
2.So?I am what I am

Joe's POV.
I went back into the bus while the others went to get food from that shabby cafe,which looked like it was about falling apart any minute.It would've been beneath my dignity to even go in there.And what if someone saw?Like a photographer?A girl?I couldn't take that risk.But I heard my stomach protesting all the time,I was hungrier than the others because I missed breakfast,my hair took all that time.I had to eat right?
I started texting Nick.

'Hey,could you get me something?Im really hungry...'
I sent it without having too high expectations.

'What am I,your servant?You should have thought about that earlier^^'
he wrote back,just something I could imagine coming out of his mouth.

I tried out texting the same thing to Kevin,but his message sounded almost like Nick's.

'Why don't you come in to find something yourself?I'm not about running your errands'

Ugh,I picked a bad day to be me.

'You get me something and I'll pay you double the price,deal?'I wrote.

'Deal ;)'he answered.

I was a bit suspicious about the smiley at the end of the message,but I'm sure he wasn't up to anything.I leaned back and logged onto our myspace to see what the fans were up to,not like I cared,I mean,all the messages looked the same 'Please marry me,I'm your #1 fan!'.I couldn't marry all of them!And I didn't really like them anymore,they all wanted me just because of who I was,not what I was,and I was sick of it.Just as my predictions the whole page was full of marriage comments and comments from fake wannabe fans.I could just tell which one those were.I checked out the messages,they were usually more personal,and normal.I opened one with the topic 'Joe please read'.It was a slightly longer message,and quite different I'd say.This is what it said:

'Hi Joe,I cant wait to see you guys preform tonight.I ordered my ticket a month ago and now I finally get to use it!But just so you know,I'm not coming for you,but your brothers.I can see a clear change in you,and I don't like it.You used to be someone I looked up to,the kinda boy I dreamed of marrying one day,the boy who's behavior my mom even liked.
But I guess nothing lasts forever,does it?
You need to come back down to earth,I understand it must be hard staying as the one you truly are,but please!Every week it's a new girlfriend,you're such a brand snob,and rumors are you've become a mean jerk.
So please,I hope this message made you realize what you're really like(at least to some point).
Still love you,Alana'

Who was this person to judge me without even knowing me?She was pretty,what a shame she was such a jerk.That's right,I wasn't the jerk here.I tried to delete it but for some reason my fingers were like frozen,I just couldn't.I turned down the screen and went over to the tv instead.Come back down to earth?I was as down earth as a guy could be.

Nick's POV.

I walked back into the bus laughing at Kevin.Joe got what he deserved!

"Finally,I thought you'd never show up.I'm starving"Joe said impatiently.

Kevin threw the bag of nachos to him and winked at me.Joe opened the bag and put down his hand into it.

"Cover your ears"Kevin said getting ready.

"What the?"Joe said and pulled it out,he shrieked like a girl and it flew across the room."You know I hate spiders!"he yelled.

"Chill,it's not even real.There was a little store in there,and i thought of giving you a bonus for asking me so nicely"Kevin said.

"Then remind me to never ask nicely again"he yelled.

"Calm down,it was just supposed to be fun,do you remember that word?"Kevin said.

Joe mumbled something we didn't understand,not so sure about if we wanted to understand it either.The others came in and we continued the trip.I noticed the computer and thought of logging onto myspace.Looks like someone already did.I read the message Joe had opened.This was a really sweet fan,someone who cared about him and felt just like I did about him.Suddenly I got an idea.

'Hi,this is Nick responding to your message.Thanks for taking the time to write to us'

I laughed,there was nothing funny about it but it sounded so professional,which was a good thing,presidents needed to know how to write professionally!I continued writing.

'I feel just like you do about Joe,and yes,he has changed.Be sure to read the last line'I wrote and put in my number,then signed it with 'Nick Jonas'.

20 minutes later while I played cards with Kevin and Frankie my phone beeped.

'Hi,uhm..this is Alana' she wrote,I could tell she was nervous even though I didn't see her.

'Hey Alana,so you're coming to the concert tonight,aren't you?' I wrote back.

'Yep,I'm so excited (:' she answered quickly.

'Would you like it if I got you a pass to the meet and greet area?'I answered.

'You can really do that??'she wrote.

'Uhuh,then you could meet Joe,and talk with him personally'I answered.There was a long delay before I got anything back.

'Oh..I don't know Nick.I've heard what he's like..'she answered.

'But just come and hang out with me and Kevin then,okay?<3'I wrote,hoping the heart inspired her to come or something.

'Alright (:' she wrote,I put away my phone and continued playing.

"Who are you texting with"Kevin asked.

"A girl,Alana"I said simply.

"We don't know anyone by that name"Kevin said looking at me suspiciously.

"It's a long story,but she'll come to the concert,and I think she might be the key"I said.

"The key?"Kevin said without a clue.

"I won!"Frankie shouted.

"No way,how?I was leading"Kevin said.

"That's what happens when you don't pay attention"Frankie said grinning.

"I guess you won then,we'll play more later.Nick and I got alot to talk about"Kevin said.

"Okay,I'll just go hang out with Joe then,woohoo"he said sarcastically.

"Right,tell me what you're talking about"Kevin said gathering the cards.

"I think she might be able to help Joe"I explained.

"Nick,one girl doesn't bring him back just like that.He's had at least a million girls these last few months"Kevin said.

"But unlike the others,who just wanted to shine in the spotlight alongside with him,this girl really cares.And she looks like the kinda girls he used to be dating,she's everything he used to be"I said.

"Yeah,but what are you gonna do?Just talking with him doesn't change anything,and what if he doesn't like her?Nick,I'm sorry,but I think Joe is lost forever more"he said.

A tear rolled down my cheek by the way he put it out.

"Then she's our only hope now"I said.
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Thanks for everyone who has subscribed already,I love you guys! :)