My Dodgy Romance

its dinner time

izzy's pov

(dinner time)

we have just ordered dinner exept frank who has filled himself up on skittles and boost again hehe.i cant believe i have been so lucky to meet them let alone eat with them im soo excited i think im gonna be sick.

(10 mins later)

the waiter had gave us all our food except gerards who was very angry and impatient.

''where the hell is my food" gerard asked whilst pouting

"dont worry im sure it will be here soon gee"bob replied whilst conforting him

"ye i guess your right" gerard piped

we had all nearly finished our dinner but gee still hadnt eaten yet.

"ok thats it im goin to complain"

"ok ill come with you" i said delightfully

gerard stormed off to the counter with me doodiling behind him.

"yes can help you" the women at the counter asked

"yes you can i ordered a chicken and chips and i still havent recieved it yet"gee said angrily

"hang on one minuite and i will tell the chef right away" the women replied politley

(15 minuites later)

"hey gee your foods here" ray said

"yay" gee waved frantically

" your food sir" asked the waiter

"ye thanks mate" gee sed

gee started to munch on his food quickly so mikey threw some beef burger off his head and told him to slow down,gee picked up a skitte from franks nose and threw it at mikey but missed and got stuck in rays fro ray then picked up a tomato an threw it at frank who jumped frantically mikey sat there laughing his head off along with bob and janet until someone threw a big piece of pizza at him . the waiter had tried to kick us out for causing a food fight but gerard wasnt leaving without his chiken and stayed put, the waiter tried to grab him but mikey punched him.

"dont even think about touching him" mikey warned him

"ye dont touch him" we all agreed

the waiter ran off to get back up and lets just say it ended up getting very rough hehe.

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