "Night Matt"

"Night Ai."

"I'll see you Monday."

"See ya"