A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Four.

Kevin looks over to me and starts to lean in. I close my eyes and lean forward til our lips meet. This was a deep and meaningful kiss. I never wanted this night to end. I broke the kiss off to speak.
"You mean the world to me, you know that. Your so perfect." I said to him.
"If i could, i would spend the rest of the night with you and hold you close to me and never let go." Kevin said in a low voice. We were cuddling and we fell asleep in each others arms. Joe and Becca were asleep on the couch also. Becca suddenly starts to wake and and realized that she was in the arms of Joe. 'Aw he looks so cute when he is sleeping' she thought to herself. She carefully looked at her cell phone not realizing it was about 3AM.
"OMG its 3AM i have to get home! Where is Danielle?" Becca yelled. Joe started to wake up and ask her what was wrong.
"Joe its 3 in the morning and i was supposed to be home by 12. AHH my parents are going to kill me. I have to go get Danielle." Becca said freaking out. Danielle and Kevin were still asleep on the sofa. Well that is until Becca runs in and wakes them both up. Joe of course was still half asleep and did not know what was going on.
"Danielle it's 3 o'clock in the morning. We have to get going! We were supposed to be back by 12." Becca said. I am half asleep and i did not know what to say. It did not function in my mind yet what was going on. All of a sudden it clicked in my mind that we were going to be in so much trouble. I quickly got up.
"Danielle i never got your number. Here is mine." Kevin said as he and I swapped numbers. Becca and Joe did the same. We also got Nicks number just to have. We both didn't want to say goodbye to our guys. This was definitely a night i never wanted to end.
"Becca before you leave, I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?" Joe said anxiously. Becca ran up to him and kissed him with passion.
"You can take that as a yes." Becca said smiling. I went up to Kevin and hugged him with everything i had, and he hugged me back.
He whispered in my ear, "I will never forget this as the first day I met the girl of my dreams." I turned my head about to cry and looked into his eyes and kissed him. He broke the kiss and kissed my forehead.
"Call me when you get home." Kevin said to me. I nodded in agreement. He then winked at me and smiled. Joe and Becca did not want to leave each other. They clung on to each other like there was no tomorrow. Joe and Becca kissed for it seemed like an hour.
"Don't forget to call when you get home also. I want to make sure you got home alright." Joe said in concern. All Becca could do was nod and smile at this wonderful guy she was in love with. I went over to Nick and hugged him. Becca did the same. We went to leave when...
Kevin said, "Here let us walk you to the car." Me and Becca smiled so big. They really cared about us and we had just met them. But this could not get any better. So the guys walked me and Becca out to the car. Kevin opened the drivers car door for me. I kissed his cheek.
"Thank you. Your the greatest guy ever" I said as i went and sat in the car. He made sure that i was securely in and shut the door for me. Joe walked to the passenger side with Becca and opened her car door for her. She kissed him goodbye.
"Thank you, your such a gentleman. Can't wait to see you soon." Becca said to Joe. Joe winked at her and shut the door for her. The guys waited there until they left and then they went into their tour bus. They walked past their little brother Frankie crashed on the couch. Their parents sleeping or so they thought. So as soon as they walked into their little rooms.......
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i think i wrote this cute. what do you think? i hope you like it. tell me what you think.