A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Sixteen.

We got into the cars and went back to my house. We got to my house and got out of the car. It was getting late so the boys just walked us up to the door. I was next to Kevin, Becca was next to Joe, and Bobbie was next to Nick. I saw the guys look at each other and nod. I knew something was about to happen. Before we said our goodbyes, Joe started to say something.
"We have a concert tomorrow as you all may know. But we have something for you three. How would you guys like to be at the concert with us? We have three front row seats for you." The smiles on our faces lit up. Neither of us knew what to say to that. Bobbie, Becca, and I all agreed to go. This was going to be amazing to the max. The show was at 5:30 they told us.
"Will you girls like to come with us on the tour bus?" Kevin asked.
"We would love to. Just let us know what time to be ready by." I said.
"Al right I will call you tomorrow when I wake up." Kevin said and kissed my cheek. Joe kissed Becca and Nick kissed Bobbie. We said our goodbyes and we walked inside the house as the boys took off in Kevin's car. Becca asked is she could sleep over and I said it was fine. She called her mom to ask if it was alright and her mom said she could. Becca had to drive to her house first to get some clothes. So she left and came back about a half hour later. We were all excited to be going to this concert. In the morning we were planning on going shopping for new clothes for the concert. We stayed up all night talking about our whole day and how much our day will rock tomorrow night. I called Alexis and Bobbie called Fryz and talked to one another for a while. Becca was the first to fall asleep while we were all talking. then I fell asleep then finally Bobbie. Before we knew it, it was morning. I was the first to wake up. It was 9:30 when I got up. I woke the other two up because we had to get ready to go shopping before the big concert that night. So we all get dressed and drove over to the mall. I wanted to go to Aeropostale while Becca wanted to go to American Eagle and Bobbie wanted to go to Hot topic. So we first went into Hot Topic. Bobbie picked out a black and red striped polo shirt with a black skirt. She then saw these red sunglasses that she adored so she also got a pair of those. She said how she needed to go to the shoe store to get a pair of shoes; we all needed to get new shoes so we did that last. Next we went to American Eagle. Becca found this pink tank top that she loved and a pair of dark faded jeans. She bought that and then we went to Aeropostale. I found this cute orange and white polo with these black skinny jeans. Then we finally went to the shoe store to get some shoes to match with our outfits. I found these cute black shoes with little orange designs on them. Bobbie found a pair of striped black and red air walks. Becca found these pink and black sandals that matched her outfit. We all had found THE perfect outfit for the concert. We walked around the mall a little bit more and then went back to my house to start getting ready. We all got showers and were dressed, had make-up on and ready to go for when the guys call. So we were just sitting around talking when Bobbie gets a phone call from Nick. He told her that they were on their way. It was around 12:30 when he called. About 15 minutes later, they pulled up in the tour bus in front of my house. I told my parents goodbye and I would be home later that night. We walked out the door and got onto the tour bus. This thing was huge. You could probably fit a whole army on this bus. We said hello to their parents and they told us that there were in the back. So we walked to the back of the bus to where they were.
"Surprise!" Bobbie said as we walked into the room. They all looked surprised.
"When did you get on here?" Joe asked.
"About a minute ago. Why?" I answered.
"Just wondering. Neither one of us heard you come on the bus." Kevin said. We all started laughing. I walked over to Kevin and gave him a hug. Bobbie walked over to Nick and hugged him then kissed him. Becca went over to Joe, and Joe put him arms around Becca and she did the same with him.
"Are you excited for the concert tonight?" Bobbie asked Nick.
"Yeah. Should be fun. Especially with you all here." Nick said smiling. My phone suddenly started ringing and it was Alexis. I gave them a sorry face.
"Hello." I said.
"What are you doing later tonight?" Alexis asked.
"Um, Bobbie, Becca and I are going to the guys concert. Why?" I asked her.
"Because I wanted to know if you all wanted to hang out with me and Shia." Alexis said.
"Im sorry. Maybe another day we could?" I said.
"Yeah yeah whatever." She said with an attitude.
"Whats with the attitude?" I asked her.
"Im just getting really mad thats all." She said pissed off.
"Why? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.
"No, it's just that you, Bobbie, and Becca spend so much time with the guys that we barely can hang out because your so busy with them." Alexis said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realize that. Ok, how about we plan a weekend where it will be no guys just us girls and we can all hang out and have a sleep over?" I asked her in agreement.
"Yeah, that sounds fine. But hopefully it will stay that way for the night." She said cocky.
"Yeah. Alright sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. Ill give you a call later okay?" I said.
"Yeah yeah. Bye." She said then i heard a click. So i hung up my phone and looked at everyone.
"Who was that?" Bobbie asked.
"It was Alexis. She seemed a bit mad." I said.
"Why whats going on?" Becca said.
"A lot with her." I said giving the girls the "shut up" look. Just then I got a text from Bobbie. It read, 'What is really going on with her?' I pressed reply and wrote 'She is just mad because we always spend time with the guys and not her.' I pressed send and sent the message. She got it and just looked at me. It was quiet for about five minutes. I was sitting down on the couch just thinking about what was going on. Kevin came over and sat down next to me. He put his arm around my waist and I just put my head on his shoulder. Joe, Becca, Nick, and Bobbie were off doing their own thing as me and Kevin just sat there. He looked at me as I looked at him. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back just then, Joe walks in.
"AWKWARD!" He said with the look to go along with it. I pulled back from Kevin and looked at Joe and chuckled.
"Hope I wasn't interrupting anything." Joe said sarcastically then started laughing.
"Noooooo........." Kevin said laughing. I started laughing and everyone walked into the room and wondered what had just happened. I was still sitting next to Kevin with his arm around me when everyone started talking to one another. Nick was waiting for the perfect moment to tell Bobbie something and he decided he would announce it at the concert. Joe was slow when it came to things like this. He did not know what to think about anything going on. He and Becca were pretty much in their own little world. Just then their dad said that we arrived at the place the concert was going to be at. So we all got up and started walking towards the front of the bus. We all finally got off the bus and walked into the building.
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Tell me what you think of it. What do you think Nick is going to tell Bobbie? The world may never know. : ] One more chapter after this. Enjoy.