Not Yet

You Really Don't Want To Do This

"Come on you really don't want to do this." Mike said gesturing to John's gun.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," John said, shrugging, an evil grin on his face, it was time to teach all of them a lesson.
"Besides Mike I really don't like you." he said shooting his gun. Mike stumbled back from the force and reached a shaking hand to his arm and drew it back in blood beginning to feel dizzy.
"What the FUCK!" Billie yelled, too shocked to move anything but his mouth. He felt guilt all throughout his conscience for being the only uninjured one. He looked at John, who looked back into Billie's fury filled green eyes. For a moment John wanted to run, to run so far away. He regained his posture though remembering he had a gun. Anger rose in him as he felt something wet hit him in the face. He wiped Billie's spit off and looked at Billie Joe, who still stood unfazed, defying. Without warning he kicked Billie in the stomach forcefully, and rejoiced when the guitarist bent over forward, gasping for air. Billie was taken by surprise when John kicked him in the stomach. There was no oxygen in his body and when he felt like would suffocate, sweet air filled his lungs. The wounded Mike walked to his friend, but stopped when John's gun was focused on him again.
"I'm fine Mike, just do what he says." Billie managed to say picking himself off the ground, and standing his ground once again.
"Your boldness doesn't match your size does it now, Billie?" John snarled angrily at Billie's renowned defiance. "Well you really are a brave idiot, betcha probably afraid so you really aren't courageous after all." John said thinking that he had outsmarted Billie.
"Courage isn't lack of fear, but to get over it." Billie said through clenched teeth.
"Someone is feeling brave today, aren't we?" John asked, his anger having sparked again.
"Just let my friends go, they have nothing to do with our past problems." Mike said, hoping to put some reason in John's head.
"So you think this is about our past problems do you?" John told Mike with a sneer. "You have no idea what that bullet was dipped in, do you? Are you feeling dizzy? Because if you are its not just your dislike of blood." John muttered, then grinned. Mike couldn't say anything, but run to Tre who had been quiet all this time. Tears formed in Mike's eyes as he frantically shook his still friend.
"Tre, TRE! Wake up man, you can't leave Bill and me. You gotta wake up." Mike whispered and stopped shaking Tre when there was no response. He didn't even think to check Tre's pulse. had he checked the drummer's pulse he would have found that Tre was still alive. Had he done that he probably wouldn't have been blinded by fury and sadness and acted without thinking. Had he listened to Billie they probably wouldn't have been in this mess. They may have probably been able to stop what happened next...