A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember - Chapter Eight.

A car came and crashed into the side of the car. Bobbie and I were both knocked unconscience. The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed with an ivy in me. I had a throbbing headache. I looked around for Bobbie and she was not anywhere near me. I look and see my parents and Becca.
"How did I get here? Where is Bobbie at?" I asked.
"The ambulance took you both here. Your car is totaled. You guys were both lucky you were wearing your seat belts. Oh and she is in the room next to you. How are you feeling? Are you ok?" my mother asked worried.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I am kind of in pain though. How is Bobbie is she ok?" I asked.
"Yeah, she is sleeping now. The doctors said that she will be find, just some bruising inside and out." my mother told me.
"Danni guess who came to see you when they heard the news?" Becca said all excited. The next thing I see is Kevin walking into my room with a bouquet of white roses. I almost started to cry.
"Hey how are you feeling? I rushed over here as fast as I could when Becca called me and told me what happened. I don't want anything to happen to you." Kevin said as he walked over to the bedside and handed me the flowers. I smelled the flowers and thought that this was the best thing anyone has ever done for me. He was definitely the best guy in the whole world. He actually cared about me. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. Then he sat down in the chair next to me and held my hand.
"Aw you are the best. These flowers are gorgeous. Thank you so much." I said to him with a huge smile. All of a sudden Joe and Nick both walk in the room. They had worried looks on their faces. Joe walks over to Becca and puts his arms around her waist. Nick just stands there.
"I'm fine really. I'm just a little sore. I'll be out of here today probably." I said.
"No sorry sweetie, the doctors said you have to stay here for the night. Just to make sure you are alright." my dad said. I gave him a look.
"Aw. I will not be here alone will I?" I said.
"No, you won't be. I'll stay with you all night, right by your side." Kevin said.
"No you cannot! You guys have your concert tonight. Do not cancel it because of me. I dont want it to be my fault. I'm fine do not worry about me. My parents will be here with me." I said.
"I want to though. I want to be by your side. Holding you hand." Kevin said to me.
"Aw your so cute." I said with a huge smile on my face.
"We want you to feel better Danielle." Joe said to me. I love how there are people who care about me.
"Thank you Joe. That means a lot." I said to Joe. Joe sits down on one of the chairs and tells Becca to sit on his lap. Becca goes and sits on his lap and waits in the room.
"Nick, can you do me a huge favor?" I asked Nick.
"Yeah sure, what is it?" he said.
"My friend Bobbie is a huge fan of yours. I was wondering if maybe you could go into her room and surprise her?" I said.
"Sure, where is her room?" He asked.
"She is the next room on the left." my mom told him. Nick walks out of the room and walk to Bobbies room. He walks in and walks up to her bedside. She is still sleeping it looked like. Nick just sat down in the chair in the room. He was going to wait until she woke up and surprise her. He thought it would be nice if he got her flowers and a balloon. So he walked out of the room and went to the gift shop. He got a blue balloon with the writing 'GET WELL SOON' on it, and some flowers. He bought them and he walk back to Bobbies room. He sat down in the chair in the room and waited. Finally about an hour later, she started to open her eyes. To her surprise Nick Jonas was sitting in the room with flowers and a balloon for her. Her jaw pretty much dropped.
"Hey finally you are up." Nick said walking over to her giving her the flowers and balloon.
"OMG YOU'RE NICK JONAS!" Bobbie yelled in excitement. She tried moving, but could not. She was in so much pain.
"Yes I am. And you are Bobbie am I correct?" Nick said.
"Y-Y-Yes." Bobbie said. She could not believe that the love of her life was sitting in a chair in her hospital room.
"Okay, good. How are you feeling?" he asked. 'OMG he is soooo cute. How did I get so lucky?' Bobbie thought to herself.
"I feel perfectly fine since I woke up to you here. I think you might have just made my day." Bobbie said with a big smile.
"I think you just made my day perfect as well." Nick said to Bobbie. Hearing those words come out of Nicks mouth made Bobbie want to get up and hug him so much. She could just kiss him right then and there. When Nick first saw Bobbie sleeping, he thought she looked like an angel and she was gods gift. Bobbie though that Nick was the most amazing guy in the whole world. His voice made her melt right then and there. Bobbie looks over at the door because she see's Joe and Becca watching what was going on in the room. Becca and Joe noticed that they were caught and walked into the room.
"Hey Bobbie, how are you feeling?" Becca asked.
"I'm fine. Thanks. How much of all that did you hear?" Bobbie said.
"Well unless there was more before the whole Nick giving you flowers and a balloon thing, then everything." Joe said laughing a bit.
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bamm! what a surprise right? Bobbie and I cannot listen to please be mine in the car anymore because we are afraid it might actually happen. haha. tell me what you think. enjoy.