A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Fifteen.

Bobbie is the first to wake up. She checks her phone if anyone called her. She had a two missed calls from Nicholas and Fryz. She decided to call Nick back and talk to him for a bit. She programed him to be number two in her speed dial. She pressed two and started calling Nick. He answered on the third ring.
"Hey you." Nick said.
"Hi. What are you up to?" Bobbie said.
"Not much, I actually was just about to hop in the shower. Can I call you back?" Nick asked.
"Sure. I'll talk to you later." Bobbie said.
"Alright, bye." Nick said hanging up. Bobbie then decided to call Fryz back. She of course was number four in her speed dial. So she started calling Fryz. It rang and rang and she did not answer. So Bobbie closed her cell phone. She decided to turn on the television. She turned it on and there was a music video on. It was 'Monsoon' by Tokio Hotel. She started singing to it and was not singing very low. I started waking up because I heard her singing.
"Could you be any more louder?" I said.
"Want me to try?" Bobbie said laughing.
"HAHA your real funny. Some people actually like sleeping around here!" I said sarcastically. She laughed and continued to sing. I thought it would be funny to throw a pillow at her. So that is what I did. She went down with a thump.
"Oh real funny Danielle." She said.
"I know thats why I did it." I said smiling. She got up at punched me in the arm. We them got pillows and started hitting each other having fun. We we're acting like normal girls. My cell phone starts ringing. I get my phone and answer it. It is Kevin.
"Hey love." I said to him.
"Well good morning. How are you?" Kevin said to me.
"Pretty good. I just woke up. How are you?" I said to him.
"Doing good thanks. So what are the plans today?" He asked me.
"I do not know quite yet. It's up to you guys." I said to Kevin.
"Well my parents want to meet you, Bobbie, and Becca. So maybe we can all go out to dinner tonight?" Kevin said.
"Yeah that would be cool. Maybe we could all go to the movies or something if you want?" Kevin suggested.
"Yeah. That sounds good. Then maybe find something to do afterwards if there is time." I said.
"Sure. My parents said they wanted to go to dinner around 6:30 tonight if thats alright?" Kevin said.
"Yeah thats fine. Want me to tell Bobbie and Becca or is Joe and Nick going to call them?" I asked.
"I think Joe and Nick are going to call them." Kevin said.
"Oh ok. I cannot wait to see you! I miss you." I said to him.
"I miss you too." Kevin said.
"I have to go though. I'm going to go get a shower and get ready. When you leave, call me." I said to him.
"Alright, will do. I'll see you later." Kevin said.
"Ok, bye I love you." I said to him.
"I love you too." He said and then hung up. I absolutely loved my life no doubt. I was talking to Bobbie for a bit and told her that I was going to get a shower then straighten my hair. She said it was cool and watched tv. I was in the shower for about a half hour. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel and my hair in a towel, then walked into my room. Bobbie was on her cell phone talking to someone. I was assuming it was either Nick or Fryz. I got dressed into a pink American eagle shirt and faded jeans. I put on a pair of white sandals. Then I went into the bathroom and started to straighten my hair. It takes me about an hour to straighten my hair perfectly. I walked back into my room and Bobbie started to talk.
"So tonight were going to meet their parents?" she said.
"Yeah, thats what Kevin told me." I said to her.
"Alright, well I have to get a shower now, so let me go do that." she said walking off into the guest bathroom. I walked over to my mirror and starting doing my make-up. I thought today would be so much fun hanging out with everyone. About twenty minutes later, Bobbie walks into my room wearing black skinny jeans with a red tank top and black sandals. She was lucky because she had perfectly natural straight hair. She had already did her make-up. We both were ready to have a fun night. We both made sure we look good. Bobbie and I called everyone and told them to meet up at my house at 12. Kevin called me and told me that him, Joe and Nick are in the driveway so I told them to come inside and we would all wait for the rest of the bunch to show up. As soon as Joe walked in the door I noticed he was wearing his red skinny jeans. I was assuming he loved those because he wore them so much. No later than that, Alexis and Shia walked in and sat down on the sofa. Becca showed up and walked inside and sat next to Joe. Then everyone hears the car door shut so it must have been Fryz and Jared, and it was. As soo as Fryz walked in the door, everyone went quiet and noticed Fryz wearing the same red skinny jeans Joe had been wearing.
"Hi everyone, nice to see you all too. You can blink anytime you would like to. Saying something would be great too." Fryz said. She realized Joe was wearing the same pants as her.
