Vincents Life Story

Chapter 1: A Birth... of Sorts

An ambulance races down an empty street, its sirens warning invisible traffic of its presence. It wails like a banshee as it rushes towards the hospital. Inside it lies a woman, a woman who is in pain and who screams in unison with the siren of the ambulance. The paramedic tries to comfort her as he examines her.
"She's fully dilated but there's something wrong!" He shouts to the driver.
"What? What it?" the paramedic hurries over to the driver. He whispers to him just out of earshot of the woman. The driver shakes his head mournfully as the paramedic rushes back to the woman.
"Daphne? can you hear me?" he looks at woman's eyes and checks her pulse.
"Y... yes. What did you say t... to him?" she whimpers in pain as she speaks.
"Nothing. Don't worry yourself, every thing's going to be fine. You’ll have your baby soon" he rummages in drawers behind him and produces a bag full of transparent liquid. He attaches it to the receiver in her arm. She falls unconscious.

Daphne awakes suddenly and doubles over in pain, as blood gushes from her. She screams and thrashes about, her fist connecting with the left cheek of the paramedic. He begins to restrain her with the straps on the bed.
"Oh my God! What's happening?!" She grabs the paramedic by his jacket and pulls him in close "Save the baby. Please, save my Vincent." he nods shaken by this action. The paramedic moves to the bottom of the bed.
"It’s coming! I can see the head!" he looks up to the driver "Hurry up David!"
"Almost there!" The baby forces its way out of Daphne, bringing with it another wave of blood. The paramedic raises the baby to check it. It doesn't cry, it doesn't squirm or try to escape. It just hangs there in a giants hands staring into his eyes.
"Daphne you're baby is here! He's a beautiful baby b... b..." A deafening silence fills the ambulance, the engine hushes, the banshee settles, and the screaming stops. Daphne lies on the bed, half strapped down, covered in blood, her eyes vacant and staring, and her skin cold to the touch.

The driver goes through the formalities. The paramedic clutches the baby in his jacket, as he walks slowly down the long corridor quiet corridor. He arrives at the newborns ward and talks to the nurse.
"Vincent... his name is Vincent"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its really short but i had time restrictions =P
This is the first of many =]
I wrote the las chapter of this story for my GCSE creative writing coursework =D
Love you all!