A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Twelve.

Bobbie and I walked over to Kevin and Nick. I sat down with Kevin and she sat down with Nick. We all waited for Joe and Becca to both show up so we could leave. I really wanted to know what was going to happen today. I was bugging Kevin to tell me what was going on for today but he kept telling me that he wasn't going to tell me. About twenty minutes later, we hear a knock at the door. Kevin said he would get it. He got up and opened up the door to find Joe standing there.
"Sorry it took me so long to get here. Is Becca here?" Joe asked.
"Not yet. She should be here soon. Want to stand out there all day or wold you like to come in?" Kevin said laughing. Joe did not find that very funny. So he finally walked in the house. Kevin closed the door and followed behind Joe. Joe saw all of us sitting on the couch. He walks over to us and tries to act all cool.
"What's up?" he said. We all looked at him like he was crazy. "Am I talking to a room full of zombies or something?" He broke the silence.
"Haha your funny Joseph." Becca said. Joe turned around to see Becca standing there in the room. He walks over to her and hugs her.
"When did you get here? I didn't even hear you come in." Joe said to her.
"I'm a ninja I guess. I just walked in actually." Becca said laughing. We all stared at them.
"So lets go and have some fun." Nick said.
"I'll drive the girls and Kevin, you can drive the guys. I'll follow behind you." I said as everyone agreed. So we all got ready to get going. We still did not know what to expect. My aprents had let me use their car to go out and spend the day with the boys along with Bobbie and Becca. Kevin backed out of the driveway and I followed. I was right behind him the whole time. I did not know where he was taking me. It seemed like he knew his way around here like he lived around here or been around here before. So were driving and Becca looks out the window and starts making faces at other drivers. I think she is crazy and needs some help. But thats why she is who she is. Bobbie decided to turn on some music. She had grabbed my cd case from my room before we left. She took out my Tokio Hotel cd. She decided to put that in. After she put it in, her cell phone had rang. It was our friend Ashley aka Fryz.
"Hello." Bobbie said.
"Hey Bobbie, Whats up? Are we still hanging out today?" Fryz asked.
"Oh crap. I forgot about our plans today. I was in the hospital over night last night. And you will never guess who I was going to hang out with today." Bobbie said with excitement.
"Oh My God. Are you alright? What happened? I don't know, who are you hanging out with? Besides me of course." Fryz said concerned but disappointed.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Well me and my parents got in a huge fight. So I called Danielle up and asked to stay at her house. She said it was fine. She came and picked me up. On our way back to her house, a car crashed into the side of her car. We're both fine, thank god. And it's the Jonas Brothers!" Bobbie told her.
"Oh wow. Wait did you just say you were hanging out with the Jonas Brothers?" Fryz forgot about everything else she was going to say.
"Yeah, I met Nick yesterday, he came into my room and gave me a balloon and flowers and Fryz he is amazing." Bobbie said. I sat there rolling my eyes and laughing at her. Boy was she a cornball.
"Lucky. I wish i could meet them. What are they like? Tell me tell me!" Fryz bugged Bobbie.
"Their normal guys really. Their so much fun to be around and they said they had a surprise for us today." Bobbie said.
"Well what are you doing tomorrow?" Fryz asked.
"I do not know yet. Maybe if we hang out with the guys, you can tag along?" Bobbie suggested.
"I guess that is a possibility. Well i have to go though. But give me a call tomorrow to let me know what is going on." Fryz said.
"Alright, bye." Bobbie said. She hung up the phone and told us it was Fryz. I turned up the music in the car. The song, 'Scream' came on, and all three of us were singing the song. Boy did we have so much fun. I was wondering how much longer the drive was. I did not want to bother them yet. We drove for about another 25 miles and Kevin finally stoped the car and started to get out. So I imagined we we're there. I got out of the car and walked up to Kevin wrapping my arms around him.. Bobbie walked over to Nick and hugged him. Becca walked over to Joe and kissed his cheek.
"So where are we?" I asked Kevin.
"This is our favorite place to be." Kevin said. We were in the woods somewhere. The sunlight shined through the trees and it was beautiful. There were different trails leading to different places. I wondered where they lead to.
"Wow this place is beautiful." Bobbie said. She turned around in a circle looking at this beautiful place. Becca wished she had her camera because she was into photography. She loved the sights around her.
"Danielle, follow me. I want to take you somewhere." Kevin said holding out his hand. I took his hand and followed him into the furthest trail from the bunch. I turned around to look at Becca and Bobbie and I smiled. Then I waved to them. They waved back and I disappeared into the woods. Nick held out his hand for Bobbie to grab it so he can take her to his most favorite spot in the woods. He told her to follow him. She did and they walked down the middle trail until they disappeared. Becca and Joe still stood there. Joe loved everything about these woods. He didn't have just one favorite spot. He told her to come along and he wanted to show her something amazing. She took his hand and they walked down the last trail that was there. They disappeared into the woods also.
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Fryz is now added into the story officially. Fryz is a friend of mine. her name is Ashley but everyone calls her Fryz. [because of her last name.] anyway. tell me what you think. enjoy.