A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Six.

I woke up at around 9 in the morning and was really really tired from everything with last night and this morning. I decided to let Becca sleep and decided to call my friend Bobbie and tell her what all happened the previous night. She is in love with Nick of course. I dialed Bobbies number, and about the fourth time it rang, she answered.
"Hello." she said sounding like she just woke up.
"OMG Bobbie you will never guess who me and Becca hung out with last night." I said excitedly.
"It's not like you hung out with the Jonas Brothers or something." she said sarcastically.
"Haha funny story. You see, me and Becca had tickets to their concert last night. It just so happens that we hung out with them backstage until like 3 in the morning." I told her. Bobbie gasped really loud.
"Are you kidding me?" she said shocked.
"No. I'm even dating Kevin! OMG can you believe it, I'm dating the love of my life. Becca is dating Joe also." I told her.
"OMG I hate you! Wait what about Nick? Is he single or is he taken do you know?" She asked me.
"I believe he is still single. That would be cute if you guys dated. Me and Becca might be hanging out with them tomorrow. Maybe i will come pick you up and you can go to? I suggested.
"Yeah, definitely. That would be awesome." She said happily.
"Alright well I have to go. Ill call you later with details." I said.
"OK bye." Bobbie said before hanging up the phone. Bobbie was imagining herself dating the love of her life Nicholas Jerry Jonas. She had a huge smile on her face. I put my phone down and looked over at Becca who was sleep asleep. So I walked downstairs into the kitchen to get something to eat. My parents were sitting at the table and stared at me as I walked into the room.
"So how was your night last night?" my mom asked me.
"Mom it was amazing. We hung out with the boys after the show and I am kind of sort of dating Kevin." I said with the biggest smile on my face. My dad just gave me the 'ARE YOU CRAZY' look.
"You just met him last night and you two are dating!?" My dad said.
"Well I have had a huge crush on him for the longest time, and my dreams finally came true. Can you please be happy for me please?" I asked.
He just smiled at me and nodded. "Oh and Becca is dating Joe as well, And I'm going to try to get Bobbie to meet Nick, It's going to be perfect." I added on.
I walked over to the fridge and opened the door and grabbed the orange juice. Then I got out a cup and poured a glass of juice and put the carton back. I drank my orange juice, and then left the room and walked back upstairs to my room. I saw Becca slowly opening her eyes. She yawned and then stretched.
"Morning." She said in a low voice.
"Good morning star shine." I said back to her.
"I talked to Bobbie this morning and I told her we met the boys and are dating them. I told her I was going to try to hook her and Nick up. I didn't tell her the part about us being there until 3 though." I finished.
"Oh, I wonder what she will say to that." Becca said.
Just then I hear 'World's spinning round, There's no sign of slowing down. So won't you take a breath?' and its my cell phone. I look at who is calling and it was Kevin. My heart skipped like five beats. I had a hugeee smile on my face and went to answer the phone...
"Good morning." he said to me.
"It's a very good morning indeed." I replied.
"How are you doing this fine fine morning?" he asked me.
"I am doing fine thank you. I miss you already though." I said to him.
"Aw, yeah I miss you to. I just wanted to call and say good morning. Joe said he is about to call Becca. Is she up yet?" He said.
"Yeah she is up. Are you excited about the concert tonight?" I asked him.
"Yeah I guess. I mean our fans are awesome and so supportive. I wish you could be there." he said.
"Aw I know I wish I could be there toooo. You guys will be great I know you will." I said.
Smiling Kevin said, "Your great, you know that?"
"I'm not that great." I said to him.
"Yes you are. your amazing." he said.
"Aw, thank you. So are you." As I started talking Bobbie was calling on my other line. "Hun can you hold on a second? My friend is on the other line?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." He said. I clicked over to the other line.
"Hello." I said.
"Hey can I come over please? I just got in a fight with my parents." she said crying.
"Yeah sure, want me to pick you up?" I asked.
"Sure, if you want." she said as her voice cracked.
"Alright, I'll be over in a few." I said hanging up with her and switching back to Kevin.
"Babe, I'm sorry I have to go, my friend Bobbie is crying because she got in a fight with her parents." I said sadly.
"Its fine, I should get going to because I have to get ready for tonight. I'll try calling you later." He said to me.
"Alright. Byeeee." I said.
"Bye." He said before hanging up.I hung up the phone and told Becca what happened with Bobbie and that I had to go pick her up. She understood and went back to lay down when her phone rings.
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wow this chapter is kind long. haha but that is more for you all to read. hope you enjoy. let me know what you think. (: