A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Eleven.

Bobbie wakes up first and see's Nick sleeping in the chair next to her bed. She smiled because she thought he looked so adorable sitting there sleeping. She thought his curly curly hair in his face was the cutest thing in the world. She knew she had to have been the luckiest girl in the whole universe. She laid in the bed. She was anxious for him to wake up so she can talk him about things. Bobbie started yawning as she was still in the process of waking up. About 15 minutes later, Nick starts to wake up. He yawns and looks up at Bobbie and smiles.
"Good morning sunshine." Bobbie said to him.
"Hi. How are you?" Nick said.
"Excellent. I'm ready to get out of this place." Bobbie said.
"Yeah, I cannot wait. Me, Kevin, and Joe have exciting plans for you, Danielle, and Becca." Nick said excited.
"What is going on today?" Bobbie wanted to know.
"Not telling you." Nick teased.
"Fine be that way!" Bobbie said sticking her tongue out. They kept going at it for about twenty minutes. Then they both ended up laughing harder than ever.
Back in my room, Kevin was the first to wake up. He was holding my hand and just sitting there waiting for me to wake up. I start to wake up and see Kevin looking at me. I smiled at him. He got up and kissed my forehead.
"Good morning babe." he said to me.
"Morning." I said back.
"You ready to get out of here today?" he said to me.
"Yes, more than ever. This bed was very uncomfortable sleeping in it." I said with a frown. Kevin frowned back. His amazing curly brown hair was half in his face. Boy did he look so cute.
"I love everything about you, do you know that?" I told him.
"Of course you do, I'm Kevin Jonas." he said with a smirk. I looked at him funny. "I'm only kidding." he finished.
"I know. You, Mr. Jonas are a funny funny guy. I said smiling at him. He smiled back. His perfect teeth was another perfection about him. My mom and dad walk into the room and see that we are both awake.
"Good morning Danielle" my mom said looking at me, "Kevin." she said looking at him.
"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Tarlo." Kevin said.
"Morning mom, dad." I said. "When can we get out of here?"
"As soon as the doctors get the paperwork done and say you can go." my dad said.
"I cannot wait to take you to that place I told you about yesterday." Kevin said. I looked at him wondering where we were possibly going to be going. About three hours finally passed and the doctors said both me and Bobbie can go home now. We got ready to get going. Bobbie and Nick walked out of the hospital hand in hand. Kevin and I walked out of the hospital hand in hand as well. I thought it would be a better idea to invite the guys over to my house for a bit. So we decided Kevin was driving back to my house. Kevin walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me.
"M'lady" he said all romantically.
"Thank you darling. I said winking at him. He shut the door and walked over to the drivers side. Nick opened the door for Bobbie and let her in. He made sure she was inside of the car and closed the door for her and walked around the other side of the car and got in. Nick was close to Bobbie so he put his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulders. I sat in front talking to Kevin telling him how to get to my house. We were driving and driving for what it seemed like forever. I didn't care though because I was with him. Bobbie and Nick were in the backseat kissing.
"Get a room." I said jokingly to them. Bobbie laughed at me. Nick did as well.
"Your just jealous." Bobbie jokingly said to me as she laughed.
"Oh yeah I'm real jealous of you." I said with a smirk. We finally arrived at my house. We all got out of the car and walked into my house. Me and Bobbie told the guys to wait downstairs while we went upstairs and got ready for the day. So we walked upstairs to my room. Since we had two bathrooms, I went to my bathroom and she went to the guest bathroom. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I walked into my room and walked in front of the mirror so I can apply my make-up. I was wearing my cute lime green shirt with my brand new black skirt and my cute new air walks. My hair was scrunched and looked good. Bobbie was dressed and was doing make-up as well. She was wearing her light blue shirt with her faded out jeans and converses. She made her hair look very wavy and cute. Soon enough we were both ready. I picked up my cell and called Becca. I told her that she needed to come over ASAP. That we were going to get ready to go. She said she was on her way. Me and Bobbie walked downstairs to Kevin and Nick sitting on the couch talking to one another. Kevin told me that he called Joe and told him to meet us all over at my house. I told him that I had called Becca and told her the same. Me and Bobbie were anxious to see what was in store for us today.
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tell me what you think. enjoy.