

Nick's POV.

I was online again.Alana's profile was luckily public,I wanted to find out everything there was to find out about her.I was watching her photo's,she was extraordinary beautiful.I watched a photo where she posed in a purple and black tee,covered by a white unzipped hoodie,red skinny jeans and black converse.I could see alot of the old Joe in her,before he got all 'I'm not wearing that unless it's a designer brand',and he never dressed casually,every single day he looked like he was going to rock out on stage,and he was trying too hard cause in my opinion,it didn't even look good.The only thing Joe and Alana had in common was the hair,she had naturally curly hair,though it was obvious she had put alot of different products into it,causing it to look like she came from a dream I'd had,it looked similiar to that glamorous hollywood hair.Her hazel eyes sparkled,she had the kinda eyes you couldn't look away from,once you saw her.In some photo's she made crazy and silly faces,just like Joe used to.I had to stop thinking of her the way I did.She was beautiful,but I couldn't fall for her!At least not before I knew if it worked out between her and Joe.

It was too late now,I had caught the lovebug.

Kevin came over to look what I was doing.

"What are you-"he said but stopped and stared,oh no."Whoa,that's the girl?"he asked.

"Yup,our rescue"I said.

"I know you're trying to set her up with Joe but-"he said and stopped again.

"She's beautiful"we both said.

"I've never seen anything like it before,he looks better than any of my ex-girlfriends"he said.Now we had a problem,he had never said that about a girl before.And here's the thing,if Joe liked her it would break both of our hearts,if he didn't we would most likely start fighting over her attention.

"Can I have her number too?"he asked.

"At least not until she's met Joe"I said,or maybe never.

We shut off the computer to stop drooling over this girl,it was the only way.Kevin went to play with Frankie,I went somewhere he didn't see me to text her again.I didn't want him to think I didn't give him her number for my personal game.

'What's Mrs.Jonas doing? :]'I texted.With Mrs.Jonas I meant Mrs.Nick Jonas,but she wouldn't catch up on that.Ha.

'At the hotel trying to figure out what to wear for tonight'she wrote back.

'I'm sure you look beautiful no matter what'I wrote.

'*blush* Thank you,that's so sweet :) Well I thought of doing my own thing,but then again,would Joe like that?I mean,I've seen the girls he's been dating..'she wrote back.

'No,Joe likes,or liked girls with a personal style.And so does me and Kevin :)'I wrote back.

'Sweet,I'm trying out something right now,can I send you a picture?'she answered.Score!

'Sure'I wrote quickly,I would be the first Jonas with a picture of her.

Some time went by and about five minutes later I recieved the picture.The hairstyle looked about the same as on myspace,and those breathtaking eyes..wait,that was not what I was supposed to look at.I watched her cool style,she was wearing black converse again,a brown leather jacket and at the top of everything a pink dorky headband.Was this girl Joe's long lost twin or something?I had always thought Joe's style was a bit crazy,even though I missed it now,but this girl sure knew how to pull it off.

I usually didn't fall for girls like her,but for some reason,I started to feel that little thing called love.
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It's kinda short but I think its okay,tell me what you think (: