When It All Goes Wrong.

When It All Goes Wrong - Chapter Two.

Nick and I we're still talking when Joe and Alexis got out of the pool. Joe walked over to us and saw the look on Nick's face. He knew he must have told me about what's wrong with him. Alexis walked over to us to and she sat on one of the chairs next to mine and Nick's. I looked over in the corner or my eye and saw Amanda looking over at Nick and I and she seemed pissed off. Everyone else got out of the pool and we were all sitting on the deck. We all decided to go inside my house and get showers and get changed and maybe go to the movies. I was first to get in the shower. Then it was whoever claimed it next. Everyone rushed to the showers at the same time and Joe seemed to get in there before anyone else. Everyone sighed because they knew he was going to take the longest in the shower. Finally about after 45 minutes of waiting, Joe finally walks out.

"Finally, I thought you died in there." Kevin said trying to be funny.

"Ha-ha real funny." Joe said shaking his head and his hair going all over. Amanda got in next and she took her time as well. Next it was Kevin, then Nick, Ashley and finally Alexis. After we were all done and were all dressed we went and sat downstairs in my living room. Nick and Amanda sat next to each other. Joe and Alexis sat next to each other. Kevin and Ashley sat next to each other.

"What do you want to do now?" Alexis asked.

"We should go see a movie." Nick suggested. Everyone sat there and thought about what we should go.

"What would we go see?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know, but that movie Get Smart looks really good. Does anyone want to see that?" Nick said. Everyone spoke up and said that they wanted to see that movie. So we all agreed to that movie and we went to leave. I went in the kitchen and told my mom that we would be back later. She said it was fine and we left. I drove with Kevin, Alexis and Ashley. Joe drove Nick and Amanda. We met up at the movies and the guys bought all of our tickets. I looked to my left and saw Kevin's girlfriend Rebecca walking up the steps to the ticket stand. Kevin walked over to her and hugged and kissed her. They then walked back holding hand and stood in line to get tickets. Kevin bought Rebecca's and Ashley's. I was next so I walked up to the guy to start telling him what I wanted. Nick walked up and told him three tickets to Get Smart. I looked at him and shook my head.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"Because I can. You're my best friend and I'm allowed." He said with a smile. I looked down for a second and saw that Amanda grabbed Nick's hand and smiled at me. Wow she was being quite rude but whatever. Joe of course bought Alexis's ticket for her. We all had our tickets and walked inside to the lobby. We had some time to waste so we just went over and started playing some games. I challenged Kevin to a speed boat race and he gladly accepted it. We put $.50 in the machines each and started playing. I was way ahead of him in the game. Everyone but Rebecca was cheering for me. Rebecca of course was cheering for Kevin. I guess everyone wanted to see Kevin get beat by a girl. Of course it happened, I beat him. He gave me a high five and congratulated me. We all played a few more games and went to the concessions stand. We all got two large popcorns; Kevin got a large drink that he and Rebecca shared. Nick got a medium diet coke. Amanda looked at him with a look like 'I don't like that.' She just got a small sprite. Joe got his soda and Alexis got herself one too. Ashley got her Cherry Coke that she loves. We all grabbed our things and walked over to go to the theater. We gave our tickets to the guy and he pointed us to the theater we were supposed to go to. We got there and all walked in. We decided to sit in the middle of the middle. It was great seats. We sat there until the movie started. This girl walked in and Joe looked at her like he never looked at someone before.
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