A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Fourteen.

Joe hated bringing his cell phone on date, but he decided to have it just incase. He reached into his pocket and took his cell phone out. He started to dial Kevin's number. The cell phone kept ringing and ringing. It rang about seven times before Kevin finally picked up.
"Yo where are you man?" Joe said. Kevin was silent for a few minutes before he finally answered.
"Danielle and I are on our way back to the car. We were going to wait for everyone. Where are you?" Kevin said.
"I do not know. We're just walking around the woods. We're not in a particular spot. I was calling to see if we should be heading back to the car now and if you all were waiting for us." Joe said.
"Yeah, start heading back to the car. If we would be waiting for anyone, it would be Nick, you should know that." Kevin said joking.
"Yeah you're right." Joe said "For once." He said under his breath.
"What was that last thing you said?" Kevin said.
"Nothing. Just thinking out loud." Joe said.
"Whatever. We will meet you back at the car." Kevin said and hung up the phone. Joe and Becca starts to head back to the car. Kevin and I are walking back to the car when I see two people walking further up ahead. I thought maybe it was Nick and Bobbie or Joe and Becca. So I did not worry about anything. We start getting closer and closer to these people. I then realized it wasn't either of the couples I thought it was. These two people looked very familiar. As we got even closer, I happened to realize it was one of my best friends Alexis and there was this guy next to her.
"Alexis!" I screamed so she could hear me. She stopped and looked at me. I started waving and she waved back. I was wondering if that was her boyfriend standing next to her. I could not see him as far as I was from them. Kevin and I finally reached them and walked up to them.
"Hey Lehx." I said to her.
"Hey Danielle." She said looking at me then looking over at Kevin realizing who he was. She gave me the 'When did this happen?' look. I gave a second look at this guy with her and realized it was Shia Labeouf. I could not believe she was dating Shia and did not tell me. Well maybe it's even because I forgot to tell her about me dating Kevin. Kevin went and introduced himself even thought Alexis knew who he was.
"Hi, I'm Kevin." He said holding his hand out.
"Yes, I know, I'm Alexis and this is my boyfriend Shia." Alexis said. Kevin shook both of their hands.
"Shia this is Danielle my best friend. Danielle this is Shia" Alexis introduced us. I have been a big fan of Shia.
"Nice to meet you." Shia said.
"Nice to meet you too." I said.
"Nice day it is today. Beautiful even. Where are you guys headed to?" Alexis asked us.
"Kevin and I were on our way back to the cars. We have to wait for Nick, Joe, Bobbie, and Becca to meet us there too. Then afterwards we're probably going to go back to my house and hang out if you both would like to join us?" I said to them.
"Sure, we were actually just walking back to the car too. So yeah, I guess we will meet you back there?" Alexis asked.
"Yeah that sounds fine. We will see you there then." I said as we started walking away. We finally reached the cars and waited for the rest of the group to come back. My cell phone starts to ring and it is Bobbie calling.
"Yo, when are we leaving?" She asked me.
"We're waiting for you all to meet us back at the car. So start heading back now please." I told her. She agreed and we hung up the phone. Kevin and I just talked the whole time until Joe and Becca walked out of the woods. Then we waited another twenty minutes for Nick and Bobbie to finally appear. We switched up the cars this time. I drove Nick and Bobbie while Kevin drove Joe and Becca. I just wanted to get home and relax. We finally pulled up to my house. There was a black Escalade sitting in front of my house. I realized it was Alexis and Shia. Everyone got out of their cars and we all walked into my house. Bobbie, Nick, Becca, and Joe all introduced themselves to Alexis and Shia. Becca and Bobbie knew Alexis from school. We were all in my living room. I was sitting next to Kevin while Joe was next to Becca, Nick was next to Bobbie, and Alexis was next to Shia. We were all talking and having a grand old time.
"Danielle, Weenis can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second please." Bobbie asked.
"You have a friend named Weenis too?" Nick asked shocked.
"Well that is Alexis's nickname fun times fun times in school." Bobbie said.
"One question. Do you have a nicknames that I should know about?" Nick asked.
"As a matter of fact, I do. It's Boobsaa or Bubs." Bobbie said smiling.
"AWKWARD" Joe said.
"As Joe Jonas would say." Alexis said forgetting the real Joe Jonas was sitting in the room. The room was silent for a few minutes.
"Why do I always make the room silent?" Alexis said.
"Lets go to the kitchen now that we had fun for the day.." I said and we walked into the kitchen.
"You will never guess what happened today." Bobbie said all happy.
"What?" I said.
"Nick asked me out." She practically screamed it. I told her to be a little quieter. I could tell that she was more than happy. She was practically obsessed with him and now she is finally dating him. We walked back into the living room and sat back down with the guys. Hours passed and it was getting late. Shia had to get Alexis back home.
"Have a happy happy happy night." Joe said to Shia. As they were leaving I told Alexis to call me the next day to hang out with all of us. She said alright and they left. About another hour passed by. It was around 9:30 when Joe got a call from his mother. They were wondering what time they were going to be back. Joe told them they were going to be leaving very soon. He told his mother that they were at my house not to far from my house. Everyone just stood up together. I hugged and kissed Kevin. Joe put his arms around Becca and kissed her. Nick put his forehead against Bobbie's and then kissed her and hugged her. The guys left and went back to the tour bus. Becca had to go as well. So she left. Bobbie then called Fryz up to tell her how her day went. She dialed Fryz's number and it started to ring.
"Hello......" Fryz said.
"I have to tell you something that happened today." Bobbie said.
"Nick Jonas asked you out?" Fryz said.
"How did you know?" Bobbie said.
"I'm psychic." Fryz said sarcastically.
"Are you really?" Bobbie said believing her.
"No, are you for real?" Fryz said laughing.
"Oh, well you were right. But how did you know?" Bobbie said.
"I just had this big feeling that's all." Fryz said.
"We ran into Weenis and Shia Labeouf today. Remember Weenis?" Bobbie asked.
"Yeah I sadly remember her." Fryz said joking. "Wait did you just say Shia Labeouf?" Fryz then said surprised.
"Yeah, but are you and Jared hanging out with us tomorrow?" Bobbie asked.
"Yeah, let me call him and talk to him about it. I'll call him right now and I will call you back." Fryz said.
"Alright peace." Bobbie said. They hung up and Fryz called Jared and talked to him about it.About ten minutes later, Fryz called Bobbie back.
"Yeah, were going tomorrow." Fryz said.
"Alright thats cool. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow, bye." Bobbie said then hung up the phone. Then Bobbie and I start to talk about what we think is going to happen the next day. We finally fall asleep.
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hope you enjoy this chapter. you may recognize another celebrity in this one. : ] i personally have loved his acting for years. but yeah. Now Alexis is a part of this story. Alexis is one of my good friends for almost 4 years now. tell me what you think.