A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Thirteen.

Me and Kevin were walking through this amazingly beautiful forest. I love being around trees and go on adventures. I was still holding Kevin's hand and i looked at him for a mere second.
"Where are we going?" I asked him.
"You will see. You will love this place. I promise." he told me. I believed him. I bet this place was amazing. We were still walking through the woods. We come out this this beautiful lake. The water was bluer than the sky. The rippling of the waves made the water look pretty. The sun shining into the water and the reflection of it was definitely a gorgeous sight. I looked at Kevin and saw him starring into the water. I thought this was the best place in the world. Being with him made it all worth while. I fell in love with this place we were at. But mostly I fell in love with the guy standing right next to me holding my hand. I know it was a short time of knowing him but it feels like i have knowns him my whole life. I can trust him with anything i tell him and we have so much in common. I just love the fact that he has an amazing personality. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but I thought it might have been weird telling him that after just a few days of dating him. But i did not think I could hold it in any longer.
"Kevin, can I tell you something?" I broke the silence.
"Yeah, sure anything. You know you can talk to me about anything." he told me.
"Since we started dating a few days ago, I found out more and more about you that I just adore. And I just wanted to tell you that.." Before I could finish my sentence Kevin kissed me.
"I love you too." he told me. I was so happy. I hugged him for so long. I was glad he felt the same way about me. 'I love my life' I thought to myself. I looked up at him and kissed him. This was beyond the perfect day in the whole world.
"I want you to meet my parents. Will you want to?" Kevin asked me.
"Yeah I would LOVE to meet your parents. One question? Do they know about me?" I asked him.
"That's good and yes they know about you. They asked me when they were going to meet you also. They want to meet the girl who stole my heart. Kevin said smiling down at me. Since he was a bit taller than me I had to look up at him a bit. I squinted a bit because the sun was in my eyes.
"Let's go sit on that log over there." I said pointing to a log down a bit from us. So we walked over to the log and sat down on it. I leaned on Kevin and put my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me. We just sat there watching this beautiful place.
"I hope you like this place." Kevin said to me.
"I do not like this place. I LOVE it." I said smiling at him. He smiled back at me and we continued to sit there as time passes. Nick and Bobbie are still walking through the forest. Bobbie was anxious to see where this amazing guy she was with was taking her. Little did she know, he had stuff set up for the both of them. Bobbie thought the walking was hours long. She didn't mind it though. She loved being with Nick and being outside in such beautiful weather. Nick has this kind of nervous look on his face as they were walking.
"Are you alright?" Bobbie asked.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" Nick said in response.
"You look a little nervous thats all." Bobbie said.
"Ohh. Nahh, I'm fine. Trust me I am." he said with a huge smile. Bobbie smiled back at him. Nick was excited for Bobbie to see what he had planned for her. Bobbie had a feeling that they were getting real close to this place he was taking her to. A couple more minutes of walking and they should be at this place.
"We're here." Nick said with a small smile. Bobbie looked around then looked down to see a blanket and a picnic basket. She was really surprised to see all of this. She did not expect what she saw. She loved what Nick was doing for her.
"OMG Nick. This is amazing. How did you do all of this?" Bobbie asked.
"I called up Big Rob and asked him to do me a huge favor. Since he was off duty. He told me he was more than happpy to do this for me. He knew how much it would mean to me. I wanted to impress you." Nick was telling Bobbie.
"You went through all this trouble for me?" Bobbie said softly.
"Of course. I wanted this day to be very special." He said to her.
"Aw your such a cute romantic." Bobbie said. She did not know what else to say to him. "When is your next concert by the way?" she quickly asked him curiously.
"In two days. Why?" Nick said.
"Because I wanted to know if tomorrow my friend Fryz and her boyfriend could hang out tomorrow with us if we were hanging out." Bobbie said.
"You have a friend named Fryz?" he said seriously.
"Well her real name is Ashley but everyone calls her Fryz." Bobbie said laughing.
"Oh, don't I feel dumb now. And of course we can hang out tomorrow." Nick said.
"Aw your not dumb. Do not say that. But will it be alright for her and her boyfriend to come along?" Bobbie asked.
"Sure, who is her boyfriend?" Nick asked.
"Jared Padelecki. Do you know him?" Bobbie said.
"Yeah, me and my brothers happen to be really close friend with him. Oh yeah he did tell me he was dating this girl named Ashley." Nick said.
"Yeah thats her. Jared is a great guy. She really likes him a lot." Bobbie said.
"Yeah, he is a cool guy. He always talked about her when we hung out. He really likes her too. Anyway Let's sit down shall we." Nick said. They walked over to the blanket and sat down next to each other. Nick started to pull out the things he packed himself for this special day. He packed cute little finger sandwiches and other little goodies. 'Aw he is too cute.' Bobbie thought to herself. They had their picnic and Nick put the rest of the things that were not eaten back in the basket. They continued to sit there on the blanket just talking.
"I wanted to ask you something." Nick said to Bobbie.
"Yeah? What is it, you can ask me anything." Bobbie said.
"I know we have not known each other long, but I was wondering if you would consider going out with me?" Nick said shyly. Bobbies mouth dropped and she was speechless.
"Of course I would go out with you. I have liked you for years. This has got to be the best day ever." Bobbie said almost starting to cry.
"I am so glad. I wanted to make this day perfect for you." Nick said with a very large smile. She leaned over to give him a hug. He gave her a kiss and they sat there longer just talking about everything. Becca and Joe were just walking around the woods having fun. There were still holding hands. Joe did not have a place he wanted to take Becca. He just wanted to walk through the woods with her and just talking and exploring. Joe was talking to Becca and did not notice a tree root sticking out of the ground. As he was walking, he tripped and fell into a thorn bush.
"Ouch!" Joe yelled. Becca did not know what to do. She went over to help him. She stuck out her hand to help him up. He grabbed her hand she helped him out of the bush very easily. He had thorns all over him. 'Aw poor thing' Becca was thinking. She tried to help him get all of the thorns out. She looked down and noticed he was bleeding on his leg where the thorns ripped a hole in his pants.
"Aw Joe, your bleeding." Becca said. Joe looked down and realized he was.
"It looks like I am. I'm really starting to get used to falling and getting hurt." Joe said laughing.
"You do fall a lot I have noticed. But you always pull it off so well. How do you do it?" Becca asked.
"I do not even know. I guess I'm just so clumsy its something you get used to after falling. I should always carry the helmet Ellen gave me on her show." Joe said with a loud laugh. Becca could not help but to laugh at how goofy he was. Anything he said she laughed about.
"You know, I wanted to be a comedian instead of singing really. But I guess the singing thing just took control of itself." Joe said.
"Oh really? Why can't you still be a comedian?" Becca asked.
"I dont know. I'm always busy with Kevin and Nick with the touring and all. I dont really have time to do it that much. But I just do it for fun." Joe says. Becca gave him a big hug.
"What was that for?" Joe asked.
"For everything. For being you. For us meeting. You know everything!" Becca said. Joe and Becca are still standing in in a random part of the woods. But they both did not care. Joe leans in and kisses Becca and Becca kisses him back. Becca thought this was the most perfect date she has ever been on. She did not want this day to ever end. They were out there for maybe three hours tops. They lost track of time. Joe broke the kiss and looked at his cell and noticed how late it was. He was wondering if Kevin was waiting for him and if I was waiting for Becca. He decided to call Kevin up...
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THIS WAS AN EXTRA EXTRA LONG CHAPTER. hope you all enjoy this one. I enjoyed writing this one. and Fryz loves the fact she is in it now. and Bobbie just wishes this came true. Same with me. tell me what you think. enjoy.