
1.The dark side of fame

Nick's POV.

I left my bags in the bus,and sat down to wait for the others.Once again,we would go on our summer tour.I started thinking of all the fun we'd have,remembering the burnin' up tour last year.I looked at the house,saying goodbye,I wouldn't see it again in quite some time.I got up,and carried my bags to one of the beds,I wanted to pick one before the others got in.I picked the same as last year.And it was a good idea picking one now,before I knew it I heard the door opening and all the others got in,everyone but Joe that is.

"Where's Joe?"I asked as Kevin dropped off his bags by the bed across the floor next to mine.

"Ugh,don't even talk about it"he said rolling his eyes."Mr. prettyboy can't have one single hair in the wrong place"he said,sitting down on the bed.
"As usual then"I said.

Now you all think that was typical of Joe,but let me tell you,he had gotten worse,it took longer than ever and sometimes we could even be late for our concerts because of him.He had changed,fame made him this way.

"Do you think we'll ever see him be silly and joke around again?"I asked.

"I don't know"Kevin said quietly looking down,I could see this bothered him too.

He missed him,we all did.He was like a stranger to us,a whole different person.I glanced at my watch,7.05,what a funny time.But we needed to start 7.15,if Joe wasn't ready within 10 minutes I would go and..No,I couldn't.I was actually scared of upsetting him these days,he could be so rude you couldn't even imagine.We all sat in the bus waiting,and waiting,and waiting.At 7.20 he came in.

"You're late Joseph"mom said.

"Whatever"he said rolling his eyes.

He came in and threw his bags on my bed.

"Hey,what the?"I said jumping up.

"You got problems with me boy?"he said,standing scarily close to me.

"No,apart from the fact that bed was already taken!"I shouted.

"Oh,bad for you"he said making a sad face.

"I think that.."I said but stopped,my heart was beating so fast and I didn't know if I dared to stand up against him much longer.It wouldn't have been the first time he would've given me a black eye.

"I think it's fair the last one to arrive gets to chose from what's left"I said nicely.

"And I think it's fair some losers should know their place,not to mess with me"he said,and I saw him ready with his fist,ready for a punch any second now.

"Joseph!"Kevin shouted strictly."You take that bed over there,okay?"he said pointing.

Joe sighed and left his bags on the other bed.You see,the only person he listened to was Kevin,just cause Joe knew Kevin was much stronger than he was.I let out a sigh falling down on the bed,it had been so close I would've been hit again.It was nice to have a life guard by my side,my brother.Now you probably wonder,did our fans know what was going on?Everyone knew he had changed,but most of them didn't know about his jerky side.He faked them a smile everytime,I think he was sick of not knowing who he could trust,who like him for just Joe and who liked him only for Jonas?There were exeptions though,he still loved pretty girls.Well,didn't we all?But they had a tendency of letting him down as well,leaking information to the magazines,stealing all the attention,and so on.Joe wasn't such a good boyfriend either,his relationships didn't last for long,just until he found a new beaty and cheated on his girlfriend.The days when he treated girls respectfully like a gentleman?Dream on.

"You alright Nicky?"Kevin asked standing over me.

"Yeah,it sure was close though"I said.

"Sure was,promise me something"Kevin said seriously.

"Sure"I said.

"Don't mess with him when I'm not around,will you?"he said with a concerned look.

"I wouldn't even dream about it"I said laughing.

"Good"he said.

We just sat there thinking for ourselves a while.I lied down on my bed to relax,calm down my nerves.My heart was still beating surprisingly fast.Soon I fell asleep,dreaming of the old days,like I usually did these last few months.The times back in 2005-2006 when noone barely knew about The Jonas Brothers.We were in our garage back in New Jersey.I still remembered this day,it was a life changing day,and I could never forget the discussion we had there.

"Sounds good guys"Joe said stuffing his mouth full with pop tarts."If we ever got that record deal,what do you think it would be like?"he asked dreaming away.

"I don't know,pretty cool I guess"I said quietly.I was even shyer those days,it frightened me even thinking of singing in front of thousands of girls,with everyone's eyes on me.

"Well,I would have better luck with girls,that's for sure"Joe said.

"There's nothing wrong with you,it's your lame pickup lines"Kevin said.

"You're just jealous cause you can't come up with them"Joe said."Just promise me one thing guys"he said looking from me to Kevin."Promise me whatever happens we'll true to the one's we are,and never change"Joe said.We all agreed on that and soon after it our dad came in.

"Boys,I have some good and bad news"He said.

"The bad first"Joe said.

"The bad news is,you have to go pack your bags,and leave this place behind.The good news is,you got a record deal in Hollywood"he said.

I woke up screaming "Hollywood!".Kevin looked over at me,he was standing there with dad.

"That's not a bad idea at all"he said.

"What's not a bad idea?"I asked confused,sitting up.

"We just talked about which songs to play tonight when you gave us the first one"Kevin said.

"Oh,you're welcome"I said smiling.

"We're taking a short break here to get something to eat"mom said.The others went out while I stayed in the bus to check my blood sugar.Ah,perfect!I went out with the others and looked around.Here it goes again..

"Mom,I'm not eating here"Joe said refusing.

"Why not?We stopped here last year too,remember?"mom said.

"That was last year.Look around,we're in the middle of nowhere,not a single house as far as eye can see,only a shabby cafe,which I refuse to even enter"he said.

"Whatever,so little Joseph ain't getting any food,boohoo"I said getting annoyed.

I was seriously getting sick of him.He glared at me and went back into the bus.So much for his promise to staying true to himself.
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First ch finished,yaay :)
Please take the time to read my other story too.

And remember this is just a fic,Joe ain't seriously this way :D