A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Ten.

It has been about four hours since we all last saw the guys. My parents were talking to me about what had actually happened in the car. I told them I had no clue and that one second I was talking to Bobbie and then the next second I woke up in this place. Becca had left the hospital and went home. But she told me that if I didn't get out early she would come back. My parents were surprisingly not mad about the accident because afterall it was not my fault.
"Just rest. Take a nap or something. You have had a long day." my dad told me. I did what he told me to do and took a nap. They then went into Bobbies room to make sure she was doing ok and if she needed anything. She told them she was fine. My father told her the same thing he told me. Me and Bobbie both fell asleep for about three hours or longer. I slowly started to open my eyes and I see Kevin sitting right where he was before he left. The concert was over. By this time it was around 10 PM.
"Hey, how was the concert?" I asked him.
"It was good. I was thinking about you the whole time. Hoping you were doing fine. Tomorrow if you and Bobbie are feeling better, want to still keep our plans?" Kevin asked me.
"Of course. What will we be doing tomorrow anyway?" I asked him.
"Joe, Nick and I decided to take you, Bobbie and Becca out for an amazing time. And we are not telling either of you what or where we are going." Kevin said smiling. I gave him a small push.
"Okay, I have a question for you though." I said to him.
"What?" Kevin said.
"What is going on with Bobbie and Nick?" I asked him.
"He really likes her. He said that when he walked into her room for the first time, that she looked like an angel and that she was gods gift. He is planning on asking her out tomorrow. Do you think she will go out with him?" Kevin asked.
"Aw, that is really cute because she likes him soo much. Believe me I know. I had to always listen to her talk about how amazing he was. And yeah of course she will date him. But dont tell him that I told you." I told him.
"I would never do that. Believe me, you can trust me." Kevin said with a big goofy smile.
"I know I can trust you." I told him with a wink. Kevin grabbed my hand and was holding it. I accidently fell asleep before him. He was still holding my hand as he fell asleep in the chair by my side. In Bobbies room, Nick was sitting next to her as she woke up to his face.
"I seem to always wake up to you. I'm beginning to like it." Bobbie said.
"Good, I'm glad." Nick said laughing.
"So not cool." Bobbie said kidding around.
"Are you feeling up for an adventure for when you get out of the hospital?" Nick asked Bobbie.
"That can be a possibility. What is the adventure you speak of?" Bobbie asked.
"That is a surprise." Nick sad. He was also thinking of how he is going to ask Bobbie out without it being weird. He wanted it to be perfect and did not want to ruin anything. He looked at Bobbie then started to speak. "It is getting late. You should get some rest and I will see you in the morning."
"I slept enough today." Bobbie said with a yawn.
"I think you could use a little more. Don't worry I'll be by your side the whole time. I'm not going anywhere." Nick said.
"Alright." Bobbie started talking. "I am so glad I finally met you and now your here and oh my god. your amaayyyy...." Bobbie fell asleep before finishing her sentence. Nick kissed her forehead and held her hand while he fell asleep in the chair next to her bed. This could not have gotten any more perfect. Everyone;s dreams were finally coming true. Finally morning comes along and....
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when i wrote this and Bobbie read it for the first time she practically died inside. haha. tell me what you think. enjoy.