"AWKWARD." Joe said wit ha straight face.
"As, Joe Jonas would say." Alexis said forgetting Joe was in the room again. Everyone start laughing.
"Nice pants you got there Joe." Fryz said laughing.
"I could say the same for you." Joe said. Jared walked up to Kevin and started talking.
"So what is the plan for today?" Fryz said.
"We're going to the movies." I said.
"What are we going to see?" Jared asked.
"We don't know yet. We were waiting to see what everyone wanted to see." I said.
"I want to go see 21." Bobbie and Fryz said.
"Yeah I wanted to see that too." Nick agreed. Everyone agreed to go see the movie 21. So we all decided who was taking who. Shia drove Alexis, Fryz, Jared, and Becca. Bobbie, Nick, Joe, and I drove with Kevin. So we finally get to the movies theater and we park and go to get our tickets. Its my turn in line and I go to pay, when Kevin told me he would pay for me. I gave him a hard time, but finally let him pay for me. Joe and Nick did the same for Becca and Bobbie. Shia and Jared also bought their girlfriends tickets. So we all had our tickets and were ready to go inside. We walk inside and all decide to get popcorn and drinks. We buy two large popcorns and there were five large sodas. One for every couple. We go and give the guy our tickets walk to theater 9. We go inside and go to take our seats. We go up a few stairs and walk into the row. we go so we are all pretty much in the middle. Shia was at one end and Joe was on the other. We sat next to our guys and waited for the movie to start. Finally it came on and we sat there watching the movie. I was holding Kevin's hand, and I realized everyone else was holding hands too. The movie finally ended and we all went out to the lobby to figure out what was going on later. We all decided to drive back to my place for a bit. We get to my house and all go inside my house to talk. Fryz, Jared, Alexis, and Shia decided to go out for dinner that same night because they knew that we were going to meet the Jonas family. So the four of them said their goodbyes and decided to leave. It was around 5:00 PM and it was getting close to the time we got to meet their family. I was getting a bit nervous and you could tell that Bobbie and Becca were too. The three of us excused ourselves and went upstairs to make sure we looked presentable for the parents. We did then soon returned back downstairs. We soon left and Kevin drove us to this very nice restaurant. It was one of those very expensive ones too. So Kevin parked the car and we walked inside to meet up with their parents. As we walk in, I see their parents and Frankie standing there waiting for us.
"Right on time, lets go sit down, shall we?" Denise said. We all go and follow the waitress to our seats. We sit down at this table for nine people. Everyone introduced themselves and we all started talking. The waitress came over and asked us what we wanted to drink, so we all told her what we wanted and she left to go get them. She comes back with the drinks. Paul tells her we needed a few more minutes looking at the menu. So we all looked at the menus and decided what we wanted. The waitress comes back and we tell her what we wanted. She takes our order than walks away. So we all start talking again. I tell their parents a little about me and so do Bobbie and Becca. They seemed to like us. So that was a good thing. I look over for a second and i see Fryz, Jared, Alexis, and Shia walk into the resuraunt. 'Wow I never thought they would have came here' I thought to myself. Jared notices that we are there too. Their waitress seats them somewhat next to our table.
"Hey, long time no see." Alexis said to us.
"Yeah, hey. I did not know you guys were coming here for dinner." Joe said.
"We weren't, we were going to go down to the diner down the street but it was packed. So this was our other place in mind." Alexis said. We finished talking to them and got back to our conversation with the Jonas's. I started to talk to Frankie. He was so adorable. Our dinner finally came out and we started eating. Soon enough we were finished our meals and Paul asked for the check.
"I feel bad that they are paying for us." I said to Kevin softly.
"Don't worry about it. We asked you to join us tonight. So you are the guest." He said back.
"Alright." I said to him. He winked at me. Joe and Becca were talking and laughing. Nick and Bobbie were talking to Paul and Denise. Frankie was talking to Kevin and I. This had to have been a great night. Their parents were so nice and they were great. I told Kevin how our parents should meet theirs so they could get to know one another. He thought it was a great idea and told his parents and they agreed. So we talked about it and said we would find out when our parents were able to meet them. Paul paid for everything and we got up to leave. I told Alexis to call me later that night. Bobbie told Fryz to do the same. We said our goodbyes and walked outside.
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i hope you enjoyed this chapter. please leave comments and feedback.