Not Yet

A Promise

Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre were walking towards the alley, when a car zoomed by and they jumped out of the way just in time.
"Watch where you bastards are going!" the driver yelled.
"Fuck you too!" all three of them yelled, before giving him the finger.
"That was close." Tre exhaled.
"Yeah way too close." Billie agreed. He still had that 'feeling' and he didn't like it. It was a strange feeling, like something bad was going to happen. He had no idea just how right he was.

After dodging a few more cars and showing the finger a couple more times, the threesome were near the entrance of the alley.
"Hey, I think Mike was right, I can see the street waaay over there." Tre pointed.
"See Billie I was right, now come on and stop being so afraid." Mike said, having noticed the abrupt change in Billie Joe's behavior. Billie looked at him hesitantly before walking on.They must have been 6 feet from the exit of the alley, when Billie Joe suddenly stopped in his tracks. He had that feeling again and it was more distinct than ever. Mike also had this feeling but he chose to ignore it.
"Come on Billie we are almost there. Nothing bad is going to happen, didn't I promise that? After all what could happen?" Mike asked trying not to sound worried. All comfort vanished at the sound of a gun clicking... not just one gun, but three